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Posts posted by kyyle23

  1. It doesnt matter though, everyone will continue to bitch and moan about everything Lovie does, positive or negative.


    Is it not fair? Should we continue to "trust him" as he told us to?


    I think there is a huge problem when he talks about accountability, but doesn't apply that notion to his BFF Babich. How can you preach accountability and not apply it to the coach who has been in charge of the defense that went from top 5 to just plain bad?


    I didn't have a big issue w/ considering Marinelli for DL. I had a problem w/ him as our DC. But now adding his son-in-law to the list? It just gives the impression that friendship is what matters to Lovie more than going out and getting the best coaches available.


    Off-season isnt over yet, and the coaching changes are coming quite deliberately. Let the dust settle before you light your torch and pull out the pitchfork. From everything I am hearing Marinelli is wanting(and wanted as) the DC in Seattle, and the money is better. Hopefully he can drag is son over there with him.

  2. It is a joke because:


    (a) while we are letting the position coaches go, the guy who was in charge (Babich) is still in charge. That makes all comments about accountability very questionable.


    (B) You say he was one of the best DL coaches, but (1) he got that rep when loaded w/ DL talent, (2) got that rep when part of an overall great system and (3) has since shown nothing when separated from TB. While I understand that just because a guy fails as a HC, that doesn't mean he can't do well back as a position coach, but I do have to question why the DL in Det was always so bad, as well as the defense as a whole. If Marinelli is such a DL genius, should we not expect his team to at least look good in that area?


    © The friendship rules continues, as the talk is now that we could add Marinelli's son-in-law, or whatever, who was in charge of the worst defense in the league.


    It is a joke because while they talk about accountability, the guys who were truly in charge seem immune. Also, in looking at replacements, we seem to only be looking at guys who have strong ties to Lovie. As friendship being the key rule is already a sad statement, we only seem to be moving further in that direction.


    Im not going to argue against nepotism in the NFL, it is alive and well(and not just with the Bears, EVERYWHERE), but dont slight Marinelli at DL coach because he happened to be with a good team when he recieved all of his accolades. There are many that feel that he was a major part of that line being as good as it was. There are plenty of former head coaches who completely failed at being head coaches and went back to being brilliant coordinators and postion coaches, as long as Marinelli isnt given a shot at HC I think the Bears will be fine.



    The only problem I would have is if Marinellis brother came hand in hand with him as DL coach. That would piss me off to no end.



    It doesnt matter though, everyone will continue to bitch and moan about everything Lovie does, positive or negative.

  3. Yes grammer is very very important, now how exactly do you such the 2 players? <_>



    LOL, and he was criticizing the SPELLING of injury, not the grammar use of the word

  4. Are you high? Go to NFL.com, and such both players. Maybe you'd like to reconsider this post.


    Also, injury is spelled with a "y", not an "ie". Not trying to be a grammar nazi, but wow.


    Why is it if someone disagrees with you, then they are high?

  5. It started when Briggs was a RFA as well. Now, compare Fitz to Url when you talk about investing too much in one positiion. IE: paying #1's. I can't find a difference. I also recall how we all conjured up deals to try to get compensation for Briggs. We, as in this board, started lowering our standards of what we would take for Briggs in trade. Then we lamented when we franchised him, thinking we were going to lose him and get nothing. Good thing JA knew what he was doing.


    FYI - JA could have swung the deal for Berrian as well. It would have taken some restructuring of other deals that would have taken him out of great cap shape. Not saying he should have, but he could've.


    Please convince me of a difference, otherwise I don't understand your point.


    Ok, find me the player that is going to leave the Cardinals to free up the money to re-sign Anquan Boldin for the money he is worth(which is his problem, his current contract is deemed by him and rosenhaus to be insufficient for a player of his caliber. Which, is right on point), then I will tell you that your point makes complete sense.


    FYI, The Bears chose not to match the Deal for Berrian because it didnt make financial sense considering the players that were left to sign at the time and where the bears allocate money(ie. defense). Berrian wasnt worth the number one money to the Bears, and that is understandable.


    The Cardinals arent exactly the Cowboys in the sense of spending money all over the place. They arent in any position to be paying 2 wide recievers to be in the top 3 (money-wise) in the NFL. I could care less how this board conjured up deals and lowered thier standards, this board has not one bit of impact on the NFL and the way they do business.

  6. That's what everyone said about Briggs. Same situation.


    Not at all, Briggs was a UFA, Boldin is still a RFA. Plus, Briggs most likely would not have been re-signed if the Bears were able to make a deal with Berrian. Arizona cannot afford to pay their two wide recievers #1 money, and both of those guys could totally be #1's

  7. NOT HAPPENING!*&@*$&@*(&@_*@*(_@(*^$(&@#^$&(@^&($^@(^$@&*




    Boldin is almost sure to be traded, Arizona cannot afford to pay him what he wants, he deserves much more, and Arizona also has a very good replacement in Steve Breaston. He may not go to the Bears, but he will probably be traded. It isnt a Madden Fantasy at all

  8. I'll stay in the crazy category. I don't see the value of giving up Turner's 26th ranked offense for Martz's 23rd ranked offense. Kurt Warner is NOT coming to Chicago, if he doesn't retire he will resign with the Cardinals because even he knows that is where he has the most value. Warner is also smart enough to know that throwing to Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston is a hell of a lot better than throwing to ... we don't even know who he'd be throwing to.


