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Jimmy Clausen

Alaskan Grizzly

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So when do you start or at least try out Clausen? Considering that Cutler doesn't appear to be a system QB perhaps Clausen would be a little better? I don't recall feeling as warm and fuzzy from his preseason play as I did with McCowns last year. But didn't Trestman work out Clausen when he was in college? Part of the reason he wanted him in Chicago? Must be something he sees / saw in him.


If for nothing else having Cutler sit and stew on the sideline for a bit might do him good. Just sayin.



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I am 99% positive this will never happen for as long as Cutler is healthy. The Bears have 54 million reasons for him to continue to start. I just threw up in my mouth after typing that.

You are correct, but there can always be one of those phantom injuries, like a groin.

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So when do you start or at least try out Clausen? Considering that Cutler doesn't appear to be a system QB perhaps Clausen would be a little better? I don't recall feeling as warm and fuzzy from his preseason play as I did with McCowns last year. But didn't Trestman work out Clausen when he was in college? Part of the reason he wanted him in Chicago? Must be something he sees / saw in him.


If for nothing else having Cutler sit and stew on the sideline for a bit might do him good. Just sayin.





I can only say I wish.....


I agree with the others; it is obvious this season is just about over with so we might as well let Cutty go out there and suck.

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So when do you start or at least try out Clausen? Considering that Cutler doesn't appear to be a system QB perhaps Clausen would be a little better? I don't recall feeling as warm and fuzzy from his preseason play as I did with McCowns last year. But didn't Trestman work out Clausen when he was in college? Part of the reason he wanted him in Chicago? Must be something he sees / saw in him.


If for nothing else having Cutler sit and stew on the sideline for a bit might do him good. Just sayin.



We have given Jay this money and need to use him. We need to try and get the most out of him. Talent is clearly there, we'll see on production. It is year 2 in this sytem and they can't ignore that fact. We should see progress. Ups and Downs will happen but we need to see long-term progress. Lets see how he responds to the adversity but given the financial commitment, going to Claussen now would be a downright disaster. Our chance of being competitive the next 2 years rests on Jay. If the year really goes down the tubes, then we draft a QB early and evaluate how much of these failures are on Jay vs. how much are on Jay & Trestman.

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So when do you start or at least try out Clausen? Considering that Cutler doesn't appear to be a system QB perhaps Clausen would be a little better? I don't recall feeling as warm and fuzzy from his preseason play as I did with McCowns last year. But didn't Trestman work out Clausen when he was in college? Part of the reason he wanted him in Chicago? Must be something he sees / saw in him.


If for nothing else having Cutler sit and stew on the sideline for a bit might do him good. Just sayin.





Maybe we should just trade Cutler straight up for A Rodgers!!!

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We have given Jay this money and need to use him. We need to try and get the most out of him. Talent is clearly there, we'll see on production. It is year 2 in this sytem and they can't ignore that fact. We should see progress. Ups and Downs will happen but we need to see long-term progress. Lets see how he responds to the adversity but given the financial commitment, going to Claussen now would be a downright disaster. Our chance of being competitive the next 2 years rests on Jay. If the year really goes down the tubes, then we draft a QB early and evaluate how much of these failures are on Jay vs. how much are on Jay & Trestman.



Jeff George.

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It's funny how all that is talked about is Jay. I seen almost every player blow plays against Miami. The whole team lost, sure Jay helped too. If the team is not performing as a whole, who should this be falling on? Ah...now that is a debate. How can this equation get the whole team on track again including Jay?

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It's funny how all that is talked about is Jay. I seen almost every player blow plays against Miami. The whole team lost, sure Jay helped too. If the team is not performing as a whole, who should this be falling on? Ah...now that is a debate. How can this equation get the whole team on track again including Jay?

Jay Cutler is the highest paid player in the NFL, he should at least play up to half of that salary. He has dipped to a top 20 QB. The Bears are paying him like a top 5 QB, he needs to start earning it, putting the team on his back and willing them to victory. Another loss and the wheels are coming off this team. 1-3 in our last 4 with 2 at home.

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Jay Cutler is the highest paid player in the NFL, he should at least play up to half of that salary. He has dipped to a top 20 QB. The Bears are paying him like a top 5 QB, he needs to start earning it, putting the team on his back and willing them to victory. Another loss and the wheels are coming off this team. 1-3 in our last 4 with 2 at home.

