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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. Will people at least admit that Rex did show signs of improvement during his second stint last year. OF course I still fully believe he was unfairly benched early last season. I'm not saying Rex didn't play well, but the play of the oline and more specifically the absolutely horrendous poor calling (and costly drops) absolutely killed Rex. Rex is by far the best QB on the roster and I think he'll prove it during training camp and more so in the preseason games.
  2. Truthfully when you judge any pick you have to factor in the situation. Ie, how many picks were thrown because of the QB or because of the oline crumbling (although you should factor in that if one QB throws less picks when the defense is collapsing that should be considered a major strength for that QB) or the WR's running a poor route (or stopping the route or not deflecting a pass). Realistically this is something the coaching staff should know.
  3. You really can't use that rookie season to base any statistics for Kyle. Orton was running a dumb-down offense and threw absolutely nothing farther than about 10 yards. He was at very low risk to throw an interception, not to mention the team rarely had him throw the ball. I think we can all agree that we have to throw out Orton's rookie season when it comes to how bad the offense was with him (he wasn't ready to run the show and the Bears ran a dumb-downed offense, this made him put up atrocious QB numbers but did limit his INT's).
  4. Just wanted to point out that Orton has botched more snaps than Rex in camp thus far. Or at least based on the ones I've seen reported.
  5. I'm pretty sure Orton has fumbled a few more snaps than Rex this training camp. I don't know the exact count but its at least a few more. As far as I'm concerned its practice, this is the time to get it out of the way. I also know that the Bears have had issues with the QB/Center exchange ever since Olin has been here (its not just been with Rex). And I've seen it written multiple places that Olin doesn't snap the ball like a prototypical center does. Does that mean he isn't one of the best centers in the game, no, but by no means is he perfect as a football player.
  6. Sounds like there is a good chance Favre will stay retired. Apparently he sent a text to Ed Werder indicating that the Packers GM is doing everything he can and it hinted at the idea of him taking a job within the organization (in the marketing sense of things).
  7. I would definitely take him. He knows the Cover 2 system as good as anyone in the league and is a tremendous leader. Plus I like the odds that one of Lynch/Brown stays healthy the entire season which means the Bears will always have a leader in the secondary.
  8. Do you guys seriously think we have so much depth at WR. We have a total of TWO, count that TWO, WR 'swho has proven a freakin thing in the NFL. One of them is Lloyd who since emerging signed a fat deal and completely dissapeared for a couple of seasons in Washington. The other is Booker who is past his prime. So I don't quite agree with the fact that the Bears have ridiculous depth. And the Bradley character that gets hyped so much is the same player that even while healthy wasn't able to break what was considered a poor Bears WR Corp's. So ya, I'm not buying this depth argument one bit.
  9. I guarantee RMJ will be dealt. I can't blame him for being upset, he signed on with the Bears because he felt he'd have the opportunity to get significant time at CB. He is no longer getting that. However, instead of whining in public why not go out and bust your ass in the off-season and show that you aren't going to lose your job without a fight.
  10. A healthy Simms is as good as Grossman and better than Orton (I base that on my assumption that based on pure talent, Grossman & Simms are better than Kyle). So how are we going to make this leap of faith that Hanie is better than Simms. Could he be better a couple years from now, possibly, but if the Bears are planning on competing I don't see an issue with Simms. The issue is, the Bears already are having a major battle and this means Rex/Kyle are going to get almost all of the reps so if Simms or any other more proven 3rd stringer comes are they really going to get the reps necessary to get them comfortable and ready to play.
  11. If we plan on using Lloyd and Hester and the main reasons for the utilization of those guys is the deep threat, than shouldn't we have Grossman as the QB and not a QB who can't throw the ball downfield (ie, Orton). That said, I definitely agree with your train of thought and it makes me want to put on my Bears goggles hoping that Hester can make an immediate impact at wide-out and that Lloyd was just one of the many guys that dissapeared in Washington only to reappear after leaving.
  12. I tip my cap to Bradjock (i think it was Bradjock) who made a comment about how unimpressive Hill looked. Apparently Bears brass agreed with such assesment.
  13. Bennett. WR is our weakest area and he's shown good route running, speed, and above average hands. Its typically hard for a WR to make an impact, but the combination of the Bears lack of depth at WR and Bennett's skill set will help him make a nice impact this season.
  14. I really really hope Brown is able to stay healthy. I also hope that a healthy Brown is still the football player I remember cheering for. Brown has always relied heavily on his football instincts and not just pure athletism (not the greatest athlete) to be a great football player so hopefully that will mean that he'll still be able to produce at a high level despite suffering numerous significant injuries (which have to have had an impact on his athletism).
  15. He's still going to have to put it together on the field. But so far he's done everything right, from the way he handles the press to the way he's practiced on the field. I definitely like his skill-set and am excited to see what he can do at the NFL level. However, I think we all have to remember he's a rookie and with that we'll see growing pains.
  16. He's doing and saying all the right things. Lets hope soon enough he'll be producing on a football field for a good number of years for our beloved Bears.
  17. There is no way I'd give up a 1st round pick.
  18. Two different players. Both can be simliar deep threats, Hester can be a bit more of a threat in a slot position, but Berrian had much more size and physical presence to be a more legit/natural #1 WR where as Hester will have to use his unique skill-set to turn into a Steve Smith (much fewer #1 WR's like Smith than there are like Berrian/TO/ETC who have more size, albeit I'm not comparing Berrian/TO in any way shape or fashion). Plus its not like Berrian truly is that big. That said, this deal makes sense to me. Hester is getting the same as Berrian if he proves to be a #1 (Berrian is getting his regardless) and if he doesn't, than he's getting paid 10M less than Berrian, which to me is pretty fair cause i still think at worse (assuming health) he'll be a solid slot WR and a special returnman.
  19. Again, I guess I see reason to be concerned since he's had the regular season history, but I still say its freaking training camp. I want to see him showing improved footwork, making good reads and throws. To me that is the key trait to being a successful QB. I just don't see how he could have gotten this far if he couldn't handle a snap.
  20. It sounds as if Idonije added a lot of muscle mass and not necessarily fat so I'm guessing he'll still have pretty good quickness. I'm actually quite intrigued with the possibility of Indonijie as a full time DT. I liked him a lot as a pure athlete but with this increased size he could easily be capable of starting alongside Harris if Dusty doesn't recover or live up to his potential or if Harris is injured as well (Harrison is also a very good athlete). As a whole I think that gives us 4 solid DT's plus Toenai who impressed me the last couple games of the season.
  21. I can't comment on Floyd since he's hasn't played a game, but it must be something when the team is penciling him as a starter.
  22. IIRC, Clayton said if they looked the same it would be Orton's job. Basically Rex has to be the better of the QB's by a decent margin to win the job, otherwise the Bears will give Kyle the shot since he hasn't really had a chance to show what he can do in the regular season (not going to count his rookie season).
  23. Great info on Stein Gunga. Also, welcome aboard
  24. http://www.talkchicagosports.com/blog/?p=146
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