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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. Chiefs run away with the mark of worse football team in the NFL.
  2. I've always said the Bears took a big chance on Hester. He doesn't deserve that type of money until he proves he could be a legit WR. I don't personally think he has the smarts to do it and I would have traded him for 2 1st round picks in a heart-beat. People forget that while Hester is a special returnman the Bears have had a good returning game for a few years before Devin (McQuarters & Vasher were both very good).
  3. Cowher has always brought in some innovative offensive guys though. Sure he sticks with the run but I always remember his offenses having some nice wrinkles (utilizing Randle El/Kordell/Hines Ward/etc). Bears will never get Cowher though because it would not only mean offering him about 7 mill a year for 5 years but the Bears would also have to fire Lovie and pay out the remainder of his deal (which would practically mean the Bears are paying 12M a year for there coach).
  4. Couldn't the Bears have reviewed it? I always though you could challenge a fumble even when ruled down by contact. Or was this the exact same as the Denver/Oakland game where you have the whistle rule. Bears lost this game because: 1. They couldn't pressure Griese. 2. They couldn't catch key passes (Rashied in OT) 3. Boneheaded Penalties (Peanut)
  5. All I can say is the penalties. Stupid penalties have been something the Bears have consistently done. I've also seen the Bears consistently lose games where they have outplayed the opposition. Those two areas are how coaches are defined and Lovie does a horrid job at both. His teams get consistently out-coached and thats why they end up losing games that they shouldn't.
  6. Come on, Orton completely underthrew the ball. Its one thing to underthrow on a jump ball when both the WR/CB are in the same spot, but in that instance Forte had a couple steps and a good pass and its a TD. I was chanting for Grossman for the first few quarters, but Orton did step things up and was better. He didn't hit many guys in stride, even in the 2nd half, but he did sucessfully go down field. At the end of the day, he made a great throw to Rashied who freakin whiffed on it and than of course there was that dumbshit penalty by Tillman. I realize he got punched but I don't care at all, you can't do something that freakin stupid. All that said, he still gets a C and thats not good enough.
  7. This game is going to come down to coaching and execution. I expect a low scoring game in which the team that does the little things wins the game. That doesn't bode well for the Bears who tend to make a lot of "mistakes". I like Lovie's ability to motivate and do a lot of things but I have not seen him be the type of coach that is able to get his playes to play "clean" games. Clean in the sense of cutting out stupid penalties, making bonehead mistakes. Hopefully the Bears players can go out and play a good game.
  8. If I were the Bucs, I'd be saying...Orton and Brandon Lloyd, WOW. Just saying
  9. Doesn't shock me. This guy showed some flashes. He has had serious attitude problems but its quite possible this time away from football could get his head on straight. Obviously its doubtful, but for a team like the Lions I don't see a problem taking a chance. Of course, you just have to make sure that he doesn't interfere with Kevin Smith, whom they think pretty highly of. On a sidenote, my manager at work is the brother and law of Marinelli and it turns out Marinelli was offered Millen's job during the prior off-season (not this off-season but the 07 off-season) but turned it down.
  10. Great stuff as always. I agree with bradjock though and felt it was a pretty routine tackle made by Harris. In no way shape or form was it the type of tackle or move that youd' expect to see a fumble on. On a sidenote, in case people are interested, Noots recaps are also being posted on this news site: http://www.chisport.com/index/?p=55
  11. The Bears will get beat by a good number of good offensive teams.
  12. The Bucs game is going to be a tough one. They have a great defense. It's going to be a big game for Orton since the Bucs will be able to limit Forte's production (the reality is they'll clock the box and Forte/Jones will have a lot of trouble which means Orton will have to win that game for Chicago).
  13. Rex's biggest flaw is his inability to audible around the blitz. I've finally decided that must be the reason why the oline does so much worse when Rex is in compared with Orton.
  14. That was an awesome win. Glad to see the Irish at 2-0. They still have a ways to go but at least it won't be as bad as last season.
  15. I think this is a great point. Jones was brought in to get carries. He has gotten very little. I realize Forte has been very productive but if the Bears are going to be good all season long they will have to protect Forte. If they don't, Forte will hit a big time wall and our offense will really be spinning. Hopefully the Bears are leaning hard on Forte early in order to give Jones a little more time to get to 100% and at that point we'll see Forte get a couple lighter games (15 carries with Jones getting about 15-20). And Brian, I won't say it again, the personal attacks stop right here. You disagree with a thread, state why, don't throw the poster under the bus.