One person cannot beat 11 whether your the highest paid or not. Yes I want Jay to play like a top 10 QB, top 5 was never expected out of him. The failures of this team fall on Trestman. Failing to have the entire team ready each week. We've seen penalities on offense take away big plays. Seen the offensive line miss a block causing the QB to fumble. A couple of LBs not in there gap and miss tackles, ST penalties and ineptitude. To see every topic be something about Jay gets old. Cutler is not going anywhere for two more full seasons. There will be a thousand more posts like this until 2017.

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One person cannot beat 11 whether your the highest paid or not. Yes I want Jay to play like a top 10 QB, top 5 was never expected out of him. The failures of this team fall on Trestman. Failing to have the entire team ready each week. We've seen penalities on offense take away big plays. Seen the offensive line miss a block causing the QB to fumble. A couple of LBs not in there gap and miss tackles, ST penalties and ineptitude. To see every topic be something about Jay gets old. Cutler is not going anywhere for two more full seasons. There will be a thousand more posts like this until 2017.


The problem is we all saw how well a journeyman (McCown) was able to effectively run this offense. And now our "franchise" QB cannot do it week in and week out. It makes one wonder, could Jimmy do any worse?

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The problem is we all saw how well a journeyman (McCown) was able to effectively run this offense. And now our "franchise" QB cannot do it week in and week out. It makes one wonder, could Jimmy do any worse?


The problem is what do they do with 54 million guaranteed to Jay? That is not an amount they can forget about.


Why is Jay good one week and then bad the next? His best two games were two we thought we would lose? Our three wins are the only games he didn't throw a INT. We know there will be INT's, that is part of football. Why didn't Trestman step in when the plays are not being called as the coaches called them? Instead he places blame on Jay afterwards when facing the media.









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The problem is we all saw how well a journeyman (McCown) was able to effectively run this offense. And now our "franchise" QB cannot do it week in and week out. It makes one wonder, could Jimmy do any worse?


McCown was like catching lightning in a bottle. You always like to use Cutlers body of work (9 years or however many years he has been in the league). McCown's body of work over his career sucked, big reason he has been a back up. Jimmy Clausen has not been good, granted he played on a pretty bad Carolina team.


The Bears have failed horribly at findng a QB for the last 25 years. I could list all the failures but im sure everyone knows the shit bag qb's we have had.


We traded for Cutler, then had zero support for weapons, a horrible Oline (Cutler got his brains beat in) and horrible OC's. Cutler has developed some bad habits. I think everyone can agree that Cutler has talent, Trestmans job is to fix the bad habits.



Maybe its foolish to think Trestman can break his bad habits all together within a year. He lost half a year last season due to injuries. Experts have said Cutler has eliminated a lot of his bad habits. Maybe he needs more time to get the last few he has eleiminated, staring down WR's and the one or two WTF throws a game.



Thinking Jimmy Clausen will have the same type of lightning in the bottle performance that McCown had is highly unlikely.


I think Cutler is close, even the great QB's have bad days. Cutler has the great days and then follows it up with shit days. The O clearly is not gelling right now including the game plan. Hearing the Dolphins and GB picked up on tendencies with Formations and were they throw the ball is very upsetting.


Trestman and Kormer should be changing it up with formations and which plays are ran in those formation so Defenses cant tell where they are going with the ball.


Trestman and Kromer better have a run heavy game plan from the start of the game and have plays designed to keep the Defense second guessing.



With the money Cutler has been paid he will play every game unless he is unhealthy. Cutler needs to become more consistent, the Bears are committed to Cutler for the nest 2.5 years. I hope he gets in a groove and performs as well as he is being paid.




I will lmao if the Bears come out and beat NE. Cant win at home against teams we should be beating but can win on the road against good teams ie San Fran.




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McCown was like catching lightning in a bottle. You always like to use Cutlers body of work (9 years or however many years he has been in the league). McCown's body of work over his career sucked, big reason he has been a back up. Jimmy Clausen has not been good, granted he played on a pretty bad Carolina team.


So to measure them in only their time with the Bears and considering McCown's "lightning in a bottle", where has Cutler shown a spark of an ability to lead the team to where he should? In his 6 years (?) with the team he has shown he is mediocre at best. I know he has a 'winning record' and is better than good on most days but where has that gotten us? I've made the same arguments for Lovie in years past and was rebutted that mediocre isn't what people wanted in Chicago. They wanted playoff and more importantly Super Bowl wins. Has Cutler provided any of these opportunities?


