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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. I think what Connor says below is pretty accurate. I expect Manning to be traded but the Bears will hold out on dealing him until training camp is going on just to make sure they are protected from an injury. However, the Bears have a lot of guys they really like in the secondary and the emergence of McBride and the selection of Bowman (plus Daniel Manning who plays in nickel packages) makes Manning Jr. a forgotten man. Thats not to say he didn't have value as he was a key contributor during the Bears superbowl run. I expect anything from a 4th to 7th rounder for him (most likely it will be a conditional type of pick, which will get better based upon Manning's play).
  2. I'm not going to lie, I wouldn't expect anyone to rank us any higher. The so called great defense was lousy last year (injuries were a primary reason, but the bottom line is the defense was a big reason the team didnt' make the playoffs last season) and the offense has the makings of being worse than any offense in Bears history (we are talking about a team whose oline was the worse in football last year (they upgraded this year at LT, but its a rookie so you really don't know how much of a true-upgrade that will be this year and it still would be a stretch to say that they are a good oline, even if Williams kicks butt right away). The WR core has one over the hill WR who used to be good (not great) and a lot of guys with "potential" (not a one who has ever proven anything in the NFL at the WR position). The RB has never taken a down in the NFL and is a 2nd round pick (that doesn't mean I'm saying Forte will suck, but we aren't talking about a super super hyped #1 overall pick at RB or something) and the depth at the RB position is questioanble (so all reliance is truly on the unproven rookie). At QB you have Rex/Kyle and to be honest, this team could have Tom Brady back there and the offense could still blow (if the RB has growing pains, the OL is mediocre to poor, and the WR core continues to not prove anything). So unless these defense is the greatest defense ever, I'd be hard pressed to see this team get ranked anything above 20th.

    Jimmy Mac

    Sweet stuff Flea.
  4. Apparently Brett Favre has asked for his unconditional release from the Packers. He wants to play again and my guess is he ends up in Minnesota. A year ago if this happened, I would have penciled him into Chicago but now with an unproven RB, young oline, and an unproven WR core I don't see the Bears as a very attractive option for Brett (albeit I still think it would be one of his top 5 destinations, given the strong defense and his familiarity with the franchise).
  5. Assuming Clady signs quickly, the market will be further set for Williams anyway which should make things very easy on the Bears (Williams will get a very small amount less than Clady).
  6. I'd be very pleased with that sort of rookie season. However, if he's a full time starter I'd expect more carries and I have questions as to how he'll be able to handle a very heavy workload his rookie season. I know he was a workhorse in college, but you are still talking about 4 pre-season games as well as an additional 4 regular season games. Plus as a rookie, you'd expect Forte to get a little bit more pre-season play than a typical starter would.
  7. Plus the Bears have been rumored to have RMJ on the block as they like there younger DB's (Mcbride and Graham) and I think they plan on getting them more time.
  8. While Rex has to focus more on footwork, Kyle needs to focus more on mechanics and just putting himself in a better position to release the ball quickly. He has a very long and deliberate throwing motion, especially when he throws the ball down field. This means a DB is going to have a better opportunity to read the QB and make a break on the ball as well as a pass rusher will have an extended time to get to the QB and impact the throw (or make a sack). Kyle and Grossman both have differing strength's and weaknesses and if you were able to combine there entire strength's you'd have a heck of a QB (Rex arm/accuracy/release/leadership (he's well respected and this isn't a knock on Orton as you just know less about such and Orton's size/checkdown ability/short range passes)
  9. Tom Brady is clearly more accurate statistically and that is because he throws a lot of check-downs and reads defenses tremendously. However, he isn't capable of making a good number of passes Rex can make. There aren't many QB's that throw an out pattern like Rex can or a deep ball like Rex. He's also accurate on check-downs but obviously struggles more so on them due to his lack of size and really his awareness to know when to check down and read such. So to me Rex's struggles more have to do with his footwork (which will help him move around the pocket and see the field better as well as reinforce proper mechanics) and more specifically his on the field awareness (reading the defense and reacting). Hell, Brett Favre last year had an incredibly accurate season but for the most part he's never ranked amongst the leagues best in passing accuracy, however, I would tell you that he's easily one of the most accurate passers in the leauge. What has always gotten him into trouble his is over-agressiveness/tendency to force things (which you could argue has to do with him having some weaknesses when it comes to reading defenses). By the way, I'm not comparing Rex and Favre. Favre is one of, if not the best, QB to ever play the game and Rex isn't in the top 15 of NFL Qb's as the season begins. I think he's fully capable of being one, but that doesn't mean jack and I just hope he is able to earn his way into one last chance and finally reach that potential. Of course the odds say that won't be the case, but I definately saw a lot of progress made from Grossman when he regained the starting job late last season (prior to getting hurt in the Washington game).
