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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. I agree with you on seeing more of Bradley on the field. He has potential and he has been absolutely terribly used. He gets open when he's out there and immediately comes off. I just don't understand it. I have no problem teaching Hester in game now that the season is done but it shouldn't prevent the Bears from getting a high-upside guy like Bradley a chance (afterall the Bears really need to know what they have in him since they are going to have Berrian out there in FA and Moose as a potential cap casualty). Welcome to the board Jason.
  2. Part of why I don't mind keeping Orton is because of that neckbeard. It makes it look like we got a lumberjack at QB and to me that just promotes toughness
  3. As Rex's biggest fan on this board, if bringing him back means Turner comes back than I'd rather have Griese start (and I think everyone here knows of my distaste of one Brian Griese). If his job wasn't sealed already, the atrocious play calling tonight had to seal Turner's career in Chicago.
  4. That sounds like me and Griese. I also feel very similar to Orton as I do Griese, but I also admit Orton is young so he has a chance to prove me wrong. Griese on the other is older and past his prime (there was a span where he was an effective QB). I still think if Griese is behind an above average oline and has an above average running game that he can be productive (given that situation I think Rex could be great..key word being "could").
  5. Don't forget the ridiculous holding on Clark early in the game (where his jersey was ripped completely off his shoulder thanks to a brilliant hold by the Vikes).
  6. I think a lot of QB's in the NFL would make it an average offense, I said Rex would make it an above average offense. That was the difference, but in theory, I completely agree with you, which is why I think it is stupid (given the Bears holes on the oline) to spend any money or a high draft pick on a QB (2nd rounder I can live with, especially if the Bears had a trade down or something where they picked up extra first day picks and using one of there 3rd rounders on a guy like Ainge/Brennan (if he falls)/Falco.
  7. I completely agree with you, but I still am all for giving Orton the rest of the season. He hasn't seen an NFL defense in well over a year and deserves that. I hope to hell he proves us both wrong too.
  8. I am going with Rex Grossman, Kyle Orton (unless he stinks these last few games, in which case I'd think about keeping Brian, or would just sign another veteran backup) plus a draft pick (I would have no problem with a 3rd round pick or a 2nd round pick if the Bears filled a lot of there skilled position needs via FA as well as signed/drafted oline).
  9. I think that is probably his biggest negative. Surprisingly I'm not very concerned with his ability to read defenses. I think he understands defenses pretty well (and it was made evident with how smoothly he ran the no-huddle). The key to me is him getting better when he's under pressure. Following the disastrious stretch of games he lost confidence and ended up thinking intstead of playing and it resulted in numerous bad decisions (he'd wait too long and a guy would jump the route or he'd overthink and make the wrong read instead of relying on instincts that got him where he was). When he re-entered the game he seemed to be more mobile and actually turned some busted plays into plays. I know when you give Rex time he can pick a defense apart, especially because he throws such a good ball (he has such a quick release, strong arm, and that arm is incredibly accurate). You watch some of the throws he makes and I'm just left in awe (I'm a massive huge fan of QB's and he'll make some throws that has me speachless). He still needs to improve his footwork when it comes to pressure and no one knows if he will, but in the greater scheme of things I think if you give him a good oline, and a solid RB, he will lead an above average offense. I don't know if the Bears still buy into that or not, but I've seen enough from Rex to think it is worth giving him another shot (and I have no problem using a first day pick on a QB...note I say 1st round cause in general I'm not a fan of taking a QB in the 1st round unless it is late in the 1st round because of all the guaranteed money given to them).
  10. He definitely needs to work on the shotgun snap in the off-season (it is realistic to expect him to struggle considering prior to this year it had been years since he has had to do it). Blocking wise Kreutz was an animal tonight. He was the one guy I consistently noticed getting blocks and just going crazy out there. Garza was absolutely horrendous and I mean Horrendous. Miller had bad penalties and was his usual terrible self and St. Clair was meh, but my god I saw Garza wiff or take the wrong guy (or what I deemed to be the wrong guy, but I'm not aware of who the blocking assignments were for specific plays) and it was just awful.
  11. Oh, I want to give Bob Babich some credit from making some decent adjustments and bringing up the extra man on the box and continuing to make plays. Oh and I can't say again how awesome it was to just see Vasher back out there.
  12. If it ain't an offensive tackle, I'll throw up.
  13. You said you can't make an evaluation. Why not stick with that assessment. Basically put this year was a wasted year for the Bears because no one had a freaking chance at the QB position. I just know one thing, if you got to the experts they will all tell you Rex can make the throws and judging by his past few weeks he also made good decisions (he's always been pretty good at making reads, it was just a problem with him getting greedy at times and obviously he got burned numbers times). Rex has had more success in a short span than any Bears QB since McMahon. I realize it doesn't say much but I think people forget that an awful lot and continue to completely expect him to be a hall of famer.
  14. He leads a defensive line that has popped off way too much. They get great jumps but it bites them in the butt as well. As far as the offensive line, I can't even think how many times the oline has completely killed the momentum of a drive. They are absolutely the worse offensive line I have ever seen as a Bears fan.
  15. On a sidenote, I hate to say I told you so, but I recall consistently saying anyone wanting Apeterson to start over Benson would sorely regret saying that. This isn't a knock on Peterson, but rather a comment stating how Benson (just like Peterson) had absolutely crap to work with (both with blocking and the absolute mis-management of the RB's). I also want to know why, when you are on your own 2 you decide to bring in Garret Wolfe. He's a rookie, who has played very few plays that is small. He is the last god damn guy I want on the field at that time (scripted or not, Peterson should have been there and if you get a first down, put Wolfe in, otherwise use Wolfe the next drive).
