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Everything posted by Bears4Ever_34

  1. Mk folks, only about 2 consecutive drives where we get about an 80 yard drive on 2 bombs from Rex and it will put them back in the game Put Griese in, Rex doesnt deserve this.
  2. TOTALLY Change the game.. Somebody tell Tony Kornshitter to SHUT THE freak UP! Im tired of listening to him. Good game, Bears loose.. BYE BYE
  3. Need either a QUICK 3 and out or a turnover. Because we need atleast 10 points by the 4th to win this thing.
  4. This is the worst game I have ever seen the Bears play. Its embarassing to watch but the Cardinals and Mets game got canceled so I guess I have to watch it....
  5. and we wasted a whole god damn half of a quarter on that drive!
  6. Needed a touchdown not 3 points pretty much impossible to win if Arizona scores again.
  7. Thomas Jones is the worst 3rd down running back I have ever seen.
  8. We need a scoring drive RIGHT NOW! Not the next one, NOW! Because once you get into 5 min left in the 3rd the Cards are going to play Marty Ball and sit on this thing.
  9. Ok the keys to victory are like so.... -STEP UP THE OFFENSE -Clean up the defense -Start RUNNING the ball - A couple of turnovers to get our O in good field position - SACK MATT LIENART the "Superstar" GOD I HATE HIM We better do this quick because if we havent scored 10 points in the 4th its over.
  10. lol stfu im an Illinois fan, think of what WE have to deal with. WE LOST TO A DIV 2 SCHOOL!
  11. Im talking about the BEARS sucking on Monday night. They just dont play well and we all know the cliche "History repeats itself" Well it sure has tonight.
  12. Not the season but now we will lose 2 games because we have a game against the Rams who have arguably a better offense.
  13. Why waste them? Our offense sucks, and might I add This isnt ALL Rex Grossman's fault. Yes he has had 2 INTS but those 2 fumbles were not his fault. Our O line has sucked ass. AND WHAT ABOUT THAT POOR O LINE FOR THE CARDINALS? Tommie Harris, I thought was going to be great, now im not so sure. He has sucked it up since the Seattle game.
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