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Everything posted by DaBearSox

  1. you know its an April fools joke....i am really not a fan of this day...its just so stupid
  2. Oh absolutley, but I just have this gut instinct that he is never going to live up to that contract now...
  3. I like that too....we have 2 3rds so it makes me feel better about offering one up
  4. I love the idea of the 3-way trade with the Browns...I for one would def give up Tommie and our 1st for Cutler... Broncs fans are gonna be pissed...They finally feel like they have some stability at the QB posistion since the Elway days...now this
  5. Angelo loves the draft, which is why I never see this happening... but I am all for this...if they haven't been able to find a franchise QB in the draft throughout my 25 years of life they never will...
  6. The Bears role model is Scrooge McDuck...
  7. I saw this on NFL.com yesterday...it was a list of 4-5 teams including us, the lions, eagles??? and some others i forgot
  8. I am keeping the faith that sometime in my lifetime this team will have ownership that actually wants to win the big dance rather than just making money for themselves...
  9. I gotta think it's gonna be LF
  10. Hanie for Cutler straight up....i mean caleb has played at Mile High before
  11. Well living in the middle of this let me chime in. I don't see this happening with any team. This story was way overblown and some facts didnt get straight. Denver fans finally like what they have going on behind the center and are adamant about keeping him here. They don't want to go through all the griese/plummer crap again... Most are not entirely happy with the McDaniels signing and are siding with Jay over the new coaching staff...If they traded cutler Denver fans would be livid... I was wearing my bears jacket a few days ago and someone came up to me and said "You know what, if the broncs trade Cutler I will be rooting for that team from now on..."
  12. BUT that may make him a cheap pickup
  13. Thats pretty cool... They are going to make more money than they are losing on this...i dont know about you but I barely ever have cash. And if there is an option to use my debit card or take money out of an ATM that charges me 3.00 dollars plus my bank charges me another 2, I am going to use my debit card. I remember when the plans came out and they reduced it by like 5,000 seats...that made me somewhat angry
  14. I also think it would be pretty cool, and it would have to be an NFC/AFC thing or I would not stand for it. It would give me someone to root for other than the broncs since I am out here in Denver. And Ashkum points out it would probably give the McCaskey's a kick in the ass to actual care about winning and not just making money. The Bears will always be my team, (well unless I want to get a tattoo removed) but I probably wouldn't root against another Chicago NFL team like I root against the scrubs.
  15. maybe he and lovie could have staring contests...
  16. Isn't anyone going to talk about this guys drops....he'd be worse than moose
  17. well I do get the feeling that Lovie just sits there with the blank look on his face saying good job, or let's work on that...all day long
  18. Why not??? We need a fullback...
  19. who is gonna start firebobbabich.com???? it seem to work for shoop...(after 9 years..ha) *edit Looks like someone took the domain, it leads to another bears board
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