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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. The reality is regardless he's going to get a big contract. The question is do you give it to him now (since part of the reason he'll get such a big contract is because he's going to be at WR) or do you at least wait a season to see if he proves himself or shows flashes (at which point it will cost more, but if he doesn't pan out you aren't totally screwed). I could see a lot of value in waiting another year, but JA better communicate things very well with Devon and make sure he's on the same page (and essentially present things that way so if he signs today we are talking about a fair deal based on what he's accomplished and some sort of projection but if he waits he could get a deal similar to Bernard Berrians). Either way, Angelo is very good at this part of the business and I have no doubt he'll do the right thing.
  2. Here's a question, who can the Bears least afford to have a holdout with, Williams or Forte? Both are going to be counted on to start at key positions (Forte as the RB) and Williams at the LT. I'd personally lean towards Forte because the Bears have flat out done everything out there to hand him the job and that includes not filling the roster with the appropriate depth. In Williams case we are talking about a guy who would again be costly if he held out, but at least St. Clair can start at RT if need be (with Tait moving back to LT). Hopefully we don't have to worry about that and both end up signing, but given the Bears lack of alternatives Forte should have a lot more leverage than the typical 2nd rounder.
  3. Nice, now it is time to hammer out deals with the top two picks.
  4. Lloyd has reportedly looked very good at all of the OTA's.
  5. Dan Pompei was on ESPN this morning and talked about the Bears QB competition and indicated that both Rex and Orton feel the competition is making them better football players. Orton has specifically told Pompei that he has grown more comfortable in Turners system as well as improved his downfield accuracy. I think its going to be one heck of a battle.
  6. I'll go one farther, Peterson and Wolfe have proven they aren't capable of carrying that load and as such the Bears are making a massive mistake by not bringing in a back-up who is capable of such. Its one thing if you do it in basketball or baseball, but in the NFL, a league where injuries are plentiful it is just flat out inexcuseable to not have a solid backup at your key offensive positions (ie, QB/RB).
  7. But if you think about it, at that point you are talking about a few hundred seats being held by those scalpers around the stadium and that isn't exactly going to be noticed out of a stadium that holds 50K plus.
  8. I think it will be assinine if the Bears don't sign a RB. I have had no issues with the way Angelo has handled the QB situation, but if the Bears open the season relying on a 2nd round draft pick to be the guy they are making a huge mistake. I wouldn't tihnk so if I felt that one of the back-ups in house had a shot at developing into a league average RB, but we know they do not (Wolfe doesn't have the size or ability to run in between the tackles and Peterson is a change of pace back, nothing more). Because of that, it means either your rookie lives up to massive hype (plus we are talking about a 2nd rounder so its not as if he's a freak athlete who can make up for his inexperiences with pure athletism) you are going to have a poor backfield. You bring in Jones and all of a sudden if things go bad, you have a guy that when healthy is at least a league average RB and you can make a case that behind a solid line is an above average RB (and healthy). Bottom line, not bringing someone in whose capable of being a league average starter is just stupid.
  9. I don't think Leftwich is a bad football player, in fact, if healthy and on the right unit, I think he can be a league average to a bit above average NFL QB. The one issue is that he would enter the season in a similar page as Orton and Rex and I don't know if the Bears have enough snaps to really handle this. Heck, if all three were on the roster I'd grade them all out evenly. I think the best thing the Bears could do is get a journeyman old time 3rd stringer or a young guy they really like (and just have him as the 3rd string in a role playing role under the concept that if it comes down to you relying on the 3rd stringer your season's done anyway so you might as well just turn things over to the kid and start preparing for the next season).
  10. The Bears don't have a true pass rushing end (although Anderson could turn into that, but consistently he hasn't shown that he is that) nor do they have a DT who has proven himself that will play next to Harris. Bottom line the Bears have a stud DT (with injury issues), a potential stud DT (with injury issues, ie Dusty), and two rock solid (Ogunleye is close to a pro-bowler) DE's. I really can't even make the argument of the best dline in football. The Vikings have a superior line. However, if everything goes well, they could finish the year with the best line in football (healthy Harris, Dusty plays like he did for that one game in San Diego (remember, he has a whopping one NFL game under his belt), Anderson produces in the 3rd down sack role and Ogunleye/Brown are there consistently productive well rounded selves).
  11. I just want to say that I really love Tommie Harris. He's been a tremendous player on the field, but he's also been entertaining off the field (and I say that in a good way). I love his interviews and enthusiasm and the fact that I have never seen a bad thing said about him (ie, him staying out of trouble).
  12. Out of curiosity, anyone going to the Falcons game? I'm going to be in Atlanta at the time and am definately going (and if anyone is going, any recommendations on any pre-game activities that are must do's or anything like that).
  13. ROFLMAO, that is one of the funniest picks I've seen all year.
  14. I'm going to throw out a scenario of my college experience. I went to school, kicked ass, was very involved in some business clubs and met quite a few people in the industry I entered into (Public Accounting....what was I thinking, I don't know) and had tremendous grades. I eventually got job offers and accepted one. These offers paid me more than people going into the same industry with lesser grades (ie, top draft picks get more than lower picks) and I had the opportunity at even bigger bucks, but at the same time I wasn't coming out of college and being paid more than the experienced people doing what I did. Personally I find it ridiculous that a #1 pick comes in and makes practically more than eveyrone else at that particular position. I think they should get paid more than the typical run of the mill guy (afterall, they are going #1 for a reason, but to even approach Peyton Manning money is a little ridiculous to me, imo).
