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Cutler just a born loser

Guest TerraTor

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Have not been on the boards in quite a while and I just wanted to see what was being said especially about Cutler. Yes Cutler did make some bad decisions yet also did have some good ones. I will not blame the loss completely on Cutler. I think Trestman is not as great of a head coach as it was stated to make us believe. Maybe that is why he wound up in the Canadian League when no other team would give Trestman an opportunity to be a head coach. The play calling left a lot to be desired and the lack of discipline as the game wore on comes from poor coaching as the game plan fails the team which creates frustrations and emotions get out of control. Why Mel Tucker continues to be employed for such dismal defensive calls is frustrating. Is there a reason why the hell you can't call a blitz or stop a run of a team that lost its two best running backs for the season to injury? Special teams is not much better either and it continues to go downhill.


So in Trestman's second year is underwhelming, our "D" coordinator should have been fired after the 2013 season and the ST Coordinator is not worth anything. So where does the blame go then at this point. I blame Phil Emery who IMHO is starting to flame out worse than Jerry Angelo who I despised for a long time. Spending double to triple on offense and somewhat ignoring defense is not a recipe for success. I'll even go a bit further and put the blame back on the McCaskey family for the people they have in place to run this team. I still do not understand why Ted Philips who is technically an account, is running this team. Do the McCaskeys still believe he is the right one to have as much power within their organization as he does? I am one fan that says that he is not the right one and that the organization of this team needs a total housecleaning and culture change in order to get things going in the right direction.


I will love this team to the day I die yet, I do not have to happy with the way things continue to go.

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On the trade, I don't see it! :P They have Glennon... Now, the Raiders...that's another question!


Believe me when I say I really still hope he somehow is able to pull it out. I've heard many times the comparisons to Romo and Cutler (pretty average for lots of money). Romo is starting to show his worth, if only a little . Can Cutler too? I would like to think so. Not a lot of faith but I'll still pull for him while he's the starter.


On that note; you think Lovie'd be willing to trade for McCown and a 1st or second round pick? :rolleyes:


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I feel your pain!


I'm very disappointed in our entire coaching staff and many of our players. I'm still not sure about Emery.


I think Geo is better than Mike as a MsCaskey in charge. But, I'm not really sure how good he is and how much power Sweatty Teddy still has. That side, I'm not as disappointed in in all honesty. They gave Emery the go and only asked that he retain Smith the one more year. This is Phil's baby now. So, he better make moves when it's needed or he will suffer the same fate as Angelo. I could see Trestman coming around. BUt I see no hope for DeCamilis or Tucker. They will make it through the season. But assuming there isn't some miracle turnaround in those phases...they should be gone at season's end.



Have not been on the boards in quite a while and I just wanted to see what was being said especially about Cutler. Yes Cutler did make some bad decisions yet also did have some good ones. I will not blame the loss completely on Cutler. I think Trestman is not as great of a head coach as it was stated to make us believe. Maybe that is why he wound up in the Canadian League when no other team would give Trestman an opportunity to be a head coach. The play calling left a lot to be desired and the lack of discipline as the game wore on comes from poor coaching as the game plan fails the team which creates frustrations and emotions get out of control. Why Mel Tucker continues to be employed for such dismal defensive calls is frustrating. Is there a reason why the hell you can't call a blitz or stop a run of a team that lost its two best running backs for the season to injury? Special teams is not much better either and it continues to go downhill.


So in Trestman's second year is underwhelming, our "D" coordinator should have been fired after the 2013 season and the ST Coordinator is not worth anything. So where does the blame go then at this point. I blame Phil Emery who IMHO is starting to flame out worse than Jerry Angelo who I despised for a long time. Spending double to triple on offense and somewhat ignoring defense is not a recipe for success. I'll even go a bit further and put the blame back on the McCaskey family for the people they have in place to run this team. I still do not understand why Ted Philips who is technically an account, is running this team. Do the McCaskeys still believe he is the right one to have as much power within their organization as he does? I am one fan that says that he is not the right one and that the organization of this team needs a total housecleaning and culture change in order to get things going in the right direction.


I will love this team to the day I die yet, I do not have to happy with the way things continue to go.


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Wow, 21 games into the Trestman era and we're ready to dump the entire offensive scheme because we only put up 24pts (with a missed chip shot FG from our Pro Bowl kicker). All that done with a backup rookie playing LT for the first time, and our backup C. That backup LT forced Martellus Bennett to stay in and block much of the game. After 1.25 seasons, if this is the bottom of the barrel performance for Trestman and Cutler it's far better than anything we had the decade prior, especially with two backups on the Oline. It's not that I'm happy with the 2nd half performance of the offense but it is worth noting how rapidly expectations have skyrocketed.