  16. I think the only thing you can really comment on QB's is the tools and some of the things they show when they have time. Still, even when you try to do that and take into the whole offensive line/lack of running game/terrible play calling into consideration it is really hard to come up with any sort of evaluation. Personally speaking there is one thing I'm 99.9% positive in and that is that Rex Grossman is hands down the best QB on the roster. The question is, do the Bears think Rex Grossman is a starter in this league. We know he's the best QB (and they know it, afterall he has kicked the piss out of Kyle/Brian in training camp each year, even though he did have the job handed to him). I really don't know how they can't say he is the starter (unless of course they plan on drafting a young QB and turning into a rebuilding mode, but I still think this team is a good oline/good oc/safety away from being a playoff team.
  17. If we were playing to win, no doubt Griese should have started (He's a better QB today than Orton and I hate Griese). But the Bears are playing to see what they have in Orton and therefor Griese shouldn't play unless Orton gets hurt. The key is to see if the Bears have a quality backup or maybe starter in Kyle (I completely think there is almost zero chance Orton is a starter though...he just has a slow release and isn't accurate).
  18. I think the problem with Orton enlies more in what he didn't do. He showed that he doesn't have the arm strength to be a good play-making QB. If the Bears want to completely re-do the offense than maybe Orton would have a chance, but right now Orton is no fit for this offense (than again, do we really want a fit for this offense, since it is so horrible). Orton is tough and I give him credit for that but he made slow decisions, showed a deliberate throwing motion, was inaccurate, and has poor arm strength (and throws a HORRID deep ball). There were two seperate ocassions where BB was open downfield for what would be TD's and both times Orton couldn't get off a good throw. There was also an ocassion where Davis was open downfield and Orton took too long to throw/make the decision and the defense got his foot on him (also when the ridiculous intentional grounding was called). Bottom line I absolutely was thrilled to see Vasher back on the field. The defense played very admirable aside from the lack of tackling later in the game (real shocker considering how poor they have been when it comes to tackling). Urlacher played well, Briggs was solid, hell I can't really individually say anyone on the defense played bad. I was really impressed with the way the new tackle from Oregon played. He got a great push and seemed to really disrupt the rushing game. I also felt Alex Brown did a good job containing the rush (it was nice seeing more of him and less of Anderson). Offensively there really isn't much to say. Hester made some decent plays as a WR as well as some poor ones (he doesn't know the intracies yet but he's making strides and I still think he's another full season away from being a near everydown WR). The play calling was absolutely atrocious. The consistent runs to the inside were a joke, so was the back to back QB sneaks from practically a full yard out (against the Vikes defense, I don't care if the 2nd one worked). I actually had no problem with the play action (both McKie and Clark were open and the QB didn't execute). I can't get past how horrid the offensive line is. Garza/Miller/Metcalf piece out. Maybe Brown is resigned and comes back but Tait/Kreutz are the only guys sticking around (I swear to god if any of those other three are back as starters Angelo should get fired). I also think Turner and the oline coach must go (there is no excuse for all those penalties). I want to say that I think the turning point of this game came when the Bears made that penalty at the end of the 1st half that allowed the Vikings to cut the game to 7 (I happen to think Tavarious was still in bounds and that it was a tough call, but either way Refs protect QB's and the call was made and the Bears paid heavily). God, I can't get past this loss and there are quite a few games this season where I swear I can't figure out how the Bears didn't want (as they had countless opportunities to put things away but failed to).
  19. Cause I was zoned out when posting it. Moved the thread to the NFL forum.
  20. I did a little searching on the web and found out that Mularcky was the OC when Saban was the coach and when they hired Cam Cameron he was demoted to Tight Ends coach because Cameron wanted to call is own plays (so Cameron is the head coach and OC).
  21. Damn it...what the hell happened, Miami somehow wins. Stupid Fins.
  22. Pats ended up getting the win, but the Dolphins blew a late lead as Troy Smith led the Ravens down for the game tying field goal. Stover to attempt a FG in OT for a Ravens win. Come on, make it, I want those stinking fins to go 0-16 with the Pats going 16-0 just to shove it to that old Dolphin team.
  23. There is a reason Griese isn't even considered right now. He is done in Chicago. He can't make half as many NFL passes as Rex can and he actually makes even more "bad throws/bad decisions". Having a guy who manages the game by throwing pick after pick in the red zone (he has the highest red zone pick percentage of all active qb's with a couple starts under there belt). I'm not guaranteeing Rex is the answer but I guarantee Rex is a superior option to Griese and I'm 90% sure he's a better answer to Orton. Rex can make passes that only a handful of NFL QB's can make. He isn't as good at running an offense as Manning/Brady but who is.
  24. The point is the White Sox say they are going for it all and they've made a ton of moves stating that so at this point these were there only real options left to go for it and without making these moves the Sox had no chance. They may not have been able to make it with the moves, but they wouldn't be clear cut contenders with the Torri Hunter signing either. Bottom line the Sox made a boatload of moves based on trying to compete and they knew when they got into it they'd have to go all out to even have a chance and in the end they fell short and becuase of that, resigning Mark/Dye will end up looking bad, same with trading Garland for anything but front end prospects (the only plus is that Cabrera is as valuable and you could probably swing him if necessary) and than you have the Linebrink signing which only makes sense if you plan on contending. I hope I'm wrong, but barring a major upgrade somewhere this team has little chance (unless Danks/Floyd kick ass).
  25. The NL West is a division with a lot of good young talent in it. It will be fun to see those teams all battle it out (with the Giants being in last, but for the time being they have Cain/Linnecum who are stud young pitchers with ace potential).
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