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Posts posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. Of course, as always I'll be watching the game. I'll still be rooting for a win (I'm a big believer in wins helping you a lot) as opposed to the loss (although if they lose I'll tell myself better draft pick, lol) but more importantly I'm hoping there are no injuries and that we see the young players (such as Orton) play well.

  2. I do wish Samuri Mike the best of success if he gets the job. At least the owner is committed to giving the franchise the resources to win (ie money). They just need to better spend those resources and be extremely patient as the team lacks a franchise QB, RB, Wr's, and much of a defense. Quite frankly the Falcons may actually be a bigger mess than the Dolphins or Niners (Niners do have a good nucleus of young talent, it just isn't quite ready for the big time).


    If I were Singletary I'd hope like hell that a better job opened up and that I was able to get that position as opposed to the Falcons one.

  3. Under a similar vein, I thought I heard on the radio today that Lovie went so far as to call Kennedy a bust when he was still coaching in STL. I can't imagine much has changed other than desperate times call for desperate measures.. I'm thinking we just need warm bodies to run out there.

    I wouldn't think Lovie would be much of a fan of Kennedy. Kennedy was a big run stuffing DT. Lovie prefers smaller, quicker, defensive tackles (ie Dusty/Tommie/Tank) and Kennedy didn't really fit as the ideal guy in Lovie's system. Still,of all his seasons I think he was best when Lovie was the coach.


    I'm not expecting much but he is a good athlete for a big guy so you never know what might happen.

  4. I put a lot of the blame on Ron Turner and I think there is only so much Love Smith (a defensive guy) can do in the middle of the season to fix the offense. I think Lovie should have insisted on using Greg Olsen and the TE's as much as possible and he should have also insisted on the Bears sticking with a running approach and going with the hot hand (the way they handled Benson was terrible and it really didn't allow anyone to really make much of an evaluation of Ced). However, for the most part the offensive problems stemmed from the offensive line, horrid in-game adjustments (see Ron Turner), and terrible play calling (see Ron Turner).


    Defensively I think I put a bit more on Lovie Smith because the team continuously failed to make good in-game adjustments and fundementally they were poor. Lovie is a defensive guy and while Babich also deserves some of the blame, Lovie gets it too because he knows this system better than anyone. I also think the defense has some legitimate reasons for its drop from last seasons play (injuries are a factor) but I can't blame injuries on everything. I still think this defense is top 12 good (even with the injuries) and the fact that it is amongst the worse in the league should fall on the coaching staff (and obviously to an extent the players). Babich has done a horrid job coaching/teaching and scheming good blitz packages (where it isn't obvious who is blitzing...Bears have to be the worse blitzing team in the league and they did it a lot this year). I did like the fact that Babich called for more Blitzes (but again, they have to utilize them better).


    Special Teams - Toub is a stud, nuff said.


    Babich is going to get another chance and my hope is that Lovie and Bob sit down and discuss things and make the necessary adjustments to get things straightened out for next season. Offensively Turner must go and while I know there will be growing pains with another OC (new system) it has to be done. I also would like the new OC to have experience with an Oline so we have a guy that can really put together a good blocking scheme (I really like Dallas Asst Coach/Oline guy Tony Sporano).

  5. I would hire any quality WRs from years past to come and coach Devin. I would pay a large sum to have Jerry Rice be a personal coach to 23.

    It is the main reason why I want Moose to stick around. I'm hoping he will be comfortable with a bit more limited role (he should still get signficant minutes on running downs as well as on 3rd down because he is still very smart and dependable). Bottom line the Bears should resign BB, try to draft a WR or find one in FA (not a huge name signing but someone that can play as a #2) with Moose sliding into the slot. You than work on developing Hester in as a #2 WR (with him also ocassionally going into the slot and utilizing his speed on crossing patterns) and also play Devin as a #4. Rashied should probably go (but I guess there is no harm keeping him around as a 5th WR).


    Hope like heck that Bradley does something these final three weeks, otherwise he's probably gonna get zero minutes with the Bears next year so they might as well release him.

  6. I wouldn't mind seeing us Resign Grossman but no more than a 2 year incentive laden contract, of course this is also depending on how well Orton does. If Orton comes in and plays above and beyond our other QB's we should look to resign Rex and shop Griese to free up some cap room. I don't like the idea of having that much money sit on the bench. I think we over paid for Griese. Don't get me wrong I loved the signing but I still think we over paid.