The second INT was a clear pass interference on the LB who shoved Holmes off his route well beyond 5 yards downfield. At a minimum it's illegal contact and an automatic 1st down. Take that contact away and the ball hits Holmes on target. The first INT also had a LB (same one?) shoving Marshall backward before the ball arrived but I still don't think Cutler should have made that throw. Compare either to the PI call against Fuller and both involved far more contact.


None of that excuses the poor run blocking in the 2nd half, among other poor play. Holmes, for all his speed, cannot get open. I don't know if it's because he's still learning the offense thus cannot make route adjustments that Marshall, Bennett, or Jeffrey might make. Or will he stay jammed at the LOS the rest of the year?


21 games into the Trestman/Emery era and I've seen one of the leagues worst offenses (ranked 28th in total yards in 2012) turned around to a top 10 caliber offense. Injuries and some poor play have affected things early this season but I'm not going to walk away from that improvement after suffering through John Shoop, Ron Turner, Mike Martz, and Mike Tice.


After fielding the leagues worst defense, or second worst (must give Dallas their credit), Emery, Trestman, and Tucker have improved it to one that sits around 21st-22nd depending on what stat we're looking at. I see no reason to think the young players that are making significant contributions (Bostic, Fuller, SMC, Ego, Sutton) won't continue to improve. OTOH I see no reason to think that older players like Briggs will ever play like he used and expect he'll continue to miss tackles like he did today. I still think we'll end up ranked around 20th on defense this year, that's with the same Tillman injury that happened last year. This year if we lose Briggs to injury the D might actually get better. I never thought we'd go from worst to a top 5, or even top 10, defense in one offseason. So far they are doing enough to keep us in most games (Packers being the exception).


Seattle built their Superbowl winning team over 4 seasons. I'm likely alone in this but I feel what we've done the last two off seasons to rebuild both sides of the ball has put us on the right path and I think jumping off the ship at this point in the journey is the wrong move.



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Those of us holding out for hope are now grasping at strings...


Sadly, I think you, Alaska, and others might be correct about Cutler. He does have 11 more games to show us otherwise. But, personally, I am no longer thinking it to be probable. Still possible, but not probable. If these last 5 ganes are what we will always get out of Cutler, it will have been a mistake. Too much money tied up into a see-saw 8-8 guy ranging from potential all-star to also-ran journeyman.



Well, I am glad I did not watch.


I will always be a Bears fan, but I refuse to watch them anymore this year until they win.

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I think Trestman deserves at least one more year. He and Emery need to do a "no shit" honest analysis of Cutler and decide if they can continue with him after this year. Bad thing about losing Cutler probably means a lot of re-building on offense. So goes Cutler so too will Marshall, and maybe even Jeffery etc.



If Marshall and Jeffery are silly enough to leave if Cutler gets benched, too bad for them.

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The Bears D has forced the 2nd most turn overs in the league with 11. The offense has returned the favor by turning it over 10 times.


The Offense his 17th in scoring with 23.2 points. The Defense is 23rd allowing 26.2.


The Bears offense is 17th in the league in yards per game with 348.6. The D is 18th in the league with 362.4 yards allowed a game.


The offense really needs to step up, as they really aren't doing the D any favors. Considering the O has twice the salary of the D, you'd think they would be playing a higher level than the D. It's just not happening.

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Seattle built their Superbowl winning team over 4 seasons. I'm likely alone in this but I feel what we've done the last two off seasons to rebuild both sides of the ball has put us on the right path and I think jumping off the ship at this point in the journey is the wrong move.

I'm still with you brother!

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Good counterpoints.


I don't agree with all your assessments, but it is best that we let this play out. As it will. I think after we see the entire season, we can all better assess the situation.


In the meantime, I think it's fair for everyone to question things.


Wow, 21 games into the Trestman era and we're ready to dump the entire offensive scheme because we only put up 24pts (with a missed chip shot FG from our Pro Bowl kicker). All that done with a backup rookie playing LT for the first time, and our backup C. That backup LT forced Martellus Bennett to stay in and block much of the game. After 1.25 seasons, if this is the bottom of the barrel performance for Trestman and Cutler it's far better than anything we had the decade prior, especially with two backups on the Oline. It's not that I'm happy with the 2nd half performance of the offense but it is worth noting how rapidly expectations have skyrocketed.


The second INT was a clear pass interference on the LB who shoved Holmes off his route well beyond 5 yards downfield. At a minimum it's illegal contact and an automatic 1st down. Take that contact away and the ball hits Holmes on target. The first INT also had a LB (same one?) shoving Marshall backward before the ball arrived but I still don't think Cutler should have made that throw. Compare either to the PI call against Fuller and both involved far more contact.


