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Posts posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. I'd be stunned if Rex got a big money contract. No one is going to openly offer him the starting job and at that point he and the Bears know it is better off for him to come back to Chicago where he knows the system and knows that the coaching staff believes in him and that he will end up getting a fair shake in the competition.


    I like it too because the competition will hopefully make both guys better.

  2. Brown is a big upgrade over Peterson, no doubt. I see Fargas returning to Oakland, and I want no part of that piece of trash Jamaal Lewis.

    If the Bears want a for sure starter, take Julius Jones. Otherwise I go for Justin Fargas (open competition) or Chris Brown (good when healthy and solid competion). I won't touch Turner because it is too much money to give up to a guy who has never been a feature back.


    I should point out that Fargas is a guy I love. He has all kinds of ability and speed and the Raiders at one point had totally fallen in love with him but something happened and he fell out of order (I don't know if it was an injury or what) and he kind of dissapeared for a year or two before finally bursting out this season. He had a great time with limited weapons and should have success in Chicago, plus I think he will want out of Oakland (just to get on a better team and the Bears could offer that). Basically Fargas and Brown are capable starters and either of them when 100% can easily be an average starter in the NFL. Julius Jones has shown he is an average starter and I think he has the ability to be even better, although Barber is just one of the top 7 or 8 backs in the league so he took a beating. If the money is right go Jones, otherwise settle on Fargas/Brown knowing you would have a couple that could start and as long as the oline is upgraded that should be good enough.

  3. When is Brohm projected to go? Ive been high on him since last year and I think hes got a good chance at being the best qb to come out this year.

    Top 20. There are many that feel he is the #1 QB off the boards and for a long time everyone and there brother was projecting him to Atlanta (but that was when Petrino was the coach). Dolphins will be another name tied to ever top QB on the draft boards but I don't think it will be what Parcells does.

  4. if i was putting together a highlight reel i wouldn't have the first clip be of me throwing a ball behind the receiver. that should've been a highlight for the reicever, not the qb.

    i'm no expert at evaluating talent, but i can tell you for sure that guy does not have an nfl arm. sometimes there's a reason you play for the u of delaware.

    He looked like he had a pretty strong arm to me, based with the amount of stuff he was able to put on the ball when he was off his back foot due to pressure or on a scramble. I got to admit that clip was pretty impressive, mainly because he showed good vision and the ability to make things happen under pressure.


    The one main concern I'd have would be his smarts (I think it is important for any QB drafted to be incredibly smart, football wise, and if I were a GM I'd have a nice set of tests set up to test the Qb's smarts) and what seems to be a relatively longer delivery (he definitely doesn't have a super quick release, than again, I've watched so much of Rex and his ridiculously quick release). Still, I'd have zero problem drafting this guy in the 2nd or 3rd (I think where we pick in the 2nd may be a bit too high, but that isn't to say the team can't move down or make something happen to get him).

  5. So the coaches know Beekman & Hass suck, so we should play them just to prove how bad they suck? I remember everyone was pissed early in the year we weren't playing Hester at WR more frequently . . . then as soon as we do, Hester's jumping off-sides, we're calling time outs because he's out of position, or Moose is shoving him to where he's supposed to be like it's a damn Jr. high game. I know there was at least one interception this year that happened this year when Hester ran the wrong route.


    Hester wasn't playing because he wasn't ready to play. Beekman & Hass don't have near his talent, so if they're not ready to compete at the NFL level, then I don't want to see them out there. Good franchises don't do that. (Although we might have done that with Cedric).


    In the press conference, Angelo said we were playing those games to win. Period. He added he was happy that Green Bay and New Orleans were both good teams that NEEDED a win, and the Bears beat them. I love to hear that. Forget the crap about "let's lose so we get a better draft pick." It was great seeing the Bears kick ass the last two weeks of the season, and seeing how dominant we can be.

    I honestly think the Bears know that Beekman physically would have been used and abused if he started and that would have been detrimental not only for the Bears winning the game but also for the Bears being able to evaluate Rex Grossman, Adrian Peterson, Garret Wolfe and anyone else relying on the offensive line.


    In regards to Hass, lets be honest, he has great hands but if he was the next stud posession receiver teams would have probably drafted him higher. That isn't to say he can't be a quality player but the Bears obviously deemed it more important to get Bradley, Davis, and Hester more opportunities and it is because all of those guys are superior athletes to one Mike Haas. Hell, I think the Bears have some great athletes in there WR core but that doesn't mean you have great WR's (which I know Lovie seems to think we have a solid corps). Berrian needs to be back and I hope to hell JA realizes how terrible this WR core is without BB.

  6. I don't know if you listened to the interview, or simply read it, but his "How can I count on Mike Brown" was the only time he ever seemed to show any emotion. He then went on to say they would way and see how much progress Mike Brown makes in recovering and then they'd go from there. IMO it sounded like ammunition for at the very least asking Brown to restructure his deal.


    As for replacing Brown, there isn't much available on the free agent market other then Ken Hamlin, who is a FS.


