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Posts posted by kyyle23

  1. My argument is not so much that this group is good, but that it is better than ours. I think you have an inflated impression of our WRs, as you have now placed our group ahead of both SF and Seattle's WRs. I have yet to see a team who has a group of WRs as poor as ours.


    As for whether Haas should be able to contribute immediately, I will agree the barriers are not there to prevent him from doing just that. At the same time, I am not sold he will. The fringe WRs for the bears in the last few years have seemed to become like the backup QB for the bears, at least for the fans. I guess it is the same rationale. Since our starting QBs always seem to suck, fans always seem to fall in love w/ the backups. Same I suppose goes for WRs now. The group of Wrs we have been putting out there is so bad that any WR in a bear uniform not getting a chance must be better, and ends up becoming fan favorites.


    I am not saying Haas didn't deserve a chance in Chicago. I am not saying he could not have done better. Nor am I saying he will not do wel in Seattle. I am saying I am far from certain.



  2. If their WR situation is so crappy, why didn't they grab him off our practice squad during the season???


    Peace :dabears


    because they wanted real WRs like Keary Colbert who they traded for. If Hass didnt win the Belitnikof award, this discussion wouldnt even be taking place. Hass might be the next Wes Welker, but it is much more likely that he is the next failed great white WR out of college. It isnt as if the Bears are the only ones who gave up on him, and it isnt as if the Seahawks just told him he was going to be their number 1, or even their primary slot WR, he has an outside shot of making their team, and will probably be a practice squad guy for them too

  3. No Kyle, you are not understanding. If we REALLY wanted him, he never would have made it to New Orleans... Where there is a will, there is a way.


    Oh yes, I forgot. If we back up the truck to anyone and drop money, it works. Silly me.


    Apparently the bears front office is able to reschedule free agent visits for any player at any time.




    face it, the guy saw a situation where he was going to thrive and jumped on it. No other team in the NFL had a chance, Brees wanted to be a saint. This fantasy situation that you are somehow hanging on the bears is ridiculous

  4. If JA really wanted him, he would have sent a red carpet out for him. I don't buy that in the least... It's apparent we didn't want him or at least didn't want to pay for him.



    You are not understanding. Brees went to New Orleans and signed on the dotted line, right there. Sean Payton and the NO staff blew him away and that was it. The red carpet wasnt going to stretch to New Orleans

  5. ...soon to be the leading TD catcher in SEA.


    Good going Bears! You let another good WR go without even giving the kid a chance when it was apparent all your other options SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    AAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I hate this team's management and coaches...


    jebus christmas, quit being a drama mama everytime somethign like this happens.


    Oh my god! That player will be the best evers now that the bears dont have him!!!!! OMGZZZZZ

  6. we need to find OUR OWN BOLDIN!!!!


    That's how it freakin works....look at all the $$$ the cowboys...the vikings....the Deadskins....etc...they are ALL at home watching...I am only interested in free agents that can step in and fill a roll that you don't need to break the bank for. "Billy Ball" for football.


    Um, yeah. They made the playoffs. They may have lost, but they werent at home watching when the playoffs started.

  7. If I have to choose between the guys on the list...


    Derrick Anderson (If available)

    Byron Leftwich

    David Carr

    Chris Simms

    J.P. Lossman

    Kyle Boller

    Luke McNown


    But that's like choosing to being kicked in the balls and punched in the balls. Leftwich might get crippled behind the Bears' OL. David Carr would have Texas flashbacks and instinctively curl into the fetal position. Simms is flaky to begin with. JP Losman is inconsistent, but interesting. Boller is boring, and the Bears already have a similar QB in Orton. Luke McNown - Meh.


    The same guy who was benched, then forced back to starter because of Quinns injury, only to blow out his own knee? yuck.


    That list is hideous. I hate to say it, but Orton is a much better fit than any of those guys at this point

  8. Everyone is missing a piece of the equation for Warner. He is now being talked about as a Hall of Fame candidate. You can offer him all the money in the world but from where he is right now his best shot at getting into the Hall is by staying in Arizona with those WRs and a coach who loves the run game but still will let him throw the ball up to 75% of the time.


    As for some of the other arguments about him throwing INts or fumbling when under pressure. Arizona hasn't had a great Oline this year and he's taken some big hits. Quite simply he's doing a better job taking care of the ball. Anyone remember Mike Gandy at LT? He's better now than his LT stint with the Bears but who on this board was asking to sign him to fix our LT spot when he last hit FA?