  15. I would welcome the savvy vet Brown back with open arms. He is nothing but class and if healthy is still a productive lineman who will also be able to help ease the transition for Williams.
  16. The key is, he did all of this after being told by the Bears that he can't put himself in those type of situations. He was well aware of the chance he was taking and I do think you have a valid point in regards to people having a drink or two or three and than driving (where quite possibly you wouldn't pass a sobriety test). And while no matter what its wrong to do, I think people are entitled to a mistake (sometimes in the case of a DUI, you aren't even entitled to a mistake because that one mistake may end up having you kill someone or yourself), but after that you better learn your lesson and not put yourself in that situation again. Benson was told not to put himself in a bad situation and driving at 3 am after a few drinks is a bad situation. He can easily afford a limo or a drive or a cab service and given what had just happened to him that was the no-brainer situation of the day. Hell, I defended Tank when it came to going out. I'm a 25 year old and I go out all the time on weekends, sometimes till 2 or 3 in the morning. Am I getting into trouble, usually not. Have I done some dumb things, sure, but nothing to get arrested or in trouble, but at the same time I'm a 25 year old having a little fun (its understandable, hell, I'm a freaking accountant, he's an NFL player so I'm sure he can have even more fun). The thing is at the end of the day, I'm responsible for myself and hold myself accountable (if I did do something stupid, than I would accept the consequences and take it like a man (for the record I don't ever drink & drive)). Benson isn't doing this, he continues to play the blame game and coming from someone whose a similar age I think thats a joke and I'm highly dissapointed he didn't learn from his initial mistake. Bottom line, he dug himself into the hole and now he gets to reap the consequences (ie, getting cut and quite possibly having a failed NFL career). Lucky for him he still has his bonus money, but it sickens me to see just how many professional athletes are complete tools. I couldn't imagine if I had those athletic skills because if I did, I know damn well that I'd handle myself in a professional manner. IT sickens me how much athletes get handed. Its stuff Joe Average would never get (I'm not referring to money by the way). Its more how people just come to hold athletes to a lesser standard to a point (although in some cases, athletes and celebrities get burned more than a typical person, but in many instances they get away with so much more). On the monteray standpoint, athletes are entertainers and its a billion dollar business and they deserve whatever money the owners are willing to give to them.
  17. I think the Bears deserve to here his side of the story, but its very clear that Angelo and the Bears talked with Benson and told him not to put himself in those situations. If he had a drink or two, given his previous situations, call a cab service/limo service whatever. You are a professional athlete, you have the money to ensure that you do whatever it takes to get home safely (especially when you have a history and you know one more bad move puts you directly in the cross-hairs). I really wish he gets it, because if he did, he'd be good, but I don't endorse the Bears franchise turning themselves into a parole office with Lovie and company having to baby-sit its players hoping one day they'll figure crap out. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
  18. I don't know what was a dumber comment. Me saying Cade McNown was going to be the best QB in franchise history or me saying that Cedric Benson would go down as the a top 5 RB in Bears franchise history. Good lord, my evaluation abilities are terrible. Thankfully the Bears aren't paying me a dime and instead everyone here gets to read my "expert" analysis, LOL. I'd dump Benson and make a run at Shaun Alexander. Just get a veteran, whose at least a solid guy and motivated (is Rhodes still out there???) and be prepared to get Forte more and more carries throughout the season.
  19. I thought I read where McBride also had an excused absence for at least one of the days? Did I read wrong?
  20. Realistically, I can't complain about the way any of the Bears players currently frustrated with there contract have handled things. Urlacher showed up to mini-camp and I expect the Bears to reach terms with him on a restructured contract. Hester showed up and told the Bears I'm serious about playing by your rules and I think we'll see the Bears get serious about putting together a package that works for both sides. Tommie Harris is the one question-mark, not because he didn't handle his situation fine (he really has) but because he's going to get the fattest defensive contract ever and that has the Bears scared given his knee's.
  21. Nicely done. I'm curious to see when the Bears get serious with Forte/Williams. Both of those guys are being looked upon as key contributors and they won't even have a chance at doing such unless they get signed and are in camp from day 1.
  22. I think now that he's coming back, the Bears should make a statement and reward him. Than maybe Harris/Hester will see that the Bears really will try to reward there players and hopefully in the near future the two sides can agree with deals that are both good for the org as well as the player (ie, Hester/Harris). I know Tommie Harris was supposed to be on ESPN 1st Take this morning, but I had to roll to work before he came on so I wasn't able to see his interview.
  23. I'm very excited to have Forte here. He has the tools to be a very good NFL back and seems like a complete collegiate player and that completeness should help him transition to the NFL game.
  24. This is a much bigger scandal than the Spygate one and the Patriots should be signficantly fine for such actions. I'm talking about a fine as significant as the Spygate one (if not more significant). The Patriots have shown absolutely no willingness to follow the rules and this type of actions can not be tolerated.
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