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Posts posted by kyyle23

  1. If you look at record only you could say 9-6 and barely missing the playoffs is respectable but it doesn't tell the true tale of how this team played. Early on my prediction was a sub 500 finish I predicted 6-10 and their record was better than that. We beat Indy soundly in their house and I though hey this team might actually be good. What followed was a mixture of decent games, games that we had won but snatched a loss out of the jaws of victory. The erratic play continued we lost games we should have won, won games we should have lost, and played that way till the end of the season. There were only a handful of convincing wins. But the majority of our games were either blown or somehow won at the last min. I understand that good teams pull wins out of their arses on occasion like we did in AZ in 2006. But for good teams that only on occasion not their MO. Good teams are consistent, and play with intensity. The only thing consistent about the 2008 Bears has been their inconsistency. When you ask yourself before game time, which team shows up today the one that beat indy, the one that blew it against tampa and carolina, or the one that shouldn't win but somehow pulls it out. For me it's the manner in which the team has played this season that I find more embarrassing than the results in the standings



    Overall Kyle has been one of the bright spots for this team


    Forte, what a find I liked this kid from day one and was thrilled that we dumped Seabass because I knew it would mean he'd be the starter. He hasn't disappointed me one bit. He's a tough kid with enough make you miss and speed to be dangerous and he's 10 times the blocking back that Ced was. It's nice ot have a back that can be in on all downs rather than only on running downs.


    Briggs, for once we give a guy a pay day and he completely earns it. I doubted last offseason that he'd still be here and he's not only still here but he is one of our best defensive players.


    Alex Brown, has stepped up his game and has really made his presence felt.


    Izzy has also made his presence felt and has stepped up.


    Hester, has done better at WR than I thought he would, but needs to either be a WR or a Return man he obviously can't do both.


    Olsen has been everything I had hoped he'd be this year I was beginning to worry but he's really stepped up and become a consistent target.


    Gould has been solid and another guy who didn't get lazy after his payday. If we didn't have a kicker like him I doubt we'd even have won half the games we did.


    Maynard has had a decent year and has been an asset in the field position battle.


    Manning has played well late in the season he had a rough game yesterday but he wasn't alone. Though his fumble on the return was costly in the end he has provided a solid return threat on kickoffs and has done well in the nickle.


    Lloyd probably had one of his better days as a WR yesterday than he's had in a while.


    Overall I have to think that the schemes we run on defense have more to do with the poor play than the individual players. I still think the talent is there but that talent is wasted on a flawed scheme. To an extent I say that's a positive that we have the talent but we need a DC who can get the most out of it and light a fire under these guys they have grown soft and need someone who will get on them.


    I'm sure there are more positives than this.



  2. What was "embarrassing" to me was the effort and the attitude on and off the field.


    It was embarrassing to me to be a fan of a team that had a chance to be in the playoffs. Here I am a faithful fan of many years of a team that has a chance to do something special and they just didn't come to play. I can't say anyone looked or played like they wanted it. The guys on the bench were staying off in the daze and completely not into the game every time they were shown on camera.


    If they played their hearts out and lost I would be proud to be a fan. Instead they gave nothing and it's embarrassing.


    what effort and attitude was embarrassing off the field? For once, the Bears managed to stay out of the limelight this year. You could complain about urlachers baby mama drama, but that lady causes nothing but trouble. (If Urlacher speaks the wrong way she runs to the Sun times)

  3. I hear what you are saying, I can only speak for myself in saying that I have seen decisions made that seemed foolish and then watched those decisions not work out and hurt the team, thus the frustration. And when alot of money is paid to players and they do not even come close to warranting their paycheck, that also leads to frustration.


    There are some real die hard, long term Bears fans on this page who love the Bears and what they stand for. I am one of those, and that passion makes my expectations high sometimes...but that comes with being a real fan IMO. Most of the guys who are talking negative will be the guys going to work tomorrow with their Bears shirts on looking for a fight with a cheeshead or vike that has something to say, lol..... We are angry today, we will be back tomorrow....


    I understand what you are saying as well, and I get frustrated just like you do watching foolish things happen, and knowing that they could ultimately cost the team and make things a huge tease like this season ended up being.


    Its the constant Bears 88 approach to things that drives me crazy. He was one of the worst, but he wasnt the only person to pick a player/front office person/coach to completely hate on, regardless of performance, and actually root for the player to fail so he will not be there to hate anymore. But that always leads to the next whipping boy, and it never actually stops.


    The knee jerk "have to win it all in one year" "burn the team to the ground if they lose" im never going to be a fan again-mentality is just overplayed. And not just here, its everywhere. Some things take a little time to develop and perfect.