    As for Leinart, the Cards just won their first home game since 1947! I won't say the entire city is going crazy over this like they do for the Suns but it's building. The team is being run by Bidwill's son now and it seems clear he wants to keep that momentum. They have good things happening for the team such as sold out home games two seasons in a row that they've never had here. That is helping the revenue stream which is helping to sign FA (or better yet keep guys like Fitzgerald). Phoenix is the 5th largest city and a big sports town, this team can be very successful financially by keeping this momentum. All that makes Leinart's salary a moot point. Even Edgerrin James is now indicating he might want to come back here.


    I think one of his huge problems with the Rams(at the end) and the Giants was that his hand was broken, then recovering, and he wasnt quite right for a while. I know he had a few surgeries and broke it a few times, and it really affected holding onto the ball. It isnt as if he takes too much time back there

  9. I don't see any reason why Haas couldn't win a starting job on the Seahawks roster. Their WRs are MUCH less impressive than the Bears' WRs.

    Watch him get a starting job and eat up the Bears for about 8 catches and 100 yards next year...and every single catch will be on an inside slant route that is being guarded by a guy 10 yards off.


    Deion Branch and Bobby Engram are much more impressive than anything on the Bears roster

  10. Look at the team now 7 years into his being here.

    Can you honestly say that this team is as good as what he inherited from Hatley in 2001?


    The Offense is a wreck. Other then TE and RB, it needs a player at every position. He just now realized that QB is the most position on the team. This is a guy that brought in players like Kordell Stewart and Chris Chandler, then passing on guys like Brees and turning away Warner because he wouldn't let him compete for starter.


    This group of WR's doesn't have a single number 2, yet alone 1. The offensive line all needs replacements here other then maybe Williams who was drafted with a chronic back injury. Kreutz, he inherited, might not need replaced but needs his replacement in training here.


    Defensively, while more talented then the O, it has many holes that need filled. He continually tries to find safties but the only real one he has on the team is Brown. CB's, while full of Depth, still questionable at it's starters. Not to mention a wasted 3rd round pick on Manning Jr. a couple years ago and bringing in a guy like Archueletta with a big paycheck.


    Briggs was a major hit at LB, inherited Urlacher, average talent other at LB. Plus, wasted picks in Okwo and Williams.


    The Defensiveline has been under productive. Ogun never lived up to the billing, there's an overhyped but quality player in harris, brown is good but not a special talent and not much else there but really good backups.


    Yes, I think he has had a below average record at bringing in talent, especially on the offensive side, at times neglecting key positions. Defensively he's had one find that was remarkable in Briggs and the rest of his track record is average or below.



    Are you kidding me? The 2001 team was a MIRAGE. Since Angelo ousted Jauron and everything that Jauron did, his teams have gone 1st twice(once to the superbowl) , 2nd, and 4th place.


    You want to talk about what Hatley did? Lets read this quote from the article regarding his termination:


    When Hatley arrived in May 1997, he inherited a team that had had two consecutive losing seasons and was full of holes.


    The Bears have gone 4-12, 6-10 and 5-11 since.


    Oh yeah, Mark Hatley really left the cupboard full. What happened in those two years after the 13-3 season? Oh yeah. 4-12 and 7-9. And dont talk about Kordell Stewart and Chris Chandler unless you want to bring up some gems that Hatley provided us with like Curtis Enis and Cade McNown. All Angelo did was get Briggs? Not draft Alex Brown,and Tommie Harris? he didnt trade for Ogunleye? you go ahead and discount those three players, they were only a big part of one of the best defenses in the league two and three years ago. i'll give you archuleta, but then you gotta remember the good things Manning Jr did before he got ran out of town. how about taking a flyer on that guy that 2 organizations gave up on, what was his name again..... oh yeah Thomas Jones. Oh but he was just OK getting 1000 yards every year and being one of the most complete backs the bears have had in the last 20 years. I agree the Wide reciever situation has gotten out of control, but number one WRs dont grow on trees. Me and you could sit here for days listing this player that excelled and that player that failed, but you know what? It happens with every organization. Its called parity, the NFL encourages it, and free agency and non-gauranteed contracts pretty much guarantee it.


    No matter what you think of Angelo and the Bears, the Organization as a whole has been on the upswing since he took over. It may have peaked in 05-06, but they still have competed and this last year showed a marked improvement over the prior team despite everyone predicting doom and gloom and practically rooting for them to fail for that glorious high first round pick.


