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Good observation.


I also noticed a bit of that trend of good PR once Emery was hired. There seems to be a greater effort to bridge the gap between the team and fans. The coaches, players, and management all give us the time of day. In addition, they seem to be throwing the nostalia buffs a bone by inviting former players to camp, etc.


Yes, every year we get the cororate BS in some way or fashion. This year does seem different.


Count me in...I'm amped!


This team right now is good, dangerous, and fan friendly. I like it. A lot.


Was just thinking about how we have great optimism each year for our team. Over the last decade, has any team had better propaganda than what comes out of Halas Hall? Some years I'm full on kool aid, others I call BS. This year, I'm excited!


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I was going to start a thread like this. I'm pretty pumped too. I think we have the potential to do some good things this year, maybe be a contender.


So what would the media folks who like to throw cold water on our excitement have to say? I guess that this team is unproven. The first year with all this new talent on D is going to take time to gel. The DC may not be very good at his job. Cutler has proven injury prone recently and there's no proven backup now. Depth in the O Line isn't great.


Lot's of reason to be excited, IMO, but there are certainly question marks on this team too.

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It's easy to be negative.


Detractors can easily say the following (which is basically what you said):


Cutler sucks

Cutler can't stay healthy

Cutler has a bad attitude

The D is still horrible

Tucker is awful

They should have kept McCown

Marshall is getting old



Barring the Jordan Bulls teams after the first championship, there are no sure things in sports. There is not one single team that doens't have a pitfall. Especially injury.


At minimum, I think we have a puncher's chance at going the distance. At Maximum, we could light things up and mimic the Vermeil's Rams to get the title. (Super O, decent D) It simply boils down to whether we will be able to make some key plays during key points during key games. I think this team can, and believe it will. However, until we do, our detractors will have anough ammo to poo-poo everything.


I was going to start a thread like this. I'm pretty pumped too. I think we have the potential to do some good things this year, maybe be a contender.


So what would the media folks who like to throw cold water on our excitement have to say? I guess that this team is unproven. The first year with all this new talent on D is going to take time to gel. The DC may not be very good at his job. Cutler has proven injury prone recently and there's no proven backup now. Depth in the O Line isn't great.


Lot's of reason to be excited, IMO, but there are certainly question marks on this team too.


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I'm more excited because I think we've had two good drafts in a row, really two good off-seasons, despite being hamstrung by serious needs on either side of the ball and are well positioned for the future cap wise. Cutler's deal become extremely team friendly in a couple years. If SMC pans out at LB then the perspective on Emery's first draft changes quite a bit. I don't so much care about the draft rating rather that we just find a future starting LB because it's a big need.


Emery said his goal is to build the type of depth that allows a team to compete at a high level year after year. Right now I think he's on the path to doing that. I'm not expecting things to be perfect this year but how we play this season will definitely go a long way toward proving that to be true.

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I'm more excited because I think we've had two good drafts in a row, really two good off-seasons, despite being hamstrung by serious needs on either side of the ball and are well positioned for the future cap wise. Cutler's deal become extremely team friendly in a couple years. If SMC pans out at LB then the perspective on Emery's first draft changes quite a bit. I don't so much care about the draft rating rather that we just find a future starting LB because it's a big need.


Emery said his goal is to build the type of depth that allows a team to compete at a high level year after year. Right now I think he's on the path to doing that. I'm not expecting things to be perfect this year but how we play this season will definitely go a long way toward proving that to be true.

If history tells us anything , when installing new offenses, the biggest leap forward is in the second year. Considering the stability of bringing every starter back and adding some depth, we have the potential to be the best offense in the league. Add an improved defense and we are talking about a SB contender sittings on our doorstep. I cant wait to see the results of all that Emery has done the past two years.

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We have good reason to be excited for this coming season. And I agree that there has been a much more positive vibe since Emery took over but it's due in part that I feel he has a better handle on unity, and getting everyone focused on the goal of winning, and winning championships. Which is easy to say but it seems that he has the ability to unite the organization. It feels like there is more a sense of direction and organization with the Bears. From the top down everyone seems invested and that goes a long way from CEO down to the water boy. The players have bought in. When your working together and feel like there's a purpose to what your doing it give you a real boost. Then they bring in Trestman and he himself seeks to bring a positive, focused team atmosphere. It really does feel like they are building something special here.


I think all teams (well most) try to sell the ra ra our team is going to be great mantra but often rings hollow and for some teams it's been hollow for so long that fans have given up as their team seems forever stuck in either neutral or reverse. What makes us different is the feeling that we are building to something big. We have reason to look forward to this season, the offense keeps going and takes a further step. and the D with the emphasis this offseason on D, it's natural to expect improvement there. Put an average or better D with this offense and lookout.

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