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It certainly reeks...


I've been one to question his ethics over the years. I am not surprised. My hope is he just brings it one more season. We need him.


Takes a "Personal Day" off from practice the week before Opening Day to go to his restaurant's opening in California? Not surprising from him, a guy I never really thought had much character. Not going to hang him over it either but I think it's just one more nail in his coffin. He'll just never be a leader.


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Dude has always brought it when the season started. I have no concerns with this and think it is a lot to do about nothing. I think if Briggs isn't very good, it will be because of his age. Once the regular season starts, he's also been the consummate pro. Just look at how he handled himself last year when he was injured. He really established himself as a leader and role model.

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Are we talking about the same guy?


The leader who refused to talk to the media, etc?




Dude has always brought it when the season started. I have no concerns with this and think it is a lot to do about nothing. I think if Briggs isn't very good, it will be because of his age. Once the regular season starts, he's also been the consummate pro. Just look at how he handled himself last year when he was injured. He really established himself as a leader and role model.


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Takes a "Personal Day" off from practice the week before Opening Day to go to his restaurant's opening in California? Not surprising from him, a guy I never really thought had much character. Not going to hang him over it either but I think it's just one more nail in his coffin. He'll just never be a leader.


I saw this yesterday and was struck by the fact it even made press, especially the part about why he wanted the personal day. From what I read either Emery or Trestman were saying that when a player needs a personal day we try to honor that request to let them deal with personal matters. And the tone was that it was confidential, which I think it should be. But...since it appeared it was not, I agree that this is pretty tasteless by if for nothing else an example he sets. I understand when a player needs time to deal with a birth of child or some other notable event, but for a restaurant opening? On the other coastline? Really? C'mon man!!


I'm not feeling it so far with this team. Between this and Marshall's guest appearances on HBO (or whatever) I'm beginning to question the discipline/concentration that these guys will have on game day. Guess time will tell.

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I see the worry with Briggs. With Marshall, I do not. Since coming here, he's not given us anythign to believe we should be concerned. Briggs, on the other hand, has...numerous times.


I don't begrudge Trestman and Emery allowing it. I begrudge Briggs asking...




I saw this yesterday and was struck by the fact it even made press, especially the part about why he wanted the personal day. From what I read either Emery or Trestman were saying that when a player needs a personal day we try to honor that request to let them deal with personal matters. And the tone was that it was confidential, which I think it should be. But...since it appeared it was not, I agree that this is pretty tasteless by if for nothing else an example he sets. I understand when a player needs time to deal with a birth of child or some other notable event, but for a restaurant opening? On the other coastline? Really? C'mon man!!


I'm not feeling it so far with this team. Between this and Marshall's guest appearances on HBO (or whatever) I'm beginning to question the discipline/concentration that these guys will have on game day. Guess time will tell.


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I saw this yesterday and was struck by the fact it even made press, especially the part about why he wanted the personal day. From what I read either Emery or Trestman were saying that when a player needs a personal day we try to honor that request to let them deal with personal matters. And the tone was that it was confidential, which I think it should be. But...since it appeared it was not, I agree that this is pretty tasteless by if for nothing else an example he sets. I understand when a player needs time to deal with a birth of child or some other notable event, but for a restaurant opening? On the other coastline? Really? C'mon man!!


I'm not feeling it so far with this team. Between this and Marshall's guest appearances on HBO (or whatever) I'm beginning to question the discipline/concentration that these guys will have on game day. Guess time will tell.

Right now my optimism is pretty low. I really don't know if Trestman is the right personality as a HC and I certainly think Emery has a lot of open questionmarks. His first draft was a bad one (although we did hit Jeffrey's but that still doesn't make up for how many guys we missed on). We could easily be saying the same thing about a year ago's draft with Long as the one hit (we'll see what happens with Mills) but I have little faith in Bostic doing anything worth a darn.

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Are we talking about the same guy?


The leader who refused to talk to the media, etc?

He was a leader on the practice field. While out injured he was coaching up and spending significant time with our guys instead of taking a back seat. I could care less whether he talks to the media. A good leader doesn't have to talk to the media. As much as I couldn't stand him, Urlacher was a good leader and he too was rarely talkative with the media and usually when he did he put his foot in the mouth. Doesn't take away from the fact that he was a heck of a leader (that I won't discredit Urlacher for).

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Urlacher was horrible with the media, but not as a team leader. There, he rocked.


I'm sorry, but just from all the years I've watched, I've not seen that from Briggs. He actually plays the media far better than Url did. I don't see anything resembling leadership from Briggs. I see him playing well. Not being a leader per se. No reporter has ever made mention that Briggs is a leader. Not to say, they are all knowing...but I just don't see it.




