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Everything posted by adam

  1. Here is an updated Keeper list, I still need valid keepers from MotM (Mongo), PapaBear, and our newest GM Nips&Tips. If any GM needs help with Keepers or the draft, I will see what I can do. Keepers so Far (w/ pick lost): Corona Kings D. Henry (3rd) MadLith C. Kupp (5th), K. Hunt (13th) Savage with Loose Morals M. Gordon (5th), D. Waller (14th) Victorious Secret D. Moore (5th), L. Jackson (10th) The Bunny C. Godwin (4th) Nopper A. Green (7th) Run Dem Pockets K. Drake (6th), A. Peterson (7th) Invalid Keepers PapaBear A. Jones (Keeper from last year), D. Samuel (was drafted by another team) No Keepers Yet Nips&Tips Possible Keepers: 2. (20) Zach Ertz - for a 1st 3. (21) Mike Evans - for a 2nd 5. (41) Miles Sanders - for a 4th 6. (60) Austin Ekeler - for a 5th 15. (141) Alexander Mattison - for a 14th MotM (Mongo) 3.(28) Leonard Fournette - for a 2nd 4.(33) Mark Ingram II - for a 3rd 5.(48) Mike Williams - for a 4th 9.(88) Michael Gallup - for a 8th 10.(93) Los Angeles - for a 9th 12.(113) Jordan Howard - for an 11th 16.(153) Golden Tate - for a 15th
  2. Here is an updated Keeper list, I still need valid keepers from MotM (Mongo), PapaBear, and our newest GM Nips&Tips. If any GM needs help with Keepers or the draft, I will see what I can do. Keepers so Far (w/ pick lost): Corona Kings D. Henry (3rd) MadLith C. Kupp (5th), K. Hunt (13th) Savage with Loose Morals M. Gordon (5th), D. Waller (14th) Victorious Secret D. Moore (5th), L. Jackson (10th) The Bunny C. Godwin (4th) Nopper A. Green (7th) Run Dem Pockets K. Drake (6th), A. Peterson (7th) Invalid Keepers PapaBear A. Jones (Keeper from last year), D. Samuel (was drafted by another team) No Keepers Yet Nips&Tips Possible Keepers: 2. (20) Zach Ertz - for a 1st 3. (21) Mike Evans - for a 2nd 5. (41) Miles Sanders - for a 4th 6. (60) Austin Ekeler - for a 5th 15. (141) Alexander Mattison - for a 14th MotM (Mongo) 3.(28) Leonard Fournette - for a 2nd 4.(33) Mark Ingram II - for a 3rd 5.(48) Mike Williams - for a 4th 9.(88) Michael Gallup - for a 8th 10.(93) Los Angeles - for a 9th 12.(113) Jordan Howard - for an 11th 16.(153) Golden Tate - for a 15th
  3. Oh man, good luck with that. Hopefully it goes smoothly and you are back home recovering soon.
  4. Mongo, thanks, invite sent.
  5. We have one more potential GM vacancy if anyone is interested (need to know by tonight), who can draft on Thursday night. Mongo, I also need your email for the league invite as soon as possible.
  6. We are planning to conduct the online draft at 730pm (CT) on Thursday, September 3rd. Mongo has stepped up to fill our one GM vacancy, and I am still waiting for some teams to post their Keepers. I want to lock those in by Wednesday so those wanting to set their draft orders have an updated list of available players (keepers removed). So Keeper Deadline is 730pm on Wednesday, September 2nd. Online draft is 730pm (CT) on Thursday, September 3rd. $30 fee is due September 13th, I will have an email out for the LeagueSafe link once Mongo joins today. Final State: https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/819234/lastseason 2019 Draft results: https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/2019/f1/442282/draftresults?drafttab=team KEEPER STATUS Valid Keepers Savage with Loose Morals M. Gordon (5th), D.Waller (14th) Corona Kings D. Henry (3rd) MadLith C. Kupp (5th), K. Hunt (13th) Pepe M. Sanders (3rd), A. Ekeler (5th) Victorious Secret D. Moore (5th), L. Jackson (10th) Invalid Keepers PapaBear A. Jones (Keeper from last year), D. Samuel (was drafted by another team) No Keepers Yet The Bunny (Ary) Run Dem Pockets (David) Nopper (Bill) New Team (Mongo)
  7. We are planning to conduct the online draft at 730pm (CT) on Thursday, September 3rd. Mongo has stepped up to fill our one GM vacancy, and I am still waiting for some teams to post their Keepers. I want to lock those in by Wednesday so those wanting to set their draft orders have an updated list of available players (keepers removed). So Keeper Deadline is 730pm on Wednesday, September 2nd. Online draft is 730pm (CT) on Thursday, September 3rd. $30 fee is due September 13th, I will have an email out for the LeagueSafe link once Mongo joins today. I will post this in the other thread.
  8. Mongo please DM me with the email you want to use for the league. Here is a link to the final roster state from last season: https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/819234/lastseason As a keeper league, you can keep up to two players that you drafted and were on your final roster. The only other rule is you can't keep a player two years in a row. So with that, here are the available keepers for you this year. You don't have to keep any, can keep one, or two. It is up to you. I kept only one this year. 3. (28) Leonard Fournette - for a 2nd 4. (33) Mark Ingram II - for a 3rd 5. (48) Mike Williams - for a 4th 9. (88) Michael Gallup - for an 8th 10. (93) Los Angeles - for a 9th 12. (113) Jordan Howard - for an 11th 16. (153) Golden Tate - for a 15th The team you are taking over for finished 4th in the regular season, but ended up in 6th after the playoffs, so you will be drafting 5th this year in the standard snake draft. Once I get the email, I will get an invite out to you.
  9. Has to be a no-brainer considering the unknown condition of Montgomery and our thin backfield.
  10. Great thanks, I will send you the info here shortly, once I log into the league.
  11. I will have a couple of windows to vote on for the draft, we need one more GM unless Sully comes up on the net by the end of the day today.
  12. Gents we are getting danger close to the season starting and looks like we still need one more GM to replace Sully (Cali Bears). I will have a tentative plan for the draft and payment later today.
  13. Groins are tricky, no pun intended, I would rather go the longer recovery route than to have him come back and reinjure it and be out again. Hopefully they will exercise extreme caution on this.
  14. adam