  10. When watching the games you'll see Grossman make throws that very few QB's in this league are capable of making and it is because of his combination of arm strength and accuracy. Its also the reason he's gotten as many opportunities as he has. Heck, I remember Aikman commenting about it one week where he was basically talking about just how difficult some of the throws Rex makes (for the typical QB) and how he can make them look easy.
  11. When I say Rex is an accurate passer, I mean he's more accurate and puts the ball where he wants it. The problem is accuracy % is also related to reading the defenses and making the right throws, something Rex clearly has struggled with and such has really effected his accuracy %. However, as a pure passer, he's very accurate.
  12. Lamont has proven that he's a serviceable starter and could definitely fill in the void if Forte doesn't live up to his hype or struggles initially to adjust to the NFL. I actually would like this signing more so than the signing of Kevin Jones.
  13. Rex has a quicker release, stronger arm, and is ridiculously more accurate (Rex is actually a very very accurate passer). So that is more than one area where Rex wins. I also can't say that Kyle is more mobile than Rex (neither are mobile). Kyle is taller, which helps him see the field and obviously there are intangibles like reading the defenses but neither have proven to excel at that, at least not yet. And at the same time, neither have had great weapons to work with.
  14. The number one key to the Bears defense is health. If I could point to any one player I'd say the most important player on the Bears defense is either Tommie Harris or Brian Urlacher. The Bears have been nothing short of horrendous when Urlacher is injured (just look at the record). However, a healthy, 100% Harris (we didn't see that Harris last year) is by far and away the best defensive tackle (if not lineman) in the entire NFL. When you mix that with the Bears playing an inexperienced DT next to him (whomever that may be...hopefully a healthy Dusty) he becomes even more key (as the Bears have Briggs/Hill at the LB core, who both are very experienced and a capable backup in Jamar Williams (Briggs would obviously slide to MLB) in the case that Urlacher went down. I can't even consider Mike Brown and if he really is the key this team is probably screwed given his injury history (Love the guy, but can't possible call him key, he definitely makes this team much better when healthy but do we really even know if he has the physical ability to be a difference maker anymore.
  15. I like Rex for all the reasons mentioned in the article and so many more. The guy is a great teammate and very talented and I just hope somehow the light "switches" on for him. Even if he fails I won't have a negative taste about Grossman. Cade McNown, yes. Cedric Benson, yes. Rex Grossman, no. I feel similarly for Orton, but believe in Grossman's physical abilities much more than Orton's.
  16. I don't think Urlacher has handled anything wrong. The only possible exception is that he probably should have spoke out against some of the rumors swirling around early in the off-season and put them to bed. Ie, the rumors of him demanding a trade and the like. If you want to knock Brian, knock him for his lack of true leadership, not what he's done on the field or in negotiations with the Bears. Brian has had some off the field issues and isn't always the best to say the right thing or toe the organizational line when interviewed but he's a heck of a player. The problem is, given his injury, it would be relatively foolish of the Bears to throw a lot more guaranteed money his way when there is little security that his play will hold up and be worth that extra money.
  17. I will say this, he isn't going to come to the Bears because we clearly aren't a team close to winning a superbowl. For the Bears to win the superbowl, a lot of things would have to go right. If he became a FA, he'd strictly look at teams that are very good at every position with the exception of QB (clearly a season ago, the Bears would have been his best option, now, with no proven RB's or WR's and a line coming off a horrendous season, there isn't a chance in hell the Bears are one of his better options). The Vikings are easily the favorites in that department. Giants would have fit had they not pulled out a superbowl win with Manning able to get himself out from under his brother's shadow.