He was a leader on the practice field. While out injured he was coaching up and spending significant time with our guys instead of taking a back seat. I could care less whether he talks to the media. A good leader doesn't have to talk to the media. As much as I couldn't stand him, Urlacher was a good leader and he too was rarely talkative with the media and usually when he did he put his foot in the mouth. Doesn't take away from the fact that he was a heck of a leader (that I won't discredit Urlacher for).


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Guest TerraTor

This is nonsense. Briggs is one of the few players on defense that isn't a complete joke. A personal day for a 10yr vet? Com'on


Published today on Bears Facebook: Ryan Mundy, Chris Conte, and McCray will share reps during Sunday's Season Opener. .. Now That's frigging embarrassing

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I don't see an issue with Briggs taking a day off, we just like to make a fuss about anything these days. At least the players are staying clear of real negative media. These guys have put together a good string of staying out of trouble since probably Meltons or Webbs arrest...or the guy nailed for driving on a suspended license. Knock on wood that Trestman keeps there heads on the right page and the luck continues.

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Published today on Bears Facebook: Ryan Mundy, Chris Conte, and McCray will share reps during Sunday's Season Opener. .. Now That's frigging embarrassing


Agreed. Saw that and thought the same thing. I don't get the idea behind doing so because two of them (McCray and Mundy?) are contributing to ST. What I read is they can't decide who's best to play the position (in other words all look like garbage). I did see they said Vereen would be figured into the rotation, but it was more an afterthought. Doesn't instill a lot of confidence. I kinda wished A. Wilson would have worked out at this point.


And this paired with the appearance of players coming and going at will (in Briggs' instance) makes for a bad omen. Why did Briggs wait until one week before the season starts to do this? Maybe its nothing...I'll go with that.

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I have no issues with Briggs taking a personal day that was approved by Trestman. This is a non issue.




If this happened when they were on a bye week, or three weeks before the season opened, or maybe even a little later in the season... I'd feel the same way you do. But I'm sorry, you don't take a day off when you're a team leader on D and your guys are preparing for Opening Day. That's bullshit and like I said, one more reason I don't see Briggs as a leader.

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If this happened when they were on a bye week, or three weeks before the season opened, or maybe even a little later in the season... I'd feel the same way you do. But I'm sorry, you don't take a day off when you're a team leader on D and your guys are preparing for Opening Day. That's bullshit and like I said, one more reason I don't see Briggs as a leader.

I personally don't like Briggs very much. I don't feel he is a team leader and all the crap we went through before he signed his big contract years back turned me off to him as a person. I root for him as a Bear but that is basically it. It's that same way I felt about Urlacher.


That being said, his head coach approved this. Ultimately it is on him.


Peace :dabears

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Last year at this about this time, Brandon Marshall took 4 personal days off. It was the week before opening season. It was later noted it was to seek medical attention on his hip, but when he was first excused it was only noted as "personal". I think Brandon and his young apprentice did fairly well and chemistry wasn't hurt from that missed time.

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I think if you are a leader in any sense, especially if you realize your team has a shot at going deep into the playoffs, you are there on the first practice with the young guys to help them get settled in their LB roles. It's not that he wasn't there for the practice, nor that Trestman gave him the day off. It's that Briggs himself does not feel the personal obligation to be there to help his teammates out. His response to the media questions confirms it. That says all I need to know from him.


As for Trestman, I don't think he views Briggs to be a key component as far as helping the younger guys. Maybe he's more of a hindrance since he spent his entire career in a different system? If Briggs isn't in that meeting room then Reggie's message will be that much clearer to the rest of the group. I'm a manager and at times I've had people on my teams that made me feel that way. It was more about them at work than the team and they weren't committed to helping others except for when it helped them personally. I don't mind when they take days off because I can coach their future replacement without interference, or back-talking, on how to do the job properly. It's wild speculation on my part based on 25 years of experience but my gut feel in the non-chalance responses from both Emery and Trestman says there might be something here. I know if there is any hint of this behind the scenes that Trestman and Emery will never admit it because a) it would be unprofessional and B) Briggs is still in a position of stature among the LBs and defense overall, as he should be. They need to keep him in that stature so they can use it to their advantage when it's appropriate.

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Right now my optimism is pretty low. I really don't know if Trestman is the right personality as a HC and I certainly think Emery has a lot of open questionmarks. His first draft was a bad one (although we did hit Jeffrey's but that still doesn't make up for how many guys we missed on). We could easily be saying the same thing about a year ago's draft with Long as the one hit (we'll see what happens with Mills) but I have little faith in Bostic doing anything worth a darn.

Agree, 100%. I thought the way the season went last year, Trestman's seat deserved to get a little warm after basically costing his team 2 victories because of his decision making. He appears to have absolutely zero clue on defense, as evidence to his answers to the media everytime they ask him a question about defense, and also just because he kept Mel Tucker at the end of last year's debacle. I think he could be the offensive version of Lovie Smith. The Bears need a coach that knows how to do both. As far as I'm concerned, he's got this year to prove it or I'd seriously consider finding somebody else who can.