  16. Orton managed the Bears into a loss. However, It would be bad for the team to go into a competition or even throw out Grossmans name right now. Orton gets at least 4 starts (most likely 6, unless he's hideous the next 2 games). At that point if Orton isn't making some improvements you might consider playing Rex. However, the reality is the Bears are riding on Orton. IF he fails, than Rex could come in, but regardless it means the Bears need to find a #1 this off-season. If Orton succeeds, than the Bears have there QB. Because of that you'll see them give Kyle every chance to succeed.
  17. Forte is great but so is my boy Jonathan Stewart. Man did Stewart look impressive. That said I can't complain about Forte, he looked great again.
  18. Turner really did do a great job in the 1st half though. He was very creative and the Bears were passing a lot early in the down's and really kept the Panthers off balance. In the 2nd half he got overly conservative but he made the calls that put the Bears in a position to score quite a few first half points (Olsen's fumble prevented some more). Heck, even in the 2nd half he still had a couple plays which if the players executed result in at least one more score.
  19. I feel Orton is much smarter on the field and he obviously out-smarted himself. The quick out was working all day and I hated the call but I won't kill Orton for it. That said, Orton almost seemed to be audible happy today. It was as if he thought he was Peyton Manning.
  20. Welcome aboard Vasher was a tremendous punt returner prior to the Bears drafting Hester. He also had a pretty darn nice return to put the Bears in a great spot to tie the game. Unfortunately the offense didnt do its job.
  21. I don't think any expert pegged the Bears as a playoff team entering the season. Maybe after the Colts win, but I'm definitely surprised they are 1-1 to start the season. Its what I keep telling myself considering I had zero expectations. They still have some major flaws. I really hope Orton can adjust and hit the intermediate route but he's never shown that ability in the NFL.
  22. Orton audibled out of a running play and called the quick screen. Blame him, not Turner for that particular play.
  23. There was the one bomb to Booker. However he threw a deep ball where Lloyd was underneath and the corner had everything over the top. If Orton was good he'd have underthrown that deep ball and Lloyd would have had an easy reception. Orton should watch tape of Eli/Plaxico who do a tremendous job of that. Oh and I must say, Lloyd was impressive. He was catching everything (including some tough catches where he bailed out Orton).
  24. Ron Turner had a tremendous first half of play calling. He got overly conservative in the 2nd half but I have to give him some credit to why the Bears had the lead in the first place. Therefor, as dumb as things were I can't put all the blame on him. Plus, I am curious as to how involved in the 3rd and 1 play call he truly was (did Orton check out of a play or did Orton actually call that screen pass). The 4th down play was horrendous as well (I just don't believe in handing to a guy in a huge situation unless its a guy you typically count on...ie Forte). Greg Olsen was horrendous. Those two fumbles directly lead to Panther points. They also prevented Bears points (especially in the case of the 1st fumble). Without those mistakes, Bears walk away with the win. Therefor Olsen is the first guy I blame. The second guy is Kyle Orton. He was absolutely horrendous in the second half. I've long said if he can hit the intermediate route, we'll be alright at QB. The problem is he has yet to ever show me he can hit a guy downfield. He missed at least 5 wide open 15 yard passes and than made about 5 more boneheaded downfield passes. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for a game or two, but if he can't hit wide open guys in the 15-30 yard range, he can't be quarterbacking. Expect to see more teams completely cram the first 10 yards of the field daring the Bears to go deep. The Bears have no deep threats and Orton is a horrible deep passer so we'll inevitably see a very low yards per pass percentage.
  25. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0,1753860.story Stunning what has happened to this guy. He was on top of the world after beating the Trojans and winning the national title. Than in his rookie season he comes in and finds a way to lead his team to like 6 wins in 7 games. Now he's a complete mess and it looks like psychologically he's all messed up. It makes me wonder what would have happened to Young if he played in Chicago and had to deal with what Rex did. In fact, gives me a bit more of an appreciation for Rex. Rex clearly didn't make it as the QB we thought of, but he always had a good attitude and gave it his all and is again trying his best to be a serviceable backup for the season.
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