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Everything posted by StrangeBears

  1. I'm happy with the TEAM'S record, but very disappointed with GROSSMAN'S play. Can you understand the difference? Or why people are worried that Grossman will pick a playoff game to have another 'off day'? (The same things were said during the Sox season: "we've the second best record! there are no problems! how can you criticize this team?" we know how that turned out.) Grossman has yet to play three decent or better (QB rating above 80) games in a row this year. He bounces back strong after a poor performance, but he's still very inconsistant. The Bears' success in the post season will depend on which Grossman (and OC) show up.
  2. Rex is the only option this year. But what about next?
  3. Just because the backup sucks doesn't mean the starter is any good. I don't understand that logic at all. Face it, Chicago is destined to never have a decent QB.
  4. I love that Jacobs was penalized for basically saying "hi honey" to his expectant wife. Some of the celebrations are ridiculous. Hopefully the Giants stop their stupid jumpshot thing after Hester mocked them. The primadona WR's and their elaborate celebrations are too much. But while I think that Moose's celebration looks kind of stupid, its quick, doesn't directly mock the other team, and it isn't disruptive. The officials should start concentrating on making the correct calls on football plays instead of worrying about who they're going to penalize for celebrating.
  5. He's started 16 games now, so he's no longer "practically a rookie." He's just a young QB making boat-loads of mental mistakes when the pressure is on. I hope Rex can improve and become a great QB, because this team doesn't have another option aside from the "run, run, run, and run it some more" offense of last year.
  6. Some of the blame lies on Ron Turner. Miami was blitzing and bringing pressure all game. So, instead of going to shorter, quicker routes or screens, he keeps calling deep drops and long routes.
  7. Benching Grossman at this point would be pretty stupid. But this team won how many games last year with zero passing threat? Why does Turner feel the need to call so many passing plays, and deep ones at that? Granted, the decision to go deep vs. going to a check-down is ultimately Grossman's, but the playcalling just seems very questionable to me at times.
  8. This crap performance better get the team fired up for next week or the Giants can be back in the race for HFA.
  9. They've given up several big runs and if Joey weren't as bad as Rex is today, they had two guys deep pretty wide open.
  10. Not even the defense can do anything. I thought this was supposed to be one of the worst o-lines in football? And Arizona too? And the d-line gets dominated most of the game.
  11. If he plays this poorly next week Chicago will lose by 20 or more.
  12. 6 turnovers against AZ, six against Miami. Pathetic. Of course, the comparisons to 1985 won't stop for the whole next week now.
  13. Yep, and that is just not going to fly when the Bears come up against some tougher opponents in the coming weeks.
  14. Grossman is just freakin terrible today. freakin terrible.
  15. Another ball close to being picked. Grossman is showing that he can't play under pressure and from behind. That isn't going to fly on the east coast road trip or in the playoffs.
  16. I just don't know fi they have it in them... No, they don't. Grossman is looking really bad lately.
  17. "passing game really missing bernard barrian" bit of an understatement.
  18. Luck? Hester made two bonehead decisions and Miami recovered the first one and stripped him on the second.
  19. Oh, he's the game changer alright. Its just not always for the best.
  20. Thank god. Hester, just let this go if its over your head at the 10. Stop being such a moron.
  21. I hate you Devin Hester. That flag better be on Miami
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