    Yeah that was an ignorant comment. In no way was playing thru the death of a loved one the same as players united to boycott playing over another police shooting. The Bears were quick to alienate him, which was good to see: "The social media posts in no way reflect the values or opinions of the Chicago Bears organization.” Matt Forte had a very well written response to Urlacher's comment.
  15. Yeah, I would be shocked if it wasn't torn. That would be a lot of pain for a pull or strain.
  16. adam

    Covid-19 in 2020

    Supposedly it was one lab out of NJ with all the false positives from around the league. So there is clearly a problem with that lab. I guess at worst it tested the league's policies and procedures when dealing with testing and positives. Maybe even a secret dry run? I also saw this report that the league has now completed over 100,000 tests and the positive rate is a fraction of 1%, which is very promising news:
  17. We have an opening in our PPR Keeper League unless Sully (CaliBears) comes out of hibernation in the next day or two. We are looking to draft between 30AUG and 06SEP. It is a 2-keeper league (don't have to keep any), the fee is $30 via Leaguesafe and the pot is $180 for 1st, $90 for 2nd, and $30 for 3rd.
  18. Bill got in touch with Ary, he is playing, so unless Sully comes up here or on the league message board, we will be looking for a replacement GM next week.
  19. adam

    Team Marketing

    It is interesting to me that I got a Bears email from their Pro Shop and Trubisky is on the image. Why would they put a potential back-up QB as their main marketing image? That leads me to believe he will be the Week 1 starter regardless, and the team is committed to giving him at least a few games to prove himself, and then if he falters, Foles comes in. This is not a competition.
  20. I don't know how Yahoo is planning to handle that. I guess we could come up with something, like rolling over some of the money to next year, or just letting it roll as a shortened season with a champ. We could spread the payout to 4-5 teams vs only 3. That is something we will need to vote on.
  21. I messaged Ary (The Bunny) who is our commish. It looks like he accepted the invite for this year because his icon was active. Sully (Cali Bears) has not. So we will need a deadline for bringing in new GMs and possibly switching Commissioners if Ary doesn't respond soon. Right now, Week 1 starts on 10SEP, so I assume we want the draft the week prior, between 31AUG and 05SEP. That's 11 days away. So we have to move fast as I don't know how Yahoo handles Commish changes when the only Commish is not active. We also need to have 1, and potentially 2 GM's in the queue to be new GMs to keep it a 10-team league. So I am thinking we need to make the change a week prior, 24AUG, any objections? That gives the new Commish time to setup the pay site and get payments in. I know the board is pretty dead right now, but are there any members that want to GM a team in our Keeper League?
  22. https://www.chicagobears.com/news/wwe-belt-ratchets-up-intensity-in-1-on-1-drills The Blackhawks have been doing this for years. It seems like a good way to add some friendly competition to the mix.
  23. Yeah, they will add someone for depth, but I think we are good with Fuller, Johnson, Skrine, Shelley, and Toliver as the core of the CB group.
  24. This is who has reported in so far: Savagew/LooseMorals Brad Corona King Adam PapaBear Kam The Mad Lithuanians Andrew Victorious Secret Duane Pepe Travis Nopper Bill Run dem pockets David GM's who have not reported in yet: The Bunny Ary (Commish) - has not been on TalkBears since October 24, 2019 - has not been on League site since December 28, 2019 Cali Bears Sully - Unknown status So we will have to come up with a consensus on GM replacements and a deadline to report in. Then get a call out for replacements, then set a day for the draft.
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