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Everything posted by DaBearSox

  1. Hub is an idiot... I may eat crow for this but Hass ain't gonna be shit I never understood why so many people humped his leg - maybe a few good camp days?
  2. luckily I got Robbie Gould in one of my fantasy leagues...this team is prime for getting a good return and not making anything but 3 out of it.
  3. After the Super Bowl I said get him the hell out of here, but after my strong hatered for his game plan that night has subsided, and I have seen this defense under Babich, I would really like it if we had kept him around. I guess we can wait until we see a few games this season to see if babich can improve on the horrible year that was 2007.
  4. My buddy shared a driveway with him at thier summer houses in South Haven, MI. And you are correct with your assumption... oh except for the time he got his boat stuck on the sand bar and my friend's dad took the jetski out there to go help him out...got Samuri's Bears seats for a game
  5. I think this is the most accurate statement that you have, but if it was b/c of the reason said on this board before, then I can't hold it against him...
  6. DaBearSox


    Nice work Mr. Orton... and I am sorry, yea it was very classless of the fans to boo Rex, but it was hilarious...
  7. DaBearSox


    Urlacher also proclaimed that the Defense "Stunk"
  8. I make my own ringtones for my phone. Just take a plane old sounds file (.mp3, .wav, etc..) I use mp3 knife (free program at download.com) to get the portion of a song/file... My phone has a spot for a mini SD disk so I just add the file to that on the computer then stick it in my phone and make it the ringtone... Had the Paulie Grand Slam call and the "OUT, OUT That's a WHITE SOX WORLD SERIES WINNER" for awhile if you got a spot for a memory card its really easy or a cord that plugs into a USB port
  9. Rookie OL missing the season, I don't think he will contribute much coming back late in the season. Rex at least had a few years under his belt and knew what was going on. This pick smells like the next Marc Columbo to me...
  10. nonsense...for one who would you rather have throwing you the balls? I think Coles just doesn't want to get caught up in all the hoopla, he is a player in the NFL he should know that players move on/get cut/traded. Thie reporter is obviously trying to make something out of nothing...
  11. He is really really into the game too, very competative, you should have seen him crying when he lost to CU.
  12. Wait....so the south lot is unaffected? Thats the one I always park/tailgate in...I have spent a game or 2 watching it in a car when I was unable to get a ticket....its not like it raelly matters for me anyway, I don't know the next time i'll be back to see a game anyway and if it happens I am going to have a ticket anyway... Season tickets holders have parking passes don't they? Well at least the option to buy one...
  13. Sorta BS for the people that go for the tailgating festivities and watch the game on TV from the lot... http://www.suntimes.com/sports/football/be...lgate06.article
  14. I agree, I got to see him a game a year when they played CU. For CSU it was pretty much thier most important game of the season and it had a very playoff like atmosphere, most the of the games were played at Invesco. He always impressed me and I thought he might have a chance to be a 6-7th rounder not higher b/c of the school he played at. Hopefully he turns into the miracle the Bears have always needed.
  15. All of the news channels around here have said that he asked for his release because he was demoted....I mean the guy took a pay cut to keep playing, I think he will benefit some team just not ours.
  16. So do they run this article every year at this time?
  17. is it just me or did Orton's bomb at the end look longer than Rex's?
  18. Thanks John Clayton... It makes sense, but I really think it is 50/50 at this point
  19. Before I read your dates I thought you were posting from the honeymoon....now that would be a sign of a true bears fan....
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