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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. I'll take the win but the D looked like shit.
  2. He should be 100% or near 100% following the bye week. I'm also wondering if we'll start to hear talk about Chris Williams after the bye week.
  3. I think it was the right choice having Vasher/Tillman sit. They'll be 100% following the bye week and that will be huge, imo. I expect the Bears to explode out of the bye week. We'll have Hester and Lloyd at near 100% plus our starting secondary back. Graham/McBride both got valuable experience as well which should make them more effective in the future.
  4. I see Devin having a 7 catch 100+ yard, 1 TD game.
  5. I was at the Falcons game and am still pissed and in shock, LOL.
  6. Texas just drubbed Mizzu. They are clearly the #1 team in the country as of this moment and Colt McCoy is the big time front-runner for the Heisman.
  7. Harris has been downright horrendous this season. And I might terrible. He was pretty bad most of last season and is even worse this year. If he's healthy and playing like this, he's done. If he's hurt, he's still probably done because his injury hasn't exactly been getting better the past couple years. The Bears are going to end up massively regretting giving him that fat contract before he proved his health and they'd be better off for the time being with Dusty/Harrison as the starters. I may be a little ridiculous but Lovie needs to just ignore the comments and say nothing, but the tape doesn't lie and Harris has looked like piss.
  8. It'll give Bennett a chance to show all that preseason hype was worth something.
  9. The offensive line still has a ways to go, but its great having a complete back like Forte. Jones is a rock solid backup and I was glad to see the Bears got Jones a lot more carries this past week. I expect to see him continue get more and more carries and that should help keep Forte fresh for the whole season (which hopefully includes a SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONSHIP).
  10. He's at his best split out in the Wide Out position. I think they should do it a lot more often too. He's too big to be covered by a CB and too fast to be covered by an LB.
  11. Anyone know if Brandon Lloyd is going to play?
  12. I'm definitely not attracted. She looks like Condolezza Rice and I certainly wouldn't be stooping her.
  13. Nothing too big ended up happening. I'd say it was overall a draw or very close to a draw, but that means that Obama technically won (since he is the current front-runner).
  14. I'm a big fan of the bar just off of Los Feliz called the Griffin. Its kind of trendy but the bartenders always give us some stiff drinks.
  15. Harris is probably never going to be the player he once was. His knee has been bad year over year and those types of injuries just don't magically get better. Harrison/Dusty sounds good to me.
  16. I'm down South in Orange County (Irvine) but I have quite a few friends in LA that we tend to vary who heads where so I'm thinking this could be a cool thing to head up to them for. That food sounds pretty tasty and would definitely be different than the types of food we have.
  17. The Bears actually lost Colvin because of the Holdman check box fiasco. That fiasco with Holdman meant that the Bears had to give Holdman a long term deal with more guaranteed money than they ever intended to. This left the Bears unable to offer Colvin the contract he was looking for and he inevitably hit free agency and got the fat deal from New England. Colvin was a tremendous linebacker but injuries obviously got the best of him in New England.
  18. And even after all the signings we still didn't know if we had a legitimate WR on the roster and currently you could make a case that we have "1" solid WR on the roster (Lloyd). Thank you Jerry Angelo, all because we didn't offer Berrian the franchise. Never has this franchise made a more assinine move than letting BB become an unrestrictred FA. This team's WR depth is absolutely atrocious and it put the offense in a position where all it could possibly do was fail. The fact that this team was actually spewing BS about Bradley being a #1 and just 3 games into the season he's already released should really show you just how little this squad has at the WR position. We have Brandon Lloyd, Rashied Davis (arena leaguer for a reason), Marty Booker (he can just retire), and Devin Hester (aka, dumb as rox). All I can say is its time to play Bennett a lot more since he actually has a future (unlike anyone on our WR Corps not named Lloyd and Hester (his contract guarantees he has a future in Chicago).
  19. Technically Mark Bradley was our #1, even after Booker was signed. Bradley than had another surgery and well I think we know how that story ended.
  20. I figure if McCain wins, I at least know that even when the country completely self destructs I'll at least be able to sit in my cardboard box and look at a picture of our vice president and get "excited". If Obama wins than when the country self destructs, I'll just have my cardboard box and nothing for me to look at or get excited about.
  21. I don't know why it took me so long, but I didn't realize we were both from SoCal. What type of food or specialities are considered lithuanian? I might just have to check this out.
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