Phil also needs to be on the hot seat after this year if the team misses the playoffs. With the exception of a few picks, his drafts have largely sucked, especially on defense. Not one difference maker. Not one!

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Getting better from an injury and opening a BBQ restaurant are 2 different things...


Pat Mannelly said the same on the Score today.


Last year at this about this time, Brandon Marshall took 4 personal days off. It was the week before opening season. It was later noted it was to seek medical attention on his hip, but when he was first excused it was only noted as "personal". I think Brandon and his young apprentice did fairly well and chemistry wasn't hurt from that missed time.


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You may be onto something....


I think if you are a leader in any sense, especially if you realize your team has a shot at going deep into the playoffs, you are there on the first practice with the young guys to help them get settled in their LB roles. It's not that he wasn't there for the practice, nor that Trestman gave him the day off. It's that Briggs himself does not feel the personal obligation to be there to help his teammates out. His response to the media questions confirms it. That says all I need to know from him.


As for Trestman, I don't think he views Briggs to be a key component as far as helping the younger guys. Maybe he's more of a hindrance since he spent his entire career in a different system? If Briggs isn't in that meeting room then Reggie's message will be that much clearer to the rest of the group. I'm a manager and at times I've had people on my teams that made me feel that way. It was more about them at work than the team and they weren't committed to helping others except for when it helped them personally. I don't mind when they take days off because I can coach their future replacement without interference, or back-talking, on how to do the job properly. It's wild speculation on my part based on 25 years of experience but my gut feel in the non-chalance responses from both Emery and Trestman says there might be something here. I know if there is any hint of this behind the scenes that Trestman and Emery will never admit it because a) it would be unprofessional and B) Briggs is still in a position of stature among the LBs and defense overall, as he should be. They need to keep him in that stature so they can use it to their advantage when it's appropriate.


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I think if you are a leader in any sense, especially if you realize your team has a shot at going deep into the playoffs, you are there on the first practice with the young guys to help them get settled in their LB roles. It's not that he wasn't there for the practice, nor that Trestman gave him the day off. It's that Briggs himself does not feel the personal obligation to be there to help his teammates out. His response to the media questions confirms it. That says all I need to know from him.


As for Trestman, I don't think he views Briggs to be a key component as far as helping the younger guys. Maybe he's more of a hindrance since he spent his entire career in a different system? If Briggs isn't in that meeting room then Reggie's message will be that much clearer to the rest of the group. I'm a manager and at times I've had people on my teams that made me feel that way. It was more about them at work than the team and they weren't committed to helping others except for when it helped them personally. I don't mind when they take days off because I can coach their future replacement without interference, or back-talking, on how to do the job properly. It's wild speculation on my part based on 25 years of experience but my gut feel in the non-chalance responses from both Emery and Trestman says there might be something here. I know if there is any hint of this behind the scenes that Trestman and Emery will never admit it because a) it would be unprofessional and B) Briggs is still in a position of stature among the LBs and defense overall, as he should be. They need to keep him in that stature so they can use it to their advantage when it's appropriate.


Good insight AZ. You may be right. Perhaps Trestman is more cerebral than I sometimes give him credit for. And from what I've read up on him, he seems he could have some shrewd managerial stylings. I'll still hold the verdict until the season starts.


As far as Briggs. Read the article below and thought he (Briggs) had a respectful response. I answered the poll (about what I thought of him taking the day) with 'ask me after Sunday'. Because I think that will tell me whether missing that "one hour" was worth it.



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Agreed. Saw that and thought the same thing. I don't get the idea behind doing so because two of them (McCray and Mundy?) are contributing to ST. What I read is they can't decide who's best to play the position (in other words all look like garbage). I did see they said Vereen would be figured into the rotation, but it was more an afterthought. Doesn't instill a lot of confidence. I kinda wished A. Wilson would have worked out at this point.


And this paired with the appearance of players coming and going at will (in Briggs' instance) makes for a bad omen. Why did Briggs wait until one week before the season starts to do this? Maybe its nothing...I'll go with that.

It seems to me that they are more hedging their bets in case Conte isn't in game shape. It clearly sounds as if Conte is the starter, just a matter of him getting enough reps to be in good enough game shape, given he had an abbreviated training camp and preseason.

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So after all of the preseason practices, mini-camps, training camps, etc... Briggs asks to miss a 1 hour briefing on Monday for personal reasons before the detailed practices start up on Tuesday where the actual defense for this weeks game begins to be installed, and he is a "tool", piss poor leader, etc... ???


I am at a loss where missing, according to what I have read, a routine 1 hr practice, is a big deal.



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