    Shanahan I'd take in a heartbeat but he's not coming here to be an OC, he'll be a headcoach somewhere. Not to mention that the Bears will not fire Lovie after this season if for no other reason the money they'd lose.


    Would your tune change if the Bears acquired Boldin?

  9. 1. I will give you the possibility that the "Greatest Show on Turf" may have been an anomoly, but that doesn't mean Martz didn't run it. And that doesn't mean he isn't a good offensive mind. What's more likely is that he's a very bright offensive mind, brighter than Turner, and his run in St. Louis just happened to coincide with his talent.


    2. Forte catches the ball pretty damn well. I'd say he's tailored just as much for the Marshall Faulk role as he is the power running role.


    3. Agreed.


    4. I don't know what games you were watching, but you might want to check the stats for this offense. The Bears offense is near the bottom, or at least in the bottom half of the league in nearly every category.


    5. Warner and Holt may be past their prime, but Warner's better than Orton right this minute, and always has been. Similarly, Holt is better than any WR on the Bears, and would fit perfectly as a possession WR that the Bears have been in need of for quite some time.



    I dont even buy that it was an anomaly. Anomalies dont last for 3 plus seasons. They just had the perfect combination of an amazing offense and a decent defense. To call it an anomaly would discredit Torry Holt, Marshall Faulk, Isaac Bruce and Kurt Warner.

  10. So of the two above replies that you posted, which one are you behind? My contention is that the Bears should pass on Tebow as he is from Florida, which it would appear that you support in your first post, but then your reply to me is that you think he can play...period. I could give a crap, ESPECIALLY if they win the Heisman, how well the player was in College and using that as a complete judgement on their NFL capability. There are many other things to consider....Combine, aptitude and coaching and advisers when they enter the Professional world to name a few.


    Heck, a few on this board...to include myself, are willing to accept a QB that did nothing in College, except ride the pine, to lead the Bears. That guy being Cassel.


    I personally don't want the Bears to choose any QB from Florida for awhile....including Tebow.



    I dont want tebow, but I think the argument that you shouldnt draft X position from a school is really lame. My reply to you wasnt about Tebow, it was about the drafting, the kids that have come from Florida in the past 10 years have been under 3 seperate coaching staffs, Danny wuerffel should not be compared to Grossman should not be compared to Tebow.


    I really dont want to be part of the Cassell experiment, I think its going to end badly for whoever opens up the vault for him.

  11. We decided early on that we weren't going to spend any significant money to re-sign him.


    Now, I'm not really saying that was a good/bad decision. I was just making a point that he's been productive with Tavaris Jackson and Gus Ferotte. These guys are no game breakers. We always blame our problems on bad WRs but don't really give enough urgency to the QB position. There are several former Bear WRs having productive careers around the NFL.


    For some reason, we gave up on all of them and never really looked at the QB position.


    this is simply not true, Berrian got BOUGHT. Thats all there is to it, he got offered a tremendous amount of money, and the Bears decided to invest that money elsewhere, and that became Tommy Harris, Lance Briggs, or Devin Hester. he was good, but not worth the great money he got.


    And the other guys that the Bears gave up on, Wade, Gage, Bradley, never showed anything while with the Bears. Its so easy to say "wow look how they are doing now" but I totally remember these players looking like complete crap while with the Bears, dropping, fumbling, half-assing.


    Moose is another guy who looked like he was disinterested and couldnt hold on to the ball when it mattered. Always pointing fingers and such, that guy was brought in to be a leader and he was divisive. He can do well in Carolina because he isnt the main focus, he is the sidekick.

  12. Marinelli=Babich. I say no. I'm tired of Lovie guys that only want to blitz on running downs, then drop back into a soft cover 2 on passing downs. The QB sees no pressure, then calmly finds the WR who exposes the soft spot in the zone.


    Then we hear the stat that we blitz more than anyone else. Hey, I'd bet that if anyone dared to run the numbers, they'd see that we blitz less than anyone on 3rd down. We always act like we're going to send the LBs, but never do. This is fooling no one. The QB knows they aren't going to blitz.


    Trust Lovie again? No thanks. In fact, I say he should hire another Chico type that will challenge him enough to make us a good defense again.


    Do you even watch the games? They blitz all the time, THEY GET BLOCKED BECAUSE THE OPPONENT KNOWS ITS COMING. They dont pretend to send the LBs, they send them

  13. Are you suggesting the Kyle Orton will all of the sudden hit a much faster Randy Moss downfield when he consistently misses Hester?


