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I think that teams need to coach their guys on some basic physics and anatomy in regards to celebrating. Celebrations that involve torquing any part of your anatomy should be banned. That is why the Brandon Marshall celebration is the best. Get on the knees and slowly stretch the arms to the heavens. No ballistic movements. By kneeling down he has removed his ankles and knees from injury. please accept the inferred sarcasm.

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Both injuries are absolutely bizarre. They crash, push and fight every single play and a simple jump and land blows two knees out the exact same way. What is the dynamic of that one particular move? I've never seen anything like it.


To make it worse he's the former Raider that ran his mouth in the locker last week basically saying, he didn't leave the Raiders to come into the same situation here. Thanks for bringing that culture with you by celebrating while 25 points down, you f'n dumbass! You have to cut him now to set an example.

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Both injuries are absolutely bizarre. They crash, push and fight every single play and a simple jump and land blows two knees out the exact same way. What is the dynamic of that one particular move? I've never seen anything like it.


To make it worse he's the former Raider that ran his mouth in the locker last week basically saying, he didn't leave the Raiders to come into the same situation here. Thanks for bringing that culture with you by celebrating while 25 points down, you f'n dumbass! You have to cut him now to set an example.


the difference is the resistance and the biomechanics of the knee, center of gravity and load. At the time of his injury he and tuloch they had gone from resistance against a forward center of gravity (pass rush) to a non resisted almost neutral center of gravity with his cleat stuck in the grass/turf. by throwing his body and keeping his foot in one place then creating a rapid hyperextension of his body and knee the acl is pushed past its limit. Muscle fatigue and overall dumbassery also play a role in these type of injuries.


I doubt you cared that much bet you would think they would know this as "professional" athletes.

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the difference is the resistance and the biomechanics of the knee, center of gravity and load. At the time of his injury he and tuloch they had gone from resistance against a forward center of gravity (pass rush) to a non resisted almost neutral center of gravity with his cleat stuck in the grass/turf. by throwing his body and keeping his foot in one place then creating a rapid hyperextension of his body and knee the acl is pushed past its limit. Muscle fatigue and overall dumbassery also play a role in these type of injuries.


I doubt you cared that much bet you would think they would know this as "professional" athletes.

Thank you for the info. I'm always trying to learn more.

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the difference is the resistance and the biomechanics of the knee, center of gravity and load. At the time of his injury he and tuloch they had gone from resistance against a forward center of gravity (pass rush) to a non resisted almost neutral center of gravity with his cleat stuck in the grass/turf. by throwing his body and keeping his foot in one place then creating a rapid hyperextension of his body and knee the acl is pushed past its limit. Muscle fatigue and overall dumbassery also play a role in these type of injuries.


I doubt you cared that much bet you would think they would know this as "professional" athletes.



Both Tulloch and Houston's injuries occured on synthetic turf. Both were stupid but I would say Lamar's was even stupider because his team was being blown out.

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I don't think Houston was a bust but I'm accustomed to most FA not being that good in their first year. Peppers had 8 sacks is first year, 11 in each of the next two with us. It's just a big transition moving to a new home, family issues, getting into a new scheme etc. He was never a pass rushing DE and he was brought in to fix our run D and provide some versatility and he's helped with that. We're only paying the guy $6-7mil/yr and he's roughly the 15th highest paid DE in the league and Jared Allen is getting a lot more money for not much more performance. It's not like we broke the bank for him and in the next couple years his salary will fall further down the ladder.


Houston's celebration was a bust and stupid at that point in the game but now he has plenty of time to come up with something new ….like a fishing demonstration. We can watch any game and find all sorts of players jumping, chest bumps, etc. that risk injury and nobody says anything until someone is injured. I would think that after seeing Tulloch go out doing the exact same celebration he'd have learned something about those moves.


It's early but I still say a fast pass rushing DE is one of our top 2 needs going into the draft/FA next year. We need some speed on the edge and none of the guys we brought in have that.

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