    It would make sense to me to keep Brown and draft a safety with one of our 3rd round picks.

    I would be stunned if the Bears didn't restructure with Brown. I know Brown may ask for something in return but maybe the Bears extend his deal an additional year or two with some sort of roster bonus in a year or two. Basically it would be an incentive that he would get paid if he stayed healthy and produced and if he didn't the Bears would still be able to get rid of him without a cap hit (plus I'd have a handshake agreement about him joining the coaching staff when he retires).

  7. What a POS press conference! JA may as well have walked up to me and kicked me square in the nads! NOTHING is going to change! Same old coaching staff, same group of players, trying to do the same stuff. Guess what?! The flipping result is going to be the same as well! This team can't do shit as an offense so the plan has to remain the same and captained by the same group of retards. God help us all! It doesn't get done like this anywhere else. Cling to the fragile, useless remnants of the past forever because they are the good part. Moving forward and changing--that's's bad stuff.


    I give up hope for this team until the whole crew from Angelo on down to Lovie Smith's personal waterboy goes the way of the dodo.

    I believe it was important for Angelo to stick behind his coach. Bottom line I think the best thing organizations can do is allow the people who they have hired to do there jobs do there jobs. Angelo is the guy who is bringing in the personell and while he should take input from Lovie the final call is Angelo's. I expect the same from the coaching staff with Lovie getting input from Angelo but the final say being Lovie's.


    Lovie has still earned that power, imo, and I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt. If the team has a bad year next season, than I will start to point a finger.


    Bottom line this organization started improving when Ted Phillips came in and brought in good football people and let everyone do there jobs and I don't want to see the Bears go around that. If Angelo doesn't trust Lovie to hire/bring in the correct coaches than he shouldn't be our head coach.

  8. Heck, that works for me for the most part. Although I'd rather the #3 go to a LB.


    I'm not fully sold on Brennan, but I think he as with a few others are worth the gamble. I honestly know nothing about Flacco... Ainge is the other guy I wouldn't mind seeing.

    Erik Ainge intrigues the heck out of me. I don't think he goes in the first two rounds, in fact he may even slide past the 3rd but I would have no problem if the Bears nabbed him with there 2nd 3rd round pick (which I think comes from the Chargers). He seems to have decent tools and has looked pretty darn solid in the game I saw when he was at Tennessee.


    If the Bears take a QB in the 3rd round or later I would like one of: Brennan (if he slides), Falco (I doubt he slides), Henne, Dixon (his injury will send him down and I would not be opposed to taking a chance on him late in the draft), Ainge, and Booty.

  9. I'll search around the web and see if there is some sort of add-on that can make things more threaded for those that prefer that option. I haven't seen anything more so than the outline view but if I can find something I'll definitely set it up.

  10. Sorry, but this is very debatable.


    "As for having nothing to work with, I call BS on that. He had a stud OL to begin with: LT Blake Brockermeyer, LG Rex Tucker, C Olin Kreutz, RG Chris Villarrial, RT James "Big Cat" Williams."


    Funny how Brock is considered so good now, but was ripped every year he was a bear. Tucker was able to remain about as healthy as Mike Brown. Big Cat was on the downside of his career, and the last time played well, so did the offense. This was FAR from a stud OL.


    "Also, Jim Miller was a decent NFL QB capable of putting up good numbers if given time."


    Really? What did Miller do prior to, or after the bears. It seems to me the only time Miller ever looked good was in Shoop's system, so I would think Shoop would get some credit for that.


    "Also, let's not forget the fact that Shoop had no clue how to use TEs or WRs, evident by the fact that Dez "Stone Hands" White continued to start."


    Or how about looking at who he had to work w/. At TE, I believe he had Fred Baxter. Wow, there is a great TE. At WR, Booker was his best WR, and Booker was a 100 catch, 1,000 yard receiver in his system. You rip Dez White, and no argument there, but look at what WRs Shoop had beyond Booker. Dez White. David Terrell. Or the oft-injured Marcus Robinson. Sorry, but you while you say he didn't know how to use his WRs, I would argue that he didn't have much to work w/.


    "Oh, perhaps everyone forgot about A-Train, who is still putting up stats when given the chance on the Bills."


    Your kidding, right? A-Train has been w/ three teams since leaving the bears, and has done nothing w/ any. In Dallas and NO, he was an after-thought. In Buffalo, you say he puts up stats when given a chance. Really? His 3.5 and 2.5 ypc averages beg to differ. The reality is, Shoop was given a 2nd round RB and turned him into the ROY. Under Shoop, A-Train had two 1,000 yard seasons, and has not have a combined 1,000 yards since. You make it out like A-Train is a good player, but he was only good in Shoop's system.


    "This is the same guy who would protect a 6 point lead in the second quarter! Maybe a few of you forget, but there was not such vehement hatred for a coach in these parts in a long time, and the clown would have been fired if not for being lucky and hitching a ride aboard the dual-Buddha led defense that allowed Urlacher to roam free, and the team to virtually stop all opposing scoring."


