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Posts posted by kyyle23

  1. Having no #1 or #2 receiver doesn't help either. We over paid Hester, we lost Berrian, and now we have a quarterback that can't throw it for more than 12 yards effectively.


    If Haine is able to play you almost gotta try him.. Orton simply isn't getting it done. We know what Rex is and I say its a toss up between who you play first, Haine or Grossman. You don't want Haine to be overwhelmed this early in the season, it's probably best to go Grossman in that sense..


    The problem I have with Lovie is, he makes no adjustments coming out of halftime. Its the same thing from the beginning to the end of the game. I said it and I was right, there zoning in on Forte holding him to only 2.5 ypc and forcing Orton to throw the ball. If a #1 receiver doesn't step up here soon, along with our QB we will be in deep trouble all season long and Forte is going to get beat up..



    You really need to temper your enthusiasm for Hanie. You need to think about the competition he was facing during the preseason compared to what he would be facing right now. Its not even close. Hanie very well may turn out to be a good QB, but he isnt a blue chip kid out of a major football school, I highly doubt he is ready for this.

  2. You know, the thing is...Griese sucks. But when you see him move in the pocket like that, and then hit the TE on a deep cross, you have to wonder if he's still better than Orton or Grossman.


    You would think watching him stumble around last year would tell you that maybe he is thier equal, but certainly not better

  3. When Manning is feasting on short slants three plays in a row I want Babich to adjust. Just me.

    The overall game plan was good but I have a hunch that was a result of Lovie's involvement more so then Babich. I could be wrong but I doubt Lovie lets babich devise a game plan against Lovie's friend and mentor.



    He did adjust to the slant route, his adjustment moved Peanut in position for the strip on Harrison.



    I love how when its bad, its Babich's fault, when its good, its because Lovie was involved

  4. Starters


    QB Tom Brady


    RB Brandon Jacobs


    RB Thomas Jones


    RB/WR Jerricho Cotchery


    WR Braylon Edwards


    WR Chad Ocho Cinco


    TE Jeremy Shockey


    D/ST Chargers D/ST


    K Nate Kaeding





    Rashard Mendenhall


    Bench Devin Hester


    Bench Brady Quinn


    Bench Jamaal Charles


    Bench Kevin Boss


    Bench Isaac Bruce


    Bench Bills D/ST


    We did a snake draft, i picked 4th

  5. Too bad police boats dont have dash cams, because that would straighten this out in a hurry.


    No matter what, this is going to be a "He said, He said" deal. Of course all of the people on the boat are going to agree with Cedric, and of course all of the police involved are going to back their own. Its going to end in a stalemate where nobody wins, Cedric is going to have this hang over his head and the Lake Travis PD is going to look really bad

  6. Saw a guy on TV get arrest for drunk driving a lawn mower. there was a police car chase. Pretty funny in a comic sense. But drunk driving of ANY vehicle is not funny.



    Heck, Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters got a DUI on a SCOOTER in Australia. If it is motorized, you can get busted for a DUI

  7. Oh man, don't play the moron card on me please :[[[[[ I'm trying to picture this all in my mind. I haven't ever heard of this before, driving a boat while intoxicated..


    Dont play the moron hand and I wont throw down the card


    Its pretty easy to understand, there are cops in boats, and they stop other boats. they have the right to board your boat and if they suspect you have been drinking, they can conduct a breathalyzer or field sobriety test.


    And if it is so hard for you to believe, read the links I posted. Plenty of stories in that google search.

  8. Pepper spray really has nothing to do with it. I don't want to open a can of worms with this. But, cops many times use pepper spray and other means of force when they are simply scared of the guy they're trying to arrest. Pepper spray alone is no real indication. I've seen Indianapolis cops pepper spray an entire crowd that was watching a fight that didn't even start yet. They were about to fight and people were watching. Cops come in and spray the crowd.


    Again, I'm not the guy you would go to looking for a vigorious defense of Cedric Benson. But, I'm not going to say that this incident should warrant his release; especially when you look at the folks we have to take his place. We have a rookie and two guys that couldn't get it done when given the chance last year. Now, I would say that Wolfe didn't really get a fair shot. But, there's no way we can afford to release our most proven RB (unfortunately CB is our guy) and risk having the same kind of running game we had last year.


