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Posts posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. 10 special players. I think that means he either moves up or since he isn't going to get one of those guys opts to move down in the draft because he has a lot of guys graded in a similar spot (ie, maybe he has the Tackles graded all so closely that it would pay off to move down).

  2. If we don't go with an oline man I will be more than happy with Mendy in the first round with the hopes of grabbing the best tackle on the board in the 2nd round. I'd also be happy moving down 7-10 spots and picking up an extra 3rd or 2nd round pick in the draft (as it will allow the Bears to still consider a back like Felix Jones or they can opt for a tackle like Cherilius) and they will have ammo to take a RB/QB/WR very early on as well.

  3. I would make the move if the Bengals included a 2nd round pick in addition to Johnson. I have zero problem moving Urlacher, in fact, if Dallas or any other team with 2 1st rounders offered them up for Urlacher I would bite on it right now (Because I believe the Bears have a lot of needs which could be filled, Briggs could slide into the middle and we could use Jamar on the outside with Hunter; yes it is a bit of a downgrade but if it enables the Bears to upgrade all over the rest of the field...ie, oline, rb, WR could all be addressed early with potential impact guys, plus even the safety position).

  4. I have updated things to add a few more topics to the forums before moving onto page 2. Also, in case people aren't aware the yellow downward pointing arrow is something that identifies that there have been new posts since your last visit and if you click that arrow it will take you to the first new post which occurred since you were last at the site (its pretty helpful cause it means you don't have to scroll and try to randomly figure out where you left off a thread last).

  5. If Alexander got healthy he could still have another year or two left (obviously he can't be given the ball 30plus times like he did in his prime, but still there could be value there. The problem is he's the type of back that needs good blocking to succeed and Chicago really doesn't have that.


    I'd rather have Alexander as a backup plan/guy to push Benson than Peterson (who I know isn't a legit starter).

  6. The goal is for Saturday. As people contribute on a regular basis I can create a user access for them where they can actually go in and post the articles (but Mario Scalise, who has ran a few magazines and was the founder of SoxNet, will be the person running the day to day stuff with the Front page along with Alex Ernst (Soxtalk.com).


    I think there should be some cool stories on the site throughout the year.

  7. Hey Guys/Gals


    For a while I've been working on creating a Chicago Sports blog, which is related to this site and than a few other message boards (the Sox site I run as well) and I was going to see if anyone here is interested in writing bloggish pieces on Chicago sports teams.


    I know in the past Bearstalk used to have a front page and this blog will at least kind of be able to act in a similar sense (as there will be a section dedicated to stories/write-ups on the Bears). The plan is to launch on draft weekend (I know I'm going to be trying to do some write-ups on the Bears draft picks).


    I know a couple people on here had contributed to Bearstalk's front page in the past so I was going to throw that offer out to all of those people and anyone else with some interest in doing a little writing.

  8. I think right now the setting calls for only like 10 or 15 threads on each page (ie, when you go into the Bears forum, you only see 10 or 15 threads), but would people prefer a few more threads when you go to the forum as the default?


    The activity has been booming and with that it has forced some threads off of page 1 pretty quickly so I'm thinking if we can keep a few more on page 1 it will keep discussion going in more threads.


    Anyway, just give me a yeah or nay on the idea.

  9. If the GM and coaches win out in the draft room, Glenn Dorsey will be the #3 pick in the draft. The Falcons will get a game changing defensive tackle who really has the upside of a guy like Tommie Harris (and we all know the impact a healthy Tommie Harris has on the game).


    However, the xfactor in this is the Falcons owner who could opt to go with the sexier choice in Matt Ryan. Ryan is a great guy with good QB skills (not really worthy of being a #3 pick, but you could do far worse). More importantly he would help the Falcons get away fro Michael Vick and would be a great person to begin the rebiulding process of the Falcons (especially from a PR state). Basically put, Ryan is the anti-vick.

  10. Wow, I know this is less money, but at the same time QB's drafted #1 tend to get more money than the typical #1 pick. The money being paid to these top picks is just ridiculous and I truly believe the NFL needs to do something where there is a slot system in place (maybe cut the guaranteed money but also cut the lenght of the deals so the players drafted can hit FA a bit sooner???).


    I know the veterans would be fans of this because if less money goes to the unproven draft picks it means there is more money to get thrown around to in-house players, veterans, and UFA's. Basically put the money will stick get spent but instead of so much of it going to the younger players (now a days the top picks in the draft are immediately becoming the highest paid guys at there position or close to it) it will now go to the guys in there prime who have proven themselves.


    Bottom line the great players get paid regardless, the good to average players get paid more, and teams are less likely to be in absolute cap hell by ruining there entire franchise based on the fate of a couple high draft picks (this will also bring even more parody to the game and put an even bigger emphasis on scouting, imo).