    There was a 4 game swing this year, and last years team was absolutely dreadful. The Bears werent able to overcome too many mistakes, but then again, aside from the Green Bay and Minnesota road games, they were in every game. And honestly they were IN the Minnesota game until halftime and Minnesota blew it open.


    I dont know, sometimes its better for me to type out an angry post and let it sit there for a few hours and come back to it and see if thats what I really mean


    Hello? That is the definition of a Bears fan or any fan for that matter. Go to the Official message board and you'll see 3/4 of pages of negatives before you see any positives.


    So thats what it is to be a Bears fan? To be a constant negative naysayer who never has any faith in his team and constantly bitches? Jeez, I must have missed that flyer. I guess I better go to other forums to learn how to be a bigger crybaby :rolleyes:

  4. Not attacking you kyyle23, but those that would say the team did a good job considering the prognosticator's outlook. If the team really thought they wouldn't make it when the season started, then I'm very disappointed. We had shots all through the season and stupid mistakes caused looses that were within our grasp.


    Oh i didnt percieve it as an attack at all. I agree, the team had shots all season to take control and they couldnt do it, and it was a combination of personnel mistakes on the field, coaching, and lack of experience in the backups, for once the Bears really cannot blame any certain injury.


    Reading this board, you would think the Bears are the ones who went 0-16, not the Lions. When I scrolled back through all of the past 20 or so pages to find the prediction thread, I was actually astonished at the amount of negative posts throughout the entire year, winning week or losing week, it was always the same.

  5. This loss makes the season a disappointment. And I was, and will be, waiting for the rationalizations that we didn't have a snowball's chance from day one. We were right in it up to this game and the team did not show up. It is embarrassing. :shakehead


    Im not going to argue whats embarrassing, too many differing opinions and people who go game by game in how they want to read the Bears.


    This is a team that exceeded expectations and at the same time fell short of expectations to an entire city, and nobody will be consistent on how they called it before, in the middle, or now.

  6. You know what sucks? We all have to listen to Kornheiser compare Rodgers to Favre for the next 3-4 hours of our lives.


    That REALLY sucks.



    Im surprised there is no Tyna Robertson/Urlacher/Baby Momma Drama thread. Did I miss it somewhere?

  7. The make-up call was the penalty against NO on Hester in OT. It was an awful call but I'll take it.


    Harper made contact with Hester without trying to make a play on the ball, thats the way the rules roll

  8. Am I upset about WRs who leave the Bears and do well? Yes. Absolutely. I think the majority of the problems are because of coaching. It's hard to argue otherwise. Gage and Bradley showed real flashes of doing great things on the field, but never had a real opportunity for whatever reason. Wade showed he had great potential as a possession WR, and he's become a great one, but he couldn't overcome "Fumblegate".


    The one that hurts the most is Bradley, because he was finally healthy, showing spark every time he was in the game, and just never got the shot - even after being declared the #1 WR in preseason. But since this coaching staff is severely lacking he never got the shot.


    The worst part: We'll see it again and again because of this coaching staff and this organization and their insistance on ignoring the offense, and offensive line specifically.


    When was this? As said previously, he is already hurt in KC

  9. Im not upset at the Bears for these guys leaving and succeeding, Im pissed at these guys for having to be cut to start to perform. We can point to stats and scheme all we want, but Bobby Wade had an extreme case of fumblitis and the dropsies while he was with the Bears, and Mark Bradley couldnt stay healthy, everytime we looked up he was tweaking his knee or rolling his ankle or something. Justin Gage showed flashes of what we see now, but he wasnt consistent and he was another guy who couldnt hold on to the ball.


    Its amazing what losing a job will change in a guy. These guys had everything handed to them from high school up, and when they finally lost their jobs, and lost their paychecks, they realized they needed to actually put forth extra effort in their game, and now we see it paying off.


    Just MHO

  10. I swear, Bears88 hates everybody on the Bears except Briggs, Jones, Grossman, and Olsen. He doesn't think Forte is in the top 2 of ROY, he thinks AP sucks even though he played great Sunday, he thinks Orton sucks even though he only has 4 INT's, and he thinks everybody in the Bears organization sucks.


    its the old "since you hate the guy I like, Im gonna hate on everyone else" syndrome

  11. Yes you could but he is not "leading" his team to win but just helping out.


    Just helping out? Thats gotta be the biggest understatement of the year, Forte leads the Bears in most offensive categories, and he has been the workhorse. If not for Matt Ryan he would be the ROPOY(and no, I dont think Joe Flacco is close to Ryan or Forte in regards to Offensive Rookie POY)

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