  18. AJ Pyrzinski was as hated as it got when he played for the Twins who were a constant thorn in the White Sox side for a number of years (including this year). In fact, he was involved in a lot of disputes. He became a FA after a year in San Fran and signed with the White Sox and has now turned into a fan favorite. There is typcially a legitimate reason you hate a guy that plays on a rival team (its typically because they are a good player). Ask any Sox fan if they hate AJ now and they won't. Hell, he was a huge reason the Sox won a World Series in 2005. Torri Hunter was in the same boat and the Sox made a heavy push to get him and again, he would have been welcomed with open arms (why, because I don't give a shit what team you play for, if you are good and can help my team get better than once you join the roster and produce I'm gonna root like hell and start to like you). Favre is an extreme case, given his long long history in Green Bay, but if he wanted to leave and come to Chicago the only people that should be pissed are Packer fans because he's leaving them to go to the rival, not Bear fans, who are significantly upgrading the QB position with a guy that isn't just class, but very very good (he's still one of the better QB's in the league). It's one thing if a guy is a dick or a parole, but when all they did was play on your rival team, than if they are good and want to come over, sign em up. If Favre joined the Bears, you could bet your ass that I'd buy a Favre jersey.
  19. Hope everyone has a fantastic 4th!!!!
  20. Man, Angelo makes the beginning of training camp nice. You can focus on what is going on on the field as opposed to off it (ie, rookie negotiations/holdouts (although last year was an exception with the whole Briggs thing going on).
  21. I would buy a Favre jersey as soon as he signed with the Bears. Thats how excited I'd be. However, there is absolutely no way he's going to come to a team with no proven WR's or RB's. If he's going to go somewhere else, look at Minnesota who has a tremendous defense, an improved receiving core (Berrian, despite getting overpaid, makes that WR core a lot better), and one ridiculous backfield (no denying that). Oh plus they have a tremendous oline. The one legit weakness on the Vikings is the young QB Tavarius Jackson and replacing him with Favre for a season or two could bring them to a couple Super Bowls.
  22. I would also think a rookie salary cap would put an end to these ridiculous rookie holdouts.
  23. Outstanding news on Forte. Looking forward to getting him inked so the Bears can turn there focus at hammering out Williams deal and than moving on to Hester/Urlacher.
  24. I'm essentially saying that Angelo was the type of candidate that would have never taken this position had the Bears put any restrictions on whom he could draft and the day to day football operations. He was a very qualified candidate who was thought was one of the main guys behind the superbowl champion Bucs. In addition, he signed an extension here and if he wasn't in control and others were pushing the buttons or making the calls on the top selections he would have had all the opportunity in the world to go get paid and paid well to GM another franchise. Basically put Angelo's hiring was the opposite of a team hires a guy that no one things is capable of being a head coach or GM (Raiders and Cowboys have done this) and they end up being more of a mouth-piece for an owner but they accept that because its there only shot at getting a head coaching position.
  25. Angelo could leave the Bears whenever he wants. Its not as if the Bears hired him and hold all the leverage (in the sense that this was the only GM position he could have possibly gotten (ie, the Bears hiring someone under-qualified so they could manipulate him). If they weren't going to let him have full say of the football decisions he wouldn't be here, therefor, he's 100% in charge of who we take in the 1st round and as a whole he's done a tremendous job drafting and managing the cap. I'd give him an A- or so as a GM, solely because he has gotten snake-bit on a few decisions (most of which occurred early in his career). I really can't blame him for the failure last year or even the failures of some of those first round busts (QB is a crapshoot and Rex has all the tools and thats what you can ask from your GM, to put a guy with the tools onto the roster and than let the coaches turn him into a quality player; Benson could be looked at as a failure if he had these attitude questions (But had we not taken him, someone else would have grabbed him in the first 7 or so picks so it isn't like we were the only team who had him that high on the board....hell, this guy belongs in a sentence involving the greatest collegiate running backs to ever play the game).
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