    I think you also forget that he ran a system as instructed by Jauron. I recall prior to 2001 how Jauron flat out said we would run a ball control, field position offense. The reality is, we didn't have much talent on offense, and ran a system that tried to win TOP, field positions and control the ball.


    Shoop was not a good OC. I am not saying otherwise. But I think you are absolutely wrong when you try to say he had talent to work w/. The players he had have done nothing since leaving the bears. The only time they looked good was under Shoop, which tells me (a) they were probably never that good to begin w/ and ( B) Shoop got about as much out of them as possible.


    Sorry, but I look at how Angelo has tried to add to the offense since Shoop and Jauron's departure, and see players brought in that Angelo never added. When Jauron was here, I think our top FA was Clark. Wow. Since then, Angelo added Tait, R.Brown, Garza, Miller, TJ and Moose, while drafting Rex, Berrian, Bradley and Benson. The reality is, Angelo did nothing to provide Shoop w/ talent to work w/, and instead asked our offense to not lose games.


    To me, Shea and Turner have been worse because they were given more talent to work w/, and failed regardless.

    Great post Nfo.

  11. I remember both of those from his comments. It was fairly clear, however, that he realizes he cannot depend on Brown and needs to have an adequate answer available.


    Peace :bears

    Isn't Rex' injury the reason the Bears ended up bringing Griese in as a backup. Basically Angelo knew he couldn't continue to count on Rex given the history and brought in some competition. I expect the Bears to bring a backup RB, resign Berrian (or make a hard push at doing so, maybe even franchising him, which will allow the Bears to get value via a draft pick for him), bring in a starting safety (who will take one of the safety spots with Brown being the other spot and Manning/McGowan/Payne backing up), and upgrade the oline.


    Aside from that I don't think the Bears will do anything too drastic and I hope they have a killer draft.

  12. I'm usually one who doesn't like big moves or believe that there's a magical coach you can hire that will fix everything, but even I'll say that snapping up Cameron as the OC would be huge for the Bears.

    The thing I really like is Cameron's ability to work with young QB's. That alone makes him an ideal hire for a team that will likely have Rex/Orton and a 1st day draft pick on the roster. However, the Bears seem committed to Turner and given Ron having really only one truly bad year as an OC in his career I can't necessarily fault the Bears.

  13. probably every couple times or so, I still have to log in even tough I check the box to remain logged in. I have cleared out my cache, cookies and deleted the temp files. is this just a bug with the software or am I missing something?

    That shouldn't be happening. Just make sure you are coming to www.talkbears.com and not http://talkbears.com


    For whatever reason the http://talkbears.com will always make you log back in while the other way won't.


    About 10 days ago, everyone would have been experiencing this problem because I was fiddling with something and screwed things up, which caused that to happen for about a day. But now there isn't any explanation (aside from the one explained above) for why that would be happening. It could be that somehow your computer is set not to accept cookies so it automatically deletes them after you leave the site.

  14. maybe in the second round for Baker, but definitely not the first.

    Baker looked pretty good to me, is a junior and seems to really have a nice frame. My only major question is whether he has the athletism to stick at LT in the NFL. I'm fairly confident he has all the ability to be a probowl RT, but if the Bears think he has the ability to be a probowl LT I'd be all about Baker.

  15. If we had an awesome OLine with weapons as good as Edwards and Winslow Jr., I'd think a little bit about Anderson but then realize any half-decent QB would put up good stats with the Browns offense. Plus, Anderson has probably worse decision making skills then Grossman... just say no.


    However, I see some team giving up a similar package to the one the Falcons got for Schaub.

    In the second half of the season Anderson was very mediocre. Anderson also had a better WR core than the Bears (By a long shot), and a better running game (including a superior oline). So bottom line, I truly don't see Anderson as an upgrade over Rex/Orton. I realize he's proven more than Kyle, but I think he's actually a pretty similar QB to Rex (except Rex has better tools but a little less size).


    Anderson's decision making IS suspect (and as far as I'm concerned Rex/Kyle are not going to cost a draft pick and there really isn't a major difference in terms of whose proven and who isn't). If Anderson was a UFA I may think a little bit different but he isn't.

  16. Charles is very intriguing, but it looks like there is a good shot he might run a 4.3 at the combine as he is super fast, and if that happens, he won't make it out of the first, let alone top 20.


    Allen Patrick showing off how he is a homerun hitter so far tonight with that huge return.

    I am a pretty big fan of both of those guys. I'm sure one of them would be there in Rd2 and both contain something the Bears really don't have in the backfield (speed....now I know Wolfe is fast, but Patrick/Charles have the size of a starting RB).


    I would love to get Charles though, I think he is going to be an above average NFL starter.

  17. Crowton also back in college football, and running the offense in LSU.


    Shea was hired this past year by Miami to be their QB coach.


    Thought I would point these two out as well since we are talking about who is where today.


    I was never a big Shoop fan, but at the same time, I never felt he had much to work w/, and do not feel any of the rest were worth jack either.


    I would take Shoop over Crowton and Shea.

    Those are my sentiments as well.

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