None of that excuses the poor run blocking in the 2nd half, among other poor play. Holmes, for all his speed, cannot get open. I don't know if it's because he's still learning the offense thus cannot make route adjustments that Marshall, Bennett, or Jeffrey might make. Or will he stay jammed at the LOS the rest of the year?


21 games into the Trestman/Emery era and I've seen one of the leagues worst offenses (ranked 28th in total yards in 2012) turned around to a top 10 caliber offense. Injuries and some poor play have affected things early this season but I'm not going to walk away from that improvement after suffering through John Shoop, Ron Turner, Mike Martz, and Mike Tice.


After fielding the leagues worst defense, or second worst (must give Dallas their credit), Emery, Trestman, and Tucker have improved it to one that sits around 21st-22nd depending on what stat we're looking at. I see no reason to think the young players that are making significant contributions (Bostic, Fuller, SMC, Ego, Sutton) won't continue to improve. OTOH I see no reason to think that older players like Briggs will ever play like he used and expect he'll continue to miss tackles like he did today. I still think we'll end up ranked around 20th on defense this year, that's with the same Tillman injury that happened last year. This year if we lose Briggs to injury the D might actually get better. I never thought we'd go from worst to a top 5, or even top 10, defense in one offseason. So far they are doing enough to keep us in most games (Packers being the exception).


Seattle built their Superbowl winning team over 4 seasons. I'm likely alone in this but I feel what we've done the last two off seasons to rebuild both sides of the ball has put us on the right path and I think jumping off the ship at this point in the journey is the wrong move.


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They (the O) are simply not holding up their end of the bargain (coaches and players).


The Bears D has forced the 2nd most turn overs in the league with 11. The offense has returned the favor by turning it over 10 times.


The Offense his 17th in scoring with 23.2 points. The Defense is 23rd allowing 26.2.


The Bears offense is 17th in the league in yards per game with 348.6. The D is 18th in the league with 362.4 yards allowed a game.


The offense really needs to step up, as they really aren't doing the D any favors. Considering the O has twice the salary of the D, you'd think they would be playing a higher level than the D. It's just not happening.


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AZ, don't think anyone is talking a mutiny just that we're frustrated with how things are shaking out. As has been pointed out the offensive players are 'making bank' and not showing much for it. While on the D, comprised a lot of first year players and one exceptionally old one (and being led by a twit of a coordinator) aren't doing horribly but could improve.


My labeling as a 'Cutler hater' early on is starting to ring true. Although I'm really not a hater per se, just an expecter. I expected that with the change of Head Coach, change of offensive philiospophy, change of GM and for all intents and purposes change of D, I'd see something more of an overall change...for the better . So far it's been meh.


To put things into perspective, Lovie was .500 in his first two seasons (5-11 in '04 and 11-5 in '05) so there is still hope that Trestman could do at least that well. So far Trestman is just one or two games below .500 so all hope is not lost. I just think a lot needs to be done with the QB position. Whether it be sit him, trade him (someday) or rebuild him, we need better and consistent play from him.


*edit: one last negative comment. I couldn't help but notice you believe the team has markedly improved in the time Trestman and Emery have taken over. Lest I remind you that the team was 10-6 ( just barely out of playoffs) when Lovie left.

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I have long defended Cutler for a couple of reasons


1. Shit OC in Martz and Tice

2. No oline- he got his brains beat in for about 3 or 4 years

3. No Weapons- Hester was the number 1 WR for the first couple of years

4. Last year the Stats looked good then he got hurt-

5. Different OC every year



This year I said it before the season started : there are no more excuses..... He has the right OC and scheme, has a good Oline (barring any injuries) and has plenty of Weapons.


Granted the Oline has now had three starters hurt but as a whole the Oline has looked OK. The Oline looked like shit the couple of series this last game tho.



So far Cutler has looked great and has looked like crap. Now his crap has not looked as bad as years past but each of the last two games he has made some bad choices.



Trestman has gotten Cutler better, Im still hoping Cutler makes that final jump to taking the unnecessary INT's out of his game.



Even if you take one INT away from each of the last two games Cutler's performance would look so much better. INt are going to happen, its just limiting them to 1 a game and not 2 or 3.




If Cutler keeps up the same shit for the rest of the year I will stop defending him as there are no more excuses.






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The Bears D has forced the 2nd most turn overs in the league with 11. The offense has returned the favor by turning it over 10 times.


The Offense his 17th in scoring with 23.2 points. The Defense is 23rd allowing 26.2.


The Bears offense is 17th in the league in yards per game with 348.6. The D is 18th in the league with 362.4 yards allowed a game.


