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Everything posted by StrangeBears

  1. Bench him. Start Griese. Pray your defense can win the SB for you.
  2. "After fumbling two exchanges from center Olin Kreutz in Monday night’s preseason win over the Colts, quarterback Rex Grossman was adamant that the issue would be rectified. “We’ll figure it out and we’ll iron it out,” Grossman said. “That’s what the preseason is for and I promise you it won’t be a problem.”" I thought pop-warner or high school football was for figuring out how to take a snap. Rex will bring down the INT numbers this year, but he'll continue to bobble the ball.
  3. I think he'll be middle-of-the-road and not as wildly inconsistent as last year.
  4. The White Sox (particularly Guillen) should take note, too... I think both sides clearly understand that this was a business decision and nothing personal.
  5. Is there any chance at all of Chicago working out a contract with Briggs?
  6. Best of luck to him. He was definitely a part of the Bears' success over the last two seasons.
  7. Whether or not this was a good trade will depend solely on how well Benson plays next year. He has shown that he can be a good back. I think he'll be better then Jones. As far as Angelo taking "a big dump on TJ," do you think that the Saints took a dump on McAllister when they drafted Bush, or do you think they just went after one of the best talents in the draft? The Bears were in a position to draft a good RB and they knew Jones wouldn't be around forever. Are they supposed to wait until Jones' contract is up and then hope they have the change to draft another top RB prospect? If he's at least as good as Jones, it was a good trade.
  8. Because next year you'll get nothing for him and your 4th overall pick will have been on the bench for the most part for another year and will be pissed off at your organization.
  9. At least we'll have one less thing to argue about (Benson vs. Jones).
  10. I think that they should bring in at least one more QB for an open competition. I won't be too optimistic for improvements at QB if we're stuck choosing between Grossman, Griese, and Orton.
  11. Balta hit on it nicely- Jones barely got any carries after that, why would AP?
  12. Here's how the play-calling broke down, before and after the Colts took a 2 point lead and 12 point lead: Bears Lead Pass: 6 Run: 9 Colts (2)* Pass: 10 Run: 6 Colts (12) Pass: 15 Run: 3 *1 fumbled snap that I don't remember if it was going to be a pass or run As soon as Benson went down and the Colts took a small lead, Turner panicked.
  13. He also fumbled two snaps, one of which was lost and another which completely killed a potential scoring drive. He and Turner should have also known that you can't throw that ball to Berrian in that kind of weather. It was the right "read" but a bad decision to throw it. It's not good if he makes good decisions 90% of the time and really, really stupid ones 10% of the time -- those decisions can really cost the team some big yardage or points. I'm also very unpleased with the game that was called on both sides of the ball. Turner was horribly predictable (as displayed in the OP's article) and had a terrible game plan. Maybe he panicked when Benson went down and the Colts took a small lead.
  14. The problem is that Rex hasn't seemed to progress much from the start of the season. He's still making the same stupid mistakes he was making back in the Miami, NE, Minnesota, and Green Bay games and even some of the wins. He's fumbling clean snaps (how does this even happen this often at this level?), making very bad reads to force a ball in to double coverage instead of taking the easy 10-15, not being able to scramble for a first down ever, throwing off his back foot, and generally just looking clueless out there. Sunday's game was just the culmination of all of his mishaps throughout the year. Of course, Turner's play-calling generally isn't helping matters much. I hope Rex can progress and become a good QB. The Bears need and deserve better than someone who is wildly inconsistent or who merely just doesn't screw up. I just haven't seen anything out of him to indicate that he'll become a consistently good QB. He now has 24 games under his belt, which is about a season and a half. No more excuses for him. Next season he either steps up and becomes a great QB, or relegates himself to riding the bench for the rest of his career.
  15. I'd like to see Benson-only if the Bears can get something decent for Jones. If no one is willing to give anything, keep him around for another year. Benson always seems to be moving forward or falling forward when he gets tackled. Jones always seems to be falling sideways or backwards.
  16. I don't know how you can say that Grossman didn't cost them the game as much as the defense did. The defense kept Chicago within 5 points into the 4th quarter. If the offense managed to score a TD for the Bears instead of for the Colts, Chicago is leading 24-22 with half a quarter to play. Rex was fumbling clean snaps and throwing stupid interceptions. How does a QB fumble snaps so frequently at this level? Its inexcusable. The defense wasn't playing its best, that's for sure. That's partly due to the play-calling, partly due to being on the field the entire game, and partly due to mental mistakes/ poor play. I just don't see how you can't place most of the blame for this loss on Ron Turner, Rex Grossman, and the O-line.
  17. They didn't play their best. They played good enough to win, though, given the circumstances.
  18. I think we're all just disappointed because the Bears played far from their best in just about every aspect and they STILL could have won if they made some better decisions with the plays and throws.
  19. No problem, I jumped on you a little bit for no reason. Sorry 'bout that.
  20. You're kidding, right? Yeah, if Grossman didn't suck and had good mechanics and could actually throw the ball, the Berrian INT would have been a very, very easy TD. If he had half a brain, he wouldn't have thrown it into double-coverage to Moose when Clark was WIDE OPEN (similar trends for his inexcusably stupid plays throughout the year -- forces it somewhere it doesn't belong with Clark open for a nice, easy 10 yards). It wasn't meant to be because we have a complete fool calling the plays and an even bigger fool trying to execute them. I don't remember Manning floating anything 10 yards short.
  21. Who wants to register www.fireronturner.com? The guy is a complete moron.
  22. Despite being on the field for 40 minutes (partly their own fault, mostly the offense's inability to have more than one decent drive), they kept the Bears in the game until Rex lofted a Bears TD to a Colts CB and the game got out of reach. They didn't play fantastic, but they give the Bears a shot to win. I think if you would have come here and said that the Bears defense would hold Indy to 22 points, everyone would have thought that Chicago would win easily.
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