    My personal belief is that unless Orton completely stinks we will see Griese released. There is just no reason to keep him around. He has proven he is not good enough to be a starter in this league and while he is a capable backup Orton has far more upside, is cheaper, and much younger. Bottom line if Orton doesn't play horribly (and shows some future) you release Griese, draft a QB in the 3rd round or 2nd day, and let Orton/Rex have a full blown open try out for the starting job (with the Bears signing Rex to a 2-3 year deal, small signing bonus, but nice incentives...good for Rex, good for the Bears).


    In fact if you can get a draft pick for Griese (and you may) you can obviously go that route (as opposed to cutting him).

  7. I'm gonna get the DVR set to record that game so I can watch it sometime this weekend. I haven't seen Falco play yet but he comes from a small school and the Bears are already supposedly interested in him.


    He's also the exact type of guy I'm talking about getting, ie, later round pick with some upside that other teams may not be as familiar with. You can draft him and let him develop (without spending tons of guaranteed money) and have him ready if Orton/Rex don't pan out.

  8. IMO, there are few stupider things you can do than hire a first time NFL head coach and then give them less than 4 years to put in place a quality system and develop/sign some of the players they want. But then again, what intelligent decisions have the Fins made in the last 8 years or so?

    Firing Wandstedt?

  9. Since Stokely resigned with Denver, Bryant Johnson, Patrick Crayton are the better ones. Unless you want a Randy Moss pipe dream.

    I happen to think that Berrian is better than Bryant Johnson. Crayton grades out a bit better than Berrian but he also had a legit QB for the entire season and was the #2 which meant that it was much easier for him to get open as teams are consistently doubling TO.

  10. I just don't get Lovie...why the dumb personnel decisions? Let Vasher rest until off season conditioning...why risk getting him seriously injured to play in 3 meaningless games? He tore a groin (Man I flinch just typing that), if he is tentative on it he might end up hurting something else while trying to compensate for it. Sit him and play Graham and McBride. Anyone else notice that JA's only gems seem to be late round or small school DB'?

    JA definitely has a knack for going after small school guys, but you also have to remember some of his better late round picks were guys like Alex Brown (Florida), & Nathan Vasher (Texas) who both excelled while playing at major schools (in fact Ian Scott is another Florida guy and I think there are probably a couple others as well).

  11. I completely agree that getting a new Offensive Coordinator and Offensive line is our most pressing issue. Lovie must FIRE Turner and get a real Off Coordinator in there. Can anyone think of any one that we might be available.

    Their is a remote shot that the Dolphins will fire Cam Cameron. Cameron was a solid coach at Indiana and obviously did a great job with the Chargers. The one question is whether Cameron is really that good/innovative of an offensive mind since things can look a lot easier when you have the likes of Tomilson/Gates.


    Another option is a retreat such as Jim Fassel. I am not sure if he would take any job other than a head coaching job as his last asst job didn't go over too well in Baltimore. Whether you like it or not, Fassell is a very good offensive mind who has a history of running a good offense. I also think Chicago would be a good situation for him because he will be in a spot with a team that if the offense jumps up everyone would be knocking on his door again to become a head coach. Plus Lovie is the exact head coach he can work for, since, like it or not he still has a ton of job security and doesn't need to be afraid of his asst gunning for his own job.

  12. I agree now that the playoffs are out of question Wolfe at RB, and Orton at QB is a great move by lovie to get young players more experience, and a shot to prove themselves for the 2008 season :dabears

    I don't know if I want to see Wolfe carrying the ball 30 times (I don't think he should ever be utilized in that manner). But I'd like to see them get him 10-15 touches a game with Peterson getting the remainder of those touches. I really want to see if Wolfe is the type of guy you can use in split back sets, ocassionally split out as a wide, etc. We probably won't see much of it, but that is what I expect the Bears new offensive coordinator (who will hopefully be a bit more innovative) will be able to do.

  13. I got to say that I find this whole thing hillarious. I wouldn't find it hillarious if it happened to the Bears but the whole Falcons drama cracks me up (between the whole Vick saga and now Petrino). Petrino is a quitter who gave up but he is also make a stupid decision because he is giving up a whole lot of green to go back into college (so I guess you can't say he's leaving Atlanta for the money, although it was evident that is the reason he went there).


    Petrino is as slimy as they come and it is too bad he'll probably lure a good number of gullible, talented athletes to go play at Arkansas only for him to be long gone by the time they actually get to the school (which is why I think it is shear crap that an athlete who went to a school in large part because of who the coach was, can't immediately transfer and play in the same season at another school in the instance that the coach that recruited you left).

