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Briggs f's up


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Well I guess its nice and all that he admitted to it but how do you explain the other 48 pts scored? And the fact that Tucker chimed into Lance's self evaluation the way he did shows his lack of character. Befits his lack of leadership.


And how do you explain Eddie Lacy running roughshod for 60-70 yards without hardly anyone touching him? And so on and so on.....

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It's like Ricky to Lucy...lots of 'splainin' to do...




Well I guess its nice and all that he admitted to it but how do you explain the other 48 pts scored? And the fact that Tucker chimed into Lance's self evaluation the way he did shows his lack of character. Befits his lack of leadership.


And how do you explain Eddie Lacy running roughshod for 60-70 yards without hardly anyone touching him? And so on and so on.....


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You know things are going really poorly when people are lining up to say they suck at their jobs.


Briggs isn't a guy who should be in the position of calling a D's signals. He's not that guy. Urlacher could handle it. And with all the changes of personnel, the entire D being different, etc. This shit is going to happen. It's just going to happen more frequently because Brigg's has a grapefruit for a brain.

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The same asshole who is day dreaming in meetings, finally comes back from his injury and calls the wrong check... Imagine that.




Yeah, man.... Im just staring at the clock and Im like damn we got 55 more minutes... Maybe if he was being a vet leader and actually listening

he would have made the correct call.



Winning attitude/veteran leader/ wonder why this team sucks/ way to go out Briggs/


This is just one play, one player but it speaks volumes to what is going on.




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The same asshole who is day dreaming in meetings, finally comes back from his injury and calls the wrong check... Imagine that.




Yeah, man.... Im just staring at the clock and Im like damn we got 55 more minutes... Maybe if he was being a vet leader and actually listening

he would have made the correct call.



Winning attitude/veteran leader/ wonder why this team sucks/ way to go out Briggs/


This is just one play, one player but it speaks volumes to what is going on.



Thank you for that outstanding assessment. If you are a young player watching and listening to Briggs what exactly are you thinking about? Why in the hell is this guy the leader of this defense? He takes a day off to open a restaurant before our first game? He admits to doing nothing in our meetings? Why won't my coach take him off the field, I mean, how many times do they have to see him making these mistakes before they give me a chance?


Alaska…when you saw Lacy's long TD run on that screen pass it was Lance Brigg's 10 yards downfield who completely blew that read. Plus, once it was obvious what was coming his way he just stood there and made no effort to get around a blocker and make the play.


Get Briggs off the field. It's not just about Brigg's performance being better than Bostic, SMC, Jones, Greene, etc. its about Briggs bringing down the rest of the players. I asked this question all the way back in training camp: What will it take for these coaches to bench Briggs?


What we may have are coaches who are good teachers, they know the X's and O's, but they don't seem to understand the dynamics of what is happening in their locker room. Anybody who works has likely been in a situation where one or two bad apples ruined their entire work experience among a group. When that happens it isn't long before people hate going to work. It's one thing if that bad apple is just a part of the team but if they are in a leadership position it's even worse. That will drive people into small cliques that don't communicate or trust other cliques.


We don't have a leader to replace Briggs right now but putting everyone on an equal footing among the defense (by removing the bad leader) will allow others to start exerting influence in a positive way. Build for the future!


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Thank you for that outstanding assessment. If you are a young player watching and listening to Briggs what exactly are you thinking about? Why in the hell is this guy the leader of this defense? He takes a day off to open a restaurant before our first game? He admits to doing nothing in our meetings? Why won't my coach take him off the field, I mean, how many times do they have to see him making these mistakes before they give me a chance?


Alaska…when you saw Lacy's long TD run on that screen pass it was Lance Brigg's 10 yards downfield who completely blew that read. Plus, once it was obvious what was coming his way he just stood there and made no effort to get around a blocker and make the play.


Get Briggs off the field. It's not just about Brigg's performance being better than Bostic, SMC, Jones, Greene, etc. its about Briggs bringing down the rest of the players. I asked this question all the way back in training camp: What will it take for these coaches to bench Briggs?


What we may have are coaches who are good teachers, they know the X's and O's, but they don't seem to understand the dynamics of what is happening in their locker room. Anybody who works has likely been in a situation where one or two bad apples ruined their entire work experience among a group. When that happens it isn't long before people hate going to work. It's one thing if that bad apple is just a part of the team but if they are in a leadership position it's even worse. That will drive people into small cliques that don't communicate or trust other cliques.


We don't have a leader to replace Briggs right now but putting everyone on an equal footing among the defense (by removing the bad leader) will allow others to start exerting influence in a positive way. Build for the future!


I used to hold credence to veteran leadership even if that players skill level wasn't what it once was. Urlacher to me was the epitome of that type player. Most here may not have liked him as a player or person but behind closed doors and on the field something tells me that he led as he should have. The fact that Briggs not only played with the guy and witnessed it first hand but then when thrust into the role to do the same and fell on his face? Disgraceful.


You know as I read this one person I'm kinda feeling bad for is Peanut. Peanut and Briggs were drafted at the same time yet due to health issues Tillman hasn't been able to get on the field as much as he had. The guy was in tears when he learned yet again he'd probably be off the field due to injury. Yet there he has been every game since. Not only cheering for the sidelines but coaching his eventual replacement. That Mr Briggs is class and that is how you do it. I hope that if Tillman can do it he can return for one more year and put this year and the example Briggs has shown behind him. He deserves one last shot at a good season.


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I used to hold credence to veteran leadership even if that players skill level wasn't what it once was. Urlacher to me was the epitome of that type player. Most here may not have liked him as a player or person but behind closed doors and on the field something tells me that he led as he should have. The fact that Briggs not only played with the guy and witnessed it first hand but then when thrust into the role to do the same and fell on his face? Disgraceful.


You know as I read this one person I'm kinda feeling bad for is Peanut. Peanut and Briggs were drafted at the same time yet due to health issues Tillman hasn't been able to get on the field as much as he had. The guy was in tears when he learned yet again he'd probably be off the field due to injury. Yet there he has been every game since. Not only cheering for the sidelines but coaching his eventual replacement. That Mr Briggs is class and that is how you do it. I hope that if Tillman can do it he can return for one more year and put this year and the example Briggs has shown behind him. He deserves one last shot at a good season.



I love Peanut.


But never Briggs...he disgraces the number he wears...


Look up how he crashed his Lambo on the I90

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That is when I started disliking Briggs as well if not the whole contract hold out B.S. that he played as well. I forget which came first however, still waiting for him to leave and hope that the door does hit him in his a$$ as he heads out!!!



I love Peanut.


But never Briggs...he disgraces the number he wears...


Look up how he crashed his Lambo on the I90


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That is when I started disliking Briggs as well if not the whole contract hold out B.S. that he played as well. I forget which came first however, still waiting for him to leave and hope that the door does hit him in his a$$ as he heads out!!!



I hope it hits him in the a%% for as long as his life. He is no Bear to me.

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