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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. I'll go more in depth on my game thoughts tomorrow, but damn did Orton look fantastic. Good juice on his throws, tremendous pocket presence, and great decision making. Hell of a game Kyle!!!
  2. I've seen absolutely nothing out of Marty Booker, so I'd be perfectly content releasing Booker and opting for Horn (who has been a better receiver than Booker over the course of his career, imo).
  3. It sucks for Kyle though. He's going to have to work with this oline and lack of a receiving core. I've said it for the past couple years but its pretty hard to truly evaluate the Bears offense given the lack of talent the QB's have had to work with (even in the SuperBowl year, that wasn't what I'd call a talented offense). Berrian emerged, Jones was a solid back, and Rex really did do one hell of a job (but it wasn't as if we had a studly WR corps or a game-breaking RB).
  4. The Bears made it seem like the QB's started on an even slate. I personally don't have a problem with ORton being a slight favorite (given he hasn't had the opportunity that Rex has) but the Bears didn't tell Rex that was the case. There is absolutely no way anyone can convince me that Kyle earned the starting job. Kyle looked like shit on Saturday. He was high with all bunch of his throws and twice threw balls that could have easily been picked and taken back for 6. He was bailed out by some nice plays by his receivers and the fact that he actually had time. Rex looked much better on Saturday than Kyle. However, Rex didn't look good as it would have been impossible for him to do such. Bottom line no one is going to tell me that Kyle outplayed Rex. I also think both QB's got screwed by the fact that each of them should have gotten full halves to work with (it was pretty tough for either of them to truly work themselves into a rhythm). One week one player gets a full half in the first with the other player getting the opposite. Than in the 3rd game if neither have proven themselves, give each of them the same task (and give the one whose up in the competition another go against the 1st stringers). Lovie has dissapointed me a lot with the way he's handled certain issues going back to last season (a season where I felt the Bears played as if they had alreayd won the game pretty much every weak and that attitude bit them in the ass). To an extent that attitude is still there as I constantly hear the defensive players talking about how they'll show up and start bringing it week 1. That cocky bullshit attitude has to go considering the defense sucked last season. I'll say this, Kyle would have a disaster of a Saturday had he been in the same spot as Rex (just as Rex did when he was getting hammered). So would Tom Brady and practically any other QB.
  5. Its pure bullpucky. Wish it were true, but its crap.
  6. Lovie never tells you the darn truth with injuries. How many minor injuries or this guy will play this week have the Bears had with the go only to have a major surgery or not play (despite being listed as probable) for weeks at a time.
  7. People were saying they wanted a fair battle but in the end it wasn't fair and it worked to Orton's benefit. No one will tell me Kyle actually won the job, more so Rex had to go out and take it from him and if he didn't it was going to be Kyle's. Sucks for Rex cause I really like him and hopefully he'll prepare and be ready to come in if Kyle goes down or struggles. But now that Kyle is the man, I'll do nothing but root and cheer and hope he proves me wrong.
  8. I couldn't disagree with you more Bradjock? Olsen has phenomenal hands for a TE. In fact I still don't understand why the Bears don't do a lot of 2 TE sets where the ultimately split Olsen out wide (essentially lining up as a wide-out) because its a total mismatch. Also, Davis projects to be a very good blocking TE so he could very well turn into our best all around TE in the future (Des is that right now though).
  9. Idonojie looks like a freaking stud. Between him, Harris, Harrison, Adams, and Dusty I'm very confident in the tackles this season (Which is a change from last season).
  10. Unless Bradley does something in a game, he'll be long gone. The guy hasn't done shit in the NFL. He's had a couple good games but the only thing he's really proven is that he can't stay on the field. It was a bad pick at the time and turned into an even worse pick (no one had Bradley graded as a 2nd round WR and I remember bitching and moaning when that selection was made). In fact, I actually believe the Bradley/Bazuin picks were the two worse picks of Angelos tenure (I say that because I can't put fault on Benson's selection, no one could have seen that). But Bazuin was a luxury pick (given we had no need at DE) and because of such JA had to hit to make it worthwile (cause the Bears had some needs in other areas which weren't addressed...COUGH OLINE). Bradley went with other much better WR's still on the board.
  11. I know I was part of the camp that talked and talked and talked about the Bears taking lineman after lineman in this years draft. I was the one who probably bitched more than anyone regarding our oline last off-season and the pure importance of taking at least 3 olineman with our first 4 picks.