    Lets face it, pretty much every team has holes to fill year in and year out, and it isnt as easy as "sign this guy" or "hire this coach" or "lets switch to the 3-4 because the cover-2 isnt working". Its balancing money, priorities, player strengths, etc. Nobody wants to give Angelo credit for the good he has done and everyone wants results now. Well tough shit, sometimes results develop, they dont just appear.



    And Brees never got to Chicago to talk to Angelo. he went one place, New Orleans, and signed a contract immediately.

  11. I have nothing wrong with him being a defensive line coach. It's the possibility of him as a DC which some here have mentioned that I do not like or making room for his family so he will come here.


    JA didn't draft anyone in TB, he was a scout. I wouldn't mind JA as a defensive scout , but so far I would consider him a failure at GM.


    You mean director of player personnel? He had plenty of control in who was on that team.


    And considering the Jauron years that he had inherited(minus the 13-3), a 62-55 record as a GM isnt too bad.

  12. its hard for me to believe the Lions had the worst talent level of everyteam since going to the 16 game schedule.


    He's a position coach that got in over his head as a head coach, no reason to think he wouldn't be in over his head as Defensive Coordinator that had to call plays, which he's never done.


    IMO, the coaches from Tampa all have been over valued. They have been considered Great Defensive Minds, but with Marineli's failure, Bablich's failure, and personally I feel Lovie's failure, they all have not did well when put in the position. That defense was all Monte Kiffin and Tony Dungy.


    Well, then you shouldnt worry about him calling plays then, considering that he is going to be the defensive line coach, and not the defensive coordinator


    I forgot to ad ja to the list overated minds from Tampa.


    right, he didnt draft any of that talent. That was all Dungy and Kiffin.

  13. Does anyone remember the game vs. the Giants in '05 I believe where Alex Brown sacked Warner 3 or 4 times? That game gave Alex a nice pay raise and sent Warner's ass to the bench in favor of Eli. If he came to Chicago, would we get the pro-bowl caliber Warner or the punching bag.

    Warner's great when he has the guys he has now, or in St. Louis when he had Marshall Faulk, Issaac Bruce, and Tori Holt. Hester would make one helluva of a #3 deep threat for him . . . unfortunately Hester would be his #1 and Bennett or some rookie his #2.


    NFO mentioned the major upgrades we'd need for him to be successful and I agree with that. The only problem is, how are we going to do all those things? Hell, if we had a #1 WR, and a much improved offensive line, Orton would be real damn good.


    If Warner came here he'd be retiring much sooner and we'll still be talking about what QB to bring in. This move would be bad for Warner and for the Bears.



    Im not advocating the Bears going after Warner, but Alex brown abused Bob Whitfield that game, that had nothing to do with Warner. Even Michael Vick would have taken 5 sacks that game vs the Bears, the defense was uncorked in that span of games

  14. Does anyone remember the game vs. the Giants in '05 I believe where Alex Brown sacked Warner 3 or 4 times? That game gave Alex a nice pay raise and sent Warner's ass to the bench in favor of Eli. If he came to Chicago, would we get the pro-bowl caliber Warner or the punching bag.

    Warner's great when he has the guys he has now, or in St. Louis when he had Marshall Faulk, Issaac Bruce, and Tori Holt. Hester would make one helluva of a #3 deep threat for him . . . unfortunately Hester would be his #1 and Bennett or some rookie his #2.


    NFO mentioned the major upgrades we'd need for him to be successful and I agree with that. The only problem is, how are we going to do all those things? Hell, if we had a #1 WR, and a much improved offensive line, Orton would be real damn good.


    If Warner came here he'd be retiring much sooner and we'll still be talking about what QB to bring in. This move would be bad for Warner and for the Bears.



    Im not advocating the Bears going after Warner, but Alex brown abused Bob Whitfield that game, that had nothing to do with Warner. Even Michael Vick would have taken 5 sacks that game vs the Bears, the defense was uncorked in that span of games

  15. Does anyone remember the game vs. the Giants in '05 I believe where Alex Brown sacked Warner 3 or 4 times? That game gave Alex a nice pay raise and sent Warner's ass to the bench in favor of Eli. If he came to Chicago, would we get the pro-bowl caliber Warner or the punching bag.

    Warner's great when he has the guys he has now, or in St. Louis when he had Marshall Faulk, Issaac Bruce, and Tori Holt. Hester would make one helluva of a #3 deep threat for him . . . unfortunately Hester would be his #1 and Bennett or some rookie his #2.


