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Everything posted by mr_genius

  1. not total blow-out 1st quarter good.
  2. i'll give the niners this, frank gore is the shit
  3. man, pat summerall sounds drunk. but he's just old.
  4. 10-0 baby! lets see a BLOW OUT! BEARSSSS!
  5. dudes, grossman checked down. i feel good about this game
  6. oh man, i hate those orange uniforms. stick with the classic navy blues!
  7. i think the bears made the right deciscion putting Todd Johnson in as the starter
  8. good point he needs to get back to doing that
  9. that was one of the best press conferences ever
  10. they definately need to run more (i would like to see Benson in more) grossman needs to drop the ball off short to his 3rd option more (instead of always trying for a deep completion)
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