  11. Despite myself thinking they go for the workout warrior, I can't really disagree with this pick. Long has proven himself and looks to be a lower risk guy, who still has all the tools to be a 12-16 sack a season difference maker.

  12. Brian Brohm is a big reach @ 14. If the Bears move down into the 20's, okay, I can maybe see it, but again, why not go Felix Jones which is a bigger need or a tackle or best WR on the board (all would be better picks than Brohm, imo, who really isn't head and shoulders above Henne/Flacco). I will say this, you can make a case for Brohm being extreme value in the 2nd given the fact that a year ago, had he entered, there is a good shot he goes top 10, if not top 5.


    Oh and when you tell me Ryan wasn't that good, I say look at what Ryan had to work with, far less than Brohm (who played in a much more offensive friendly system) and look at the teams Ryan went up against (he played some pretty solid teams while running a pro offense and doing a damn good job of it despite not having that much talent on his own squad).

  13. PS - I do like your draft prediction... However, I would go RB at 3b.


    Other than that, I'd be pleased...



    1- Jeff Otah/Ryan Clady OT

    2- James Hardy WR

    3a- Chilo Rachal OG

    3b-Anthony Collins/Joe Greco OT

    4- Dennis Dixon QB

    5- Tom Zbikowski S

    6- Colt Brennan QB

    7a- James McClinton DT

    7b- Pig Brown S

    7c- Marc Magro LB

    7d- Ryan Grice-Mullen WR

    I don't mind the draft, definitely like the first 2 rounds of it, plus Zbikowski and one of Dixon/Brennan (I think Dixon went too early, but again, I like him and his upside). The only real question-mark I have is why go 2 QB's. Are the Bears realistically going to have 4 QB's on the active roster (because there is no way they could protect one of Brennan/Dixon on the practice squad; unless the plan would be to IR Dixon for the entire season, which wouldn't be a bad idea, and at that point a year from now either Kyle/Rex has proven themselves and the other is sent away with the two young guys competing for the back up spot; if both stink, you now have two young guys who can compete and push each other and one vet whom you could keep around as the crafty backup).

  14. I enjoyed Ditka just because he's pretty funny and absolutely loves the city of Chicago and the Bears. However, I have always been a fan of Kramer. The guy is one of the best QB's in franchise history (and yes, that alone says something about the history of QBs in Chicago) and had a couple fun seasons in Chicago.

  15. I was thinking Johnson would end up going for a 2nd rounder, so I was clearly off (and yes I would give up a 2nd rounder in a heartbeat to get Johnson on the Bears). In fact, I'd consider giving up a 2nd this year and a future 2nd as well. Johnson would make the WR core a strenght instead of a weakness (albiet, there is some potential in our WR core, but way too unproven too be considered anything but a weakness).


    The key issue of course is the Bears have Hester/Harris/Urlacher situations to resolve (and they have the cap room to resolve all of these situations as well as the Gould one). It is just a matter of the risk involved relating to the Harris/Urlacher situations (ie, both have some injury questions) and than unique situation of Hester (he is incredibly talented, but he wants to be paid like a top WR and he's never proven a damn thing at such position).

  16. Reports are that the Washington Redskins, Dallas Cowboys, and Philadelphia Eagles have all made offers for Chad Johnson's services with the Redskins making a significant offer. The Redskins offer included the 21st overall pick in this years draft and a 3rd round pick in next years draft (which if Johnson hit certain performance clauses in the trade offer, the 3rd round pick would escalate to there 1st round pick).


    The Bengals are continuing to say they will not trade Johnson and giving the out of conference offer that was proposed by the Skins, I'd start buying into the fact that while Johnson may consider himself on the market, the Bengals certainly don't and they seem willing to play some hardball (even if it means Chad sits out).

  17. I think the Rams go with Gholston. However, if they take Long the Falcons and Raiders will be very happy because it means the Falcons get Dorsey and the Raiders get the guy they like the most in Gholston (and yes I'm sure I spelled that wrong). The Raiders love measurables and it doesn't get much more measurable than the DE from OSU.

  18. If they took a QB in RD 1, it better be Matt Ryan. Other than that I don't want a QB in the first. Brohm is below Henne/Flacco on many teams boards and I definately don't feel he's worthy of going 14 (I could live with him in the 2nd round, although personally I'm not a big Brohm guy).


    Also, I want to point out that the Bears QB situation is better than the RB situation. Peterson is not an average back, nor is Benson (Benson could become average or above average, but he's yet to ever do that at the NFL level as an everyday player).

  19. I think if things work out, Bears draft RB in RD 1 (possibly even moving down) and than get enough ammo to move up and take Cherisus (I am sure I botched the spelling of that) of BC or Baker of USC.

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