  14. I'm a 24 year old who graduated about a year and a half ago and is now stuck right in the middle of the real world (ie working 40-60 Hr's per week as an auditor for a Big 4 accounting company). Been a Bears fan since I can remember. The first real team of players I remember watching was during the Walsh/Kramer era and last season had to be the funnest Bears season I can remember (since I was a whole 2 in 85).


    I've been a member of Bearstalk (originally Dabearsshrine), which was an old rivals site for probably 7-8 years. It was probably the first forum I ever joined (now I'm a member of this and a Sox forum). Somewhere along the lines I became an admin (when the site became Bearstalk) and I helped out a bit with the front page for a year or so.


    My worst series of post were probably related to my consistent blathering of how the Bears must trade down and draft Cade McNown. Unfortunately the Bears thought I knew what I was talking about. I think my best posts were the consistent berates I gave to one Terry O'Shea, who IIRC, I begun calling for his firing around the 4th week of the season.

  15. Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm 23 years old, just old enough to have been alive when the Bears won the Super Bowl but not old enough to remember it, so I'm itching for a Bears Super Bowl victory. Hopefully next year will be the year because it sure isn't going to be this year. I figured that the creation of the new board was a good time to get involved in the discussion. I look forward to talking Bears football with all of you!

    Welcome aboard, Great to have you hear.

  16. How many weeks has it been where Vasher has been rumored to be inserted back into the lineup. It has to be at least 4-5 weeks (we all thought he was back after the bye week for sure). I don't mind playing him because his injury isn't the type that if he were to tweak it we would have him out for a large chunk of next season (if he tweaks it again he'd stlil be ready for mini-camps). Still I'd just as well let McBride continue to develop since the Bears don't really have a chance. Than again there is something to be said about trying to finish the season strong and set a tempo/mindset for next year (kind of like the Packers did).

  17. I don't get it, especially if he only got 13M-14M or so per year (just a guess based on what I've read since the signing has went down). I just think this really makes the off-season a disaster. The Sox made some moves acting as a contender but the reality is they started something going one way and now it looks like they are going to end up in no man's land (with a team not good enough to compete and when that happens you are just putting yourself in a situation to always stay mediocre considering this team has a lot of veterans that are going to, if are not already, be on the decline).


    Rowand and Roberts would have given the club a pretty damn good lineup. Now they have a meh lineup, a horrid rotation (until Count/Danks/Floyd prove themselves the rotation is bad; I think they are capable of being solid, but they haven't proved squat yet) and an improved bullpen.


    Kenny can still make things happen, but I wonder how, because the farm system (under his watch) has turned into the laughing stock of baseball as well. Things are starting to look real real bad.

  18. Yeah, lets get rid of a solid guy on the DLine. Great idea. :rolleyes:

    I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, but Walker has been very poor this season. You can make a case that it is because of injuries but bottom line the production hasn't been there. I know he's been more than solid in the past, but as Bears fans we have yet to see him produce in our uni.


    I think they may bring him back (because of the question-marks on the dline) but he will have to renegotiate because giving a guy who played the way he did this past season 5.5M would be a horrible decision, imo.

  19. the funny thing about Olineman is that they are usually done when they say they are done. Its wierd, with how much they get beat up all year, but they usually seem to last a while in the league(the good ones at least)

    Yeah. Aside from kickers (see Mort Anderson), It seems like offensive lineman are the guys that stick around the longest while still playing at a near all pro level. It is truly amazing how long some of the great olineman stick it out. You know athletically they aren't as good, but the oline must be a position where if you are a truly superior technique wise (plus savy from the years of experience) that you can still throw around a much quicker, stronger dlineman.

  20. you know, there is a lot of quality O-lineman out there this year. I had no idea past Adams and Faneca that there was this much depth in the FA market

    Seriously. You'd have to imagine a chunk of those guys will resign, but there is a good number of quality starting offensive lineman (both guards and tackles). I also noticed the Colts had a couple of there lineman available. It looks to me that with all that talent out there, you end up having a good supply that may keep the costs a bit down (I still expect some of those guards/tackles to be amongst the highest paid lineman in the league, if not the highest paid).


    I really hope JA plans on getting serious in FA this year and making a splash immediately that bolsters that oline.

  21. Re-sign Rueben Brown? :huh: :lol:

    It isn't that horrible of an idea. Brown is still solid when healthy and would be cheap. Assuming they were able to get a good tackle and a young guard that could be groomed along with Brown I wouldn't be opposed to it. I'd prefer to pass on Brown but I think he's a good plan B or C.

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