The offense really needs to step up, as they really aren't doing the D any favors. Considering the O has twice the salary of the D, you'd think they would be playing a higher level than the D. It's just not happening.


They flashed the stat during the game after the 2nd INT. The Bears basically never win when Cutler has 2 or more INTs, and have a great record when it is 1 or less. To me, regardless of all the other stats, this one is the strongest. After the 1st one, I didn't really care, but when the 2nd one was thrown, everyone knew it was over (even before Forte's fumble).


The other number is the amount of points the other team scores. When they score 21 or less, we are 2-0, over 21, 0-3. When we score 27 or more, 2-0, when we score 24 or less, 0-3. So our sweet spot is 27-20 with Cutler throwing no more than 1 INT.


The 2nd half, which has been a strength for Cutler, is now a weakness. The last 2 games, we have a total of 3 pts in the 2nd half. Besides for the 3 TD blitz in the 4th Quarter against SF, we only have 2 other TDs in the 2nd half all season. So in the other 9 quarters, excluding the SF 4th, we have 2 TDs, 4 FGs, and 4 INTs in 9 quarters.

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Wow, 21 games into the Trestman era and we're ready to dump the entire offensive scheme because we only put up 24pts (with a missed chip shot FG from our Pro Bowl kicker). All that done with a backup rookie playing LT for the first time, and our backup C. That backup LT forced Martellus Bennett to stay in and block much of the game. After 1.25 seasons, if this is the bottom of the barrel performance for Trestman and Cutler it's far better than anything we had the decade prior, especially with two backups on the Oline. It's not that I'm happy with the 2nd half performance of the offense but it is worth noting how rapidly expectations have skyrocketed.


i can't agree more. we have had a laughable offense with the exception of a year or two with mcmahon at the helm, who had the luxury of one of if not 'the' best defenses in NFL history, for over 5 decades and now we want to throw this out the window by firing a really good offensive minded head coach who really gets it and arguably the best QB in our franchise history? all this after 1 1/4 seasons???


sure trestman has problems but come on... fire him this soon? i even gave lovie 3-4 years before i called for his head.


and emery... he has done some things i don't like either (especially the tucker hire) but exactly what do you people think he can do in 2 freaking seasons to replenish a completely bankrupt roster? do you really expect 7 pro-bowl rookies per draft to fill the gaps that knucklehead angelo left us with after 10 years of garbage drafts and defensive dinosaurs for good players left on the roster?


our offense was complete trash with the exception of cutler and forte and a couple of average players. it was the worst offensive line i had EVER seen take the field in chicago. it has gotten light years better over the last 2 seasons.


our defense had absolutely no young talent on the roster from top to bottom. it is going to take at least 2 drafts to fix this if we focus on defense (and not even to say we need to draft MORE talent on the offensive side of the ball also).


so, are some red flags up at this point? sure. but i need to give this team some more time to gel before i chop it off at the knees (with the exception of firing tucker if things don't drastically change THIS season. record breaking bad just has to be taken into consideration).


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AZ, don't think anyone is talking a mutiny just that we're frustrated with how things are shaking out. As has been pointed out the offensive players are 'making bank' and not showing much for it. While on the D, comprised a lot of first year players and one exceptionally old one (and being led by a twit of a coordinator) aren't doing horribly but could improve.


My labeling as a 'Cutler hater' early on is starting to ring true. Although I'm really not a hater per se, just an expecter. I expected that with the change of Head Coach, change of offensive philiospophy, change of GM and for all intents and purposes change of D, I'd see something more of an overall change...for the better . So far it's been meh.


To put things into perspective, Lovie was .500 in his first two seasons (5-11 in '04 and 11-5 in '05) so there is still hope that Trestman could do at least that well. So far Trestman is just one or two games below .500 so all hope is not lost. I just think a lot needs to be done with the QB position. Whether it be sit him, trade him (someday) or rebuild him, we need better and consistent play from him.


*edit: one last negative comment. I couldn't help but notice you believe the team has markedly improved in the time Trestman and Emery have taken over. Lest I remind you that the team was 10-6 ( just barely out of playoffs) when Lovie left.



I never take a mutiny on the Bears...but I am too busy to be bothered with losers.....and they are losing.


I will never buy a Cutler jersey until he wins a Super Bowl.

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That is sort of a bandwagon statement. I hope you are ashamed enough NOT to buy one if he wins the Superbowl... :cheers



I am a fan of the Bears...not of a guy who jokes with the Packers while the team is losing at home to the cheese.


I won't buy a jersey of his no matter what....and I am not holding my breath on any Super Bowls with him at the helm.

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