  12. Brandon Lloyd looked pretty darn good. He's got to be one of the starters. Bradley is gonna get cut.
  13. The biggest mistake the Bears made was not franchising Berrian. This offense would be a lot different having a #1 WR. I realize Berrian isn't a #1 in the sense of TO/Johnson/etc, but he's an above average WR who would make the entire rest of the core better. Having at least one guy who can make the big play on offense would have been huge. And realistically they could have tagged Berrian and still did everything else this off-season (with the intent of letting BB walk). I'd have loved an offensive line signing but I realize Faneca got a ton of money and signing him would have impacted other areas (ie, in house guys who were resigned).
  14. Not me, I've dubbed this the worse offensive unit I've ever seen in the national football league. Just way too many question-marks throughout the squad and the biggest Q is a horrendous line. Tom Brady could be the QB and this offense wouldn't be in the top half of the NFL. Things could change but i feel awful for Kyle/Rex cause neither of them have much of a shot.
  15. All I can say is evaluate the throws. Rex was on the money with any throw where he had even some sort of time. He also got hurt by a drop early in the game (Bennet) which would have moved the chains and was hindered when Olsen ran a 3yd route when he should have been running a 5yd route (TE should be running the route on 3rd down to where the chains are). I noticed a couple things, Rex avoided the big mistake despite all the pressure (that pick had nothing to do with him) and I saw multiple times where he actually looked guys off and than threw to the other side of the field. It was pretty and something you didn't see out of Rex in the past. As a whole, didn't have any issue with his play given the terrible freakin blocking. Orton started the game terribly (if he threw a good pass on his first throw you'd be talking about a TD for the Seahawks cause it was a horrid read) but looked good later on and did do a nice job on the 2 minute drill. Overall, I still think Rex is the best QB on the roster but Orton has the slight edge on the job and barring a spectacular performance by Rex (or a horrid one by Kyle), he's got the job.
  16. Technically speaking he looked better to me. Didn't backpedal into disaster, but at the same time when guys are coming in front of him he isn't going to be able to step into a ball. I think people forget that most QB's under pressure will throw off there back feet. Some will have the ability to run and create something but we know Rex isn't going to do that (neither is Kyle). However, Rex just needs to not run back 80 yards before throwing or fumbling. Plus its hard to side step when most of the time the pressure was coming from absolutely everywhere.
  17. 2nd unit was one and they were blitzing less. The Seahawks are known as a blitzing defense and it appeared there 1st string was going to send a message. It sucked because Grossman got absolutely killed and all things considering he didn't do too bad (considering he had zero time to pass). When he had any opening he was throwing accurate passes.
  18. Technically speaking both Harrison and Davis had character issues which had them fall in the draft. Both had superior talent in comparison to where they went in the draft and I think both have very bright futures in Chicago.
  19. Gage had one really good looking season with the Bears. I always loved him (maybe cause he has the same first initial as me and the same last name as me). He had great size and good looking hands but kind of fell out of favor when Moose/Berrian took over as the 1/2.
  20. Given how much I bitched about the Bradley pick at that time (no one had him slotted to go that high in the draft) I would probably give that draft an F.
  21. The good news is since the Bears have no proven Wideouts we'll likely see all of the wide-outs get significant reps (aside from Booker/Hester) and that should be mean both QB's get to see similar WR's.
  22. The thing that sucks is, its going to be based on two preseason games. These guys are probably going to be pressing but I guess we'll see who the bigger man is.
  23. Yep, this is bad. Hopefully things clear up because I really don't think he can miss another pre-season game and be ready to start. And if he can't get any pre-season reps to learn the speed of the NFL it will make it that much harder to just insert him into games in the regular season (with little to zero pre-season experience).
  24. Orton had some sort of injury in the 2nd half of his big season. However, you can't compare the two's collegiate passing percentages as they played in completely different offenses (well at least to an extent). Both teams relied heavily on the pass, but Orton's offense was largely related to short quick passes where as Rex offense involved a lot more down field plays (and thus a great incompletion percentage). In fact, you won't find one scout in the NFL who will tell you that Orton is a more accurate passer than Rex. That much I can guarantee you. Rex is very very accurate, the problem is more with his reads and vision (which hurts him when it comes to the shorter routes). Hell I don't even think his reads are the problem, I think his issue with picks stems more from him being short and having poor pocket presence than anything else.
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