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  1. Jones wanted an extension and Rosenhaus was entirely willing to hold out if one was not given to him, the Bears didn't want to go through that again this year and this time with possibly 2 players. The Jets are supposedly already working out a long term deal with Thomas so he got what he wanted and the Bears according to most draft value charts got pretty good value for him.
  2. They said Jones and an '07 second round pick to the Jets for an '07 second round pick. So the Bears used Thomas Jones to move up from #63 to #37.
  3. I made 2 predictions before the end of last season, Lance Briggs will hold out if franchised and Thomas Jones will request a trade. Looks like both are going to come true.
  4. http://www.chicagobears.com/news/NewsStory.asp?story_id=3079
  5. It would be nice if Rex had Brees' mobility, elusiveness and ability to throw on the run.
  6. Well the guy is dumb as a stump, he's basically Forest Gump his only job is to run real fast toward the guy who kicks him the ball anything more could be constituted as mental overload. I don't think he'll ever become even a decent defensive back, there's just too many intricacies to the game and I really don't think he can handle it. I see him being a damn good return man for quite a while and possibly being used for end arounds on offense but anything more than that is probably just wishful thinking. The transition worked out for Azumah not just because he's an excellent natural athlete and had the natural ability required to play the position but he's also a real bright guy too.
  7. Haha, learn. That's a good one.
  8. That's funny because Benson is actually faster than Jones, Ced is the straight ahead power/speed back that will knock you on your ass then break away past the secondary but won't give you a lot of cuts which isn't really a bad thing. Thomas Jones is a cut back back with ok speed and average tackle breaking abilities, he has trouble out running the back 7 on long runs and is often caught by linebackers at the second level because of his lack of speed, he does possess a killer stiff arm though. Jones is probably as good as gone, there's no reason for him to stick around Chicago and split carries when he could be getting #1 type carries elsewhere. If the Bears don't seek a trade to start the offseason Jones could likely force their hand with a holdout.
  9. Looks like Isreal Idonije and Ricky Manning Jr.
  10. From what I've read Bradley is now 100% (off the injury report all together) and it doesn't look good for Nick Harper, I really don't see how he's going to play in 2 days after not practicing at the end of the week. I'd hold Harper out of the game. I'd also turn precipitation on a bit, it looks like there's going to be a little storm with possibly some rain.
  11. Check the date on the SI though, I believe it's dated February 5th (the day after the Super Bowl) so if you do believe in the whole SI jinx thing then the Bears did dodge a bullet here whereas Manning and the Colts are pretty screwed.
  12. Mike Mulligan writes in his column most everday that the cap will be making a significant jump next season so the Bears should have ample cap space going forward.
  13. The one thing Urlacher has on both of them is athleticism, neither Singletary nor Butkus could do the things that Brian is capable of, he is a freak of nature. Having said that Brian still has something to prove, if he closes out his career with a ring, 4-6 more outstanding seasons of play and a hall of fame induction I don't see why he couldn't be considered the best of the 3 since Brian's numbers are certainly more spectacular than Singletary and the stats for Butkus are incomplete considering the era he played in. As for the intimidation factor that some use for Butkus and to a lesser extent Singletary and against Urlacher you have to keep in mind that a lot of the things Butkus was allowed to do in his day (wacking QBs upside the head, twirling opponents in the air by their facemasks, etc.) Urlacher would be flagged, ejected, fined and suspended for. The new rules have taken a lot of the intimidation factor away from the defense but you have to believe that if these rules were eliminated today Urlacher would do some BAD things to people.
  14. The rule of thumb is that the home team gets an automatic 3 points in the line so as of game time it was basically a push at Bears -3.
  15. Well on the ESPN.com poll "Which team will win Super Bowl XLI?" 32% Bears, 68% Colts. Me likey.
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