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Everything posted by mr_genius

  1. haha, not even surpsed by it. everytime the ball goes in the around towards Tillman i expect bad things to happen
  2. YESQ YES!! YES!! YES! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. hmm, so ESPN picked the Colts... i don't even know why the Bears bother playing. ESPN is never wrong.
  4. this is a heartwarming story http://www.theheckler.com/news/templates/?a=607&z=24
  5. i think the sox ring looks kinda lame. just my opinion.
  6. na, i think the bears superbowl ring should really flashy and over the top. it's a superbowl ring!
  7. i will have to respectfully disagree with you on da sack total, but aaaa but aaa, agree on da final outcome. Bearssss
  8. i don't think so. i remember the Bears wore their away uniforms in superbowl XX.
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