    Not at all, Im suggesting Matt Cassell looks a hell of a lot better throwing to Randy Moss than Orton does throwing to Devin Hester. Im saying the deep threat that Cassell displays now is very similar to the deep threat that Daunte Culpepper mysteriously lost when Moss went to the Raiders.


    Im suggesting that Matt Cassell is a complete unknown at this point because he is playing with a playoff made team that hasnt changed hardly at all from an undefeated season, and not worth throwing all the money in china at him.


    Try and keep up

  14. I will have to hope, because the Bears would never do it anyway.


    Nothing that you say, however, will take away from the fact that Kyle does not have the ability to stretch the field. So any receiver brought in will have to stop 30 yards downfield.


    I just want a QB that can maximize perhaps our ONLY current WR threat and that is Hester. More specifiacally Hester's ability to beat coverage downfield which he did at least 10-15 times this year but we didnt have the QB who could get him the ball deep.


    You cant rely on pass interference in order get chunks of yards on one play.


    For the most part, I agree with all of this. I just disagree with putting all of my eggs in Matt Cassells basket, considering the situation he is in this year, and his history going back to high school.


    If it was Jake Delhomme coming from the Saints or Drew Brees coming from the Chargers, there is a legitimate beef there, but Cassell (to me) is the product of what the Patriots system can do

  15. Anyone else think Mangini's firing wasn't entirely justified? They made quite an improvement from last year's horrid squad.


    Apparently Mangini went to management before the season and said "If you give me Favre, I will give you the playoffs and possibly a superbowl"



    Then he missed the playoffs while losing to the QB that he ran off to Miami.


    Not a good gaurantee and result according to management

  16. They went undefeated because of Brady. Make no mistake about it. He is the best QB since Montana. Maybe the greatest ever.


    Put Kyle on the Patriots and all those bombs completed to Moss 60 yards downfield never happen.


    If Cassell is on the Bears, at least a legitimate deep threat is established. Then we have a running game to complement a deep passing threat. That can make for a good offense.


    Cassell is also more mobile then Kyle.


    We could have signed Brees after his breakout season in San Diego and didnt.

    We could have signed Matt Schaub and didnt.



    If you dont learn from the past, history is bound to repeat itself. I dont want the Bears to make the same mistake. To not even look into Cassells demand would be just unacceptable.



    No, the deep ball is not there because Moss isnt there, not because of Cassell. Cassell was, once again, handed the reigns to an undefeated team with an all pro line, wide reciever, and a great compliment of running backs. He doesnt have anything near that stability with the Bears.


    It would be a disaster. But you can hope for it, thats fine.

  17. Thats an easy question to answer (in terms of drafting a QB): The Bears have not drafted a good QB since Jimmy Mac. That was over 25 years ago.


    The only hope for this team, it seems, is to sign FA QB.


    And Matt Cassel proved he is very capable of making good decisions, can make all the throws and is a leader. The guy didnt throw a competitive pass since high school and look what he did. The team that signs him will be set for 10 years.


    I would throw the bank at him, as he is a franchise QB. Take a damn chance.



    F*** that noise. Im sorry, Matt Cassell was thrown in as QB for a team that went UNDEFEATED last year. You put him on the Bears this year(or next), and I bet he is ridden out of town on the Jonathan Quinn rail.


    Cassell has talent, but Im not ready to crown him as a franchise QB when he has a season handed to him on a silver platter

  18. a lot of NFL analysts I have been listening to on the Score have talked about how it isnt that Urlacher has lost a step or is ineffective, but rather that Bob Babich never knew how to use him properly and pretty much took Urlacher out of any position to make a consistent impact. They ahve talked about how his strength is running sideline to sideline, yet Babich is consistently blitzing Urlacher which is probably his worst skill.


    I dunno, I think if a new DC is installed, then we will know more about Urlachers skills and if they are declining

  19. Dude, you obviously haven't watched Tebow play. The guy has a better arm than anyone we've had in these parts in years.


    The guy is the real deal and a good kid. I would love to get him. But, we'll never pull the trigger.


    dude, I have watched plenty of winged ducks come out of that guys hands. He doesnt have the arm OR the mechanics to be an NFL QB. His throwing motion is too long, and he just doesnt throw a good ball.


    That doesnt make him a bad college QB, he is a damn good college QB, but he isnt NFL caliber.


    Some other points to remember with regards to Tebow. As was already mentioned, besides Grossman coming from Florida so too did Shane Matthews, Chris Leak and Danny Weurffel (all QB's that have been on the Bears roster orignally from the University of Florida).


    You are comparing QBs that have had 3 seperate coaches, in 3 seperate regimes and 3 seperate offenses? Give me a break, if a kid can play, it doesnt matter what school he comes from.

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