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Da Bears 88

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Everything posted by Da Bears 88

  1. ESPN's extensive coverage of how Peyton Manning can't lose.
  2. Drew Brees picked the Colts. I'm shocked. Stupidity is marked down, after Sunday night.
  3. Skip Clueless just called Grossman the worst QB in SB history.
  4. Tank will play in the SB. Judge lifts travel ban on Tank Johnson
  5. They just said on ESPN 1000, that he can go to Miami. Unless, i heard it wrong.
  6. This dude on ESPN 1000, just called Sean Salisbury, Clownsbury for picking the Saints. Also, he called Steve Rosenbloom, Rosenretard.
  7. Keep on running. Saints can't stop Jones or Benson. Also, these announcer's suck.
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