The Bears have failed horribly at findng a QB for the last 25 years. I could list all the failures but im sure everyone knows the shit bag qb's we have had.


We traded for Cutler, then had zero support for weapons, a horrible Oline (Cutler got his brains beat in) and horrible OC's. Cutler has developed some bad habits. I think everyone can agree that Cutler has talent, Trestmans job is to fix the bad habits.



Maybe its foolish to think Trestman can break his bad habits all together within a year. He lost half a year last season due to injuries. Experts have said Cutler has eliminated a lot of his bad habits. Maybe he needs more time to get the last few he has eleiminated, staring down WR's and the one or two WTF throws a game.


All of what you said before could be true but what I see in the highlighted sections are excuses. How do you explain having an OC/Head Coach tailor made to help Cutler? An oline built to protect Cutler, talent bought and drafted to supplement Cutler (Bennett, Jeffery, BM and Forte) yet the same mistakes keep cropping up? You say he's "developed" bad habits as a result of these excuses? Explain to me exactly how it is a QB stares down a receiver, in a clean pocket or not, to allow the defense to cover the play? Maybe the gunslinger mentality is a result of his having to improvise sure, but hasn't he been called that almost all of his career? To include the one year he made the Pro Bowl in Denver?


Thinking Jimmy Clausen will have the same type of lightning in the bottle performance that McCown had is highly unlikely.


I think Cutler is close, even the great QB's have bad days. Cutler has the great days and then follows it up with shit days. The O clearly is not gelling right now including the game plan. Hearing the Dolphins and GB picked up on tendencies with Formations and were they throw the ball is very upsetting.


Trestman and Kormer should be changing it up with formations and which plays are ran in those formation so Defenses cant tell where they are going with the ball.


Trestman and Kromer better have a run heavy game plan from the start of the game and have plays designed to keep the Defense second guessing.


With the money Cutler has been paid he will play every game unless he is unhealthy. Cutler needs to become more consistent, the Bears are committed to Cutler for the nest 2.5 years. I hope he gets in a groove and performs as well as he is being paid.


I will lmao if the Bears come out and beat NE. Cant win at home against teams we should be beating but can win on the road against good teams ie San Fran.


I'm not sure that Clausen is the answer. In fact, if you read previous posts of mine, I'm not as sold on him as I was McCown based on his pre-season play. But sitting for a game or two with an "unspecified injury" could send a message to Cutler that he could spend the remainder of his 2.5 years on the bench if he doesn't fix what ills him. The problem with Cutler is he has good days followed by equal and sometimes more devastatingly bad days. He makes bad choices at bad times. And not just once or twice (like "other QB's do) but consistently. This is Cutler, ala Jeff George. Cutler may very well pull off a win against New England. He's been close before. But how will he do two weeks later against GB...in GB? As soon as he strings together 2-3-4-5 good games in row, I will consider apologizing for my doubt.

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At this point, there is no need to apologize for your doubt.


I'd be surprised if everyone didn't harbor at least some doubt now. Some more than others. I know I certainly do. I had hope, but I'm starting to see the error of my ways. There still is some hope. We can still lose these games and have hope as long as improvement is there. But if we lose the way we've been losing...that's another thing.


You'll never convince me Smith/McCown would been our saviors. But I am slowly being convinced Trestman/Cutler aren't either...


As soon as he strings together 2-3-4-5 good games in row, I will consider apologizing for my doubt.


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You'll never convince me Smith/McCown would been our saviors. But I am slowly being convinced Trestman/Cutler aren't either...


I don't think there's any doubt Cutler possesses the "tools" to be the better QB. So there's no error in your ways. Or mine.


The unfortunate truth is, however, he may not possess the leadership qualities the teams needs in it's QB.


We should be seeing more from him by now. The excuses on offense are gone. They need to produce.

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You'll never convince me Smith/McCown would been our saviors. But I am slowly being convinced Trestman/Cutler aren't either...


I don't think anyone thought McCown was the answer long term. I personally wanted him to take the reigns at QB for a year or two, while Trestman found a younger replacement that fit his system. The money saved from Cutler being used to get real LB's and safeties.

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I'm just saddened that he appears to be proving the skeptics right.




I don't think there's any doubt Cutler possesses the "tools" to be the better QB. So there's no error in your ways. Or mine.


The unfortunate truth is, however, he may not possess the leadership qualities the teams needs in it's QB.


We should be seeing more from him by now. The excuses on offense are gone. They need to produce.


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