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Everything posted by Bears4Ever_34

  1. Looks like Peterson is the 2nd stringer today..... Benson is faster than Thomas Jones Benson is quicker than Thomas Jones Benson is stronger and will break a WHOLE LOT MORE tackles than Thomas Jones Benson looks to be better at recieving the ball out of the backfield than Thomas Jones The only thing better that TJ has over Ced is Blocking and vision which will come with playing time that looks like he isnt getting anytime soon. The only thought I can ponder about why THomas is playing is because he is a better blocker and they want to keep Rex healthy which is fine BUT.. When will Cedric learn without playing?
  2. Exactly theres a reason were on a message board and that IS to discuss opinions.. JEEZ
  3. Lol dumbass play calling.. NEVER run 2 consecutive running plays when you get NOTHING on 1st down. TERRIBLE
  4. I agree Benson should be playing and IMO should be starting. Like I said before. Benson is better at everything compared to Thomas Jones except Blocking and vision WHICH will come with PLAYING TIME. Cedric is faster, quicker and stronger leading to more broken tackles. Something TJ CANT do. I dont see why the coaches cant see that?
  5. For GOD SAKE! I'd like to see you try and get in a groove when you play every 2-3 games... Its not easy going right into the game when you havent played a live game for a few weeks. Benson is a fine blocker but it would help if he got som PLAYING TIME! He IS a better RB than Thomas Jones I dont get all the lovefest lovie and everyone else has for Thomas. Cedric is better in everything than Thomas Jones except for Vision and blocking and that comes from experience...
  6. I want to see Rex play the whole game no reason he shouldnt.. We need to keep striking, see what Rex can do. I want to see 300 yards! I dont believe we will see any of the other 2 QB's today. Its just my gut feeling.
  9. Ya think Mark Anderson will get a sack today? YES!
  10. I want to see a Bomb to Berrian for a touchdown here!
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