    NFO mentioned the major upgrades we'd need for him to be successful and I agree with that. The only problem is, how are we going to do all those things? Hell, if we had a #1 WR, and a much improved offensive line, Orton would be real damn good.


    If Warner came here he'd be retiring much sooner and we'll still be talking about what QB to bring in. This move would be bad for Warner and for the Bears.



    Im not advocating the Bears going after Warner, but Alex brown abused Bob Whitfield that game, that had nothing to do with Warner. Even Michael Vick would have taken 5 sacks that game vs the Bears, the defense was uncorked in that span of games

  16. Does anyone remember the game vs. the Giants in '05 I believe where Alex Brown sacked Warner 3 or 4 times? That game gave Alex a nice pay raise and sent Warner's ass to the bench in favor of Eli. If he came to Chicago, would we get the pro-bowl caliber Warner or the punching bag.

    Warner's great when he has the guys he has now, or in St. Louis when he had Marshall Faulk, Issaac Bruce, and Tori Holt. Hester would make one helluva of a #3 deep threat for him . . . unfortunately Hester would be his #1 and Bennett or some rookie his #2.


    NFO mentioned the major upgrades we'd need for him to be successful and I agree with that. The only problem is, how are we going to do all those things? Hell, if we had a #1 WR, and a much improved offensive line, Orton would be real damn good.


    If Warner came here he'd be retiring much sooner and we'll still be talking about what QB to bring in. This move would be bad for Warner and for the Bears.



    Im not advocating the Bears going after Warner, but Alex brown abused Bob Whitfield that game, that had nothing to do with Warner. Even Michael Vick would have taken 5 sacks that game vs the Bears, the defense was uncorked in that span of games

  17. Does anyone remember the game vs. the Giants in '05 I believe where Alex Brown sacked Warner 3 or 4 times? That game gave Alex a nice pay raise and sent Warner's ass to the bench in favor of Eli. If he came to Chicago, would we get the pro-bowl caliber Warner or the punching bag.

    Warner's great when he has the guys he has now, or in St. Louis when he had Marshall Faulk, Issaac Bruce, and Tori Holt. Hester would make one helluva of a #3 deep threat for him . . . unfortunately Hester would be his #1 and Bennett or some rookie his #2.


    NFO mentioned the major upgrades we'd need for him to be successful and I agree with that. The only problem is, how are we going to do all those things? Hell, if we had a #1 WR, and a much improved offensive line, Orton would be real damn good.


    If Warner came here he'd be retiring much sooner and we'll still be talking about what QB to bring in. This move would be bad for Warner and for the Bears.



    Im not advocating the Bears going after Warner, but Alex brown abused Bob Whitfield that game, that had nothing to do with Warner. Even Michael Vick would have taken 5 sacks that game vs the Bears, the defense was uncorked in that span of games

  18. I don't get it. If you sign Warner the window is small so the Bears would need to significantly upgrade other offensive weapons and I don't see them capable of doing all those things which makes this a very dumb move, imo. The Bears should draft a QB very early in the draft if a top QB is available, sign a backup, and stick with Orton until the drafted QB is ready.


    Agreed, if the Bears go after Warner then they believe they have a window for the Superbowl next year, its a one shot deal and Warner is out the door.

  19. This has been talked about in another thread, but two things.


    One, I am for adding Warner, only IF this signing is part of a larger over-haul of the offense, where we add a top tier WR and an upper tier OT, and then draft an OG early. The only chance Warner would have to remain upright, much less do well, would be to drastically increase the talent surrounding him. If he took over the offense as it is, he would only hasten his retirement.


    Two, as one of our AZ posters said, I can not phathom why Warner would want to come to Chicago. He knows the system in Az, and is surrounding by great talent. Even if Boldin leaves, which is assumed, he still has one of the games best WRs in Firtz, and there is also a 3rd WR (forgot his name) that looked great when Boldin was hurt earlier this year. Why would he leave that situation to come to Chicago?


    You are assuming that the Cardinals will bring him back. They have quite an investment in Leinart that they probably need to see if is worthwhile at this point. I doubt Warner is going to want a paycut, and after this season, he is probably going to ask for a pretty penny, and can the Cardinals afford to allocate that much money in the QB position?


    Warner might now be with the Cardinals. That doesnt mean I think he is coming to the Bears, for the reasons you spoke of, but he is probably going to shop himself around. Who knows, maybe the Bears put their eggs in his basket and give him an offer he cannot turn down, Wide Recievers or not

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