    My allegiance with Bears football alone won't let me support his release. I don't want to have another year like last year. I would love to see Forte starting with CB coming in like he did with TJ as the #1 guy. That's a good running game.



    Just to clarify what i am saying throughout this thread, I am not saying that Benson should be outright released either. I was just taking up with BF4ever indicating that a boating while intoxicated was gay and acting like it wasnt a big deal. Like I indicated earlier, my Dad has a boat on the Fox chain, and people die on those lakes every week of the summer for being ridiculously drunk driving their boats. Sometimes they overcorrect turns and flip, sometimes they crash into piers at night because they cant see them, sometimes they hit skiers or swimmers in the water, sometimes they just crash head on into other boats. Its a pretty big problem in the boating community and the police have had to step up their efforts to reduce the deaths.


    Hmm, not sure. Anybody know for sure?



    yeah he was, 2 days after the draft



  9. Of course they didn't know who he was when they stopped his boat. How would they? He owned the boat, so they gave him the test. There were 15 ppl on that boat. But c'mon, are you really saying he was hosting this boat party and doing the driving too? Does that sound like the "team player" we all know? I'm sure he was handing out hor's d'oeuvres (sp) too. LOL!! There's no way he was driving that boat.

    Dude, the fact that it isn't widespread; almost by definition means it isn't as much of a threat as you are making it out to be. Sure, I don't advocate it. But, I'm not paranoid and unrealistic about it either. Clearly, it isn't as dangerous as DRIVING while intoxicated and we see athletes get off all of the time with DUIs.


    Wow, I'm defending Cedric Benson.


    I dont see why it is so unbelievable to you that Cedric Benson was driving his own boat. This isnt a yacht, its a party boat. Guys that own boats like this usually dont let other people drive their own boats, because they are fun to drive. My dad has a 26 foot crownline and he doesnt let anyone touch the steering wheel unless he knows that the person is an experienced driver.


    And when the boat is being driven, you dont hand out hor's d'oeuvres (sp part 2), or else the plate is gonna flip out of your hand from the bumps. I seriously doubt he had a assigned driver for a party of 12-15 people

  10. "Field" sobriety test on a boat? Gimme a break. There were 12-15 people on that boat. Do you guys REALLY think that he was the one driving the boat?


    I'm no Cedric Benson apologist by any means. I'm glad we sent a message to him by drafting Forte. But, before people start getting all holy and stuff, let's be real here. More than likely, he was a drinking and ended up mouthing off to the cops who stopped his boat party. They didn't like it and arrested him for it.


    He won't be cut and there's no way that we'll bring in Dominic Rhodes because of this.


    You think they just selected him for the field sobriety test because he is Cedric Benson? I have seen plenty of people trucked off of the Fox chain for boating while intoxicated. There is a field sobriety test that the cops can conduct, and they have to if a breathalyzer is refused.


    The fact is that people get killed from boating accidents because they are driving while intoxicated every year. Just because it isnt as widespread as driving a car while intoxicated doesnt make it less dangerous and stupid


    edit: And in regards to why HE was given the field sobriety test, it was his 30 foot boat according to deadspin:


    Cedric Benson, the oft-dmaligned running back of the Chicago Bears, was arrested last night by the Lower Colorado River Authority (the LAPD of southwest waterways) after being stopped for suspicion of boating while intoxicated. The 25 year-old was hosting between 12 and 15 guests on his 30-foot boat at the time, but he was the only one arrested.


    A LCRA spokesperson said that Benson, who failed a sobriety "float test" (an abbreviated version of a field sobriety test) on the boat, argued over taking a follow-up test on land and refused to put on a life jacket. LCRA police attempted to arrest Benson at that time but he refused to cooperate and was pepper sprayed. He was booked at 11:24 p.m. Saturday and later bonded out, the sergeant said.

  11. Having come from SIU myself, Im excited to see Nick Hill get a chance with the Bears. He is mobile and incredibly accurate, and he is a pretty big kid. I wish Nick all the best with the Bears, hopefully he gets a shot some time in the future to compete for a starting job

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