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Why should Cutler be back?


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Some people are ready to see Cutler back next year. That's fine, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I just want to understand how you come to this conclusion. Convince me on why Jay Cutler should be the Chicago Bears QB in 2015.


I don't want stats. I don't want contract details. I don't want physical traits like a strong arm. I don't care about relationships with players. I don't want to hear about quarterback carousels or potential replacements. I want to know where he excels to you.


What are the positive aspects you see in Jay Cutler's play? What, in your eyes, does he do on the field that separates him from average quarterback? What actual parts of his on field play makes you think that he is the guy?


Help me understand where you are coming from. I'm talking along the lines of ball placement, reading defense, making progressions, mechanics, decision making, being clutch and so on.

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Some people are ready to see Cutler back next year. That's fine, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I just want to understand how you come to this conclusion. Convince me on why Jay Cutler should be the Chicago Bears QB in 2015.


I don't want stats. I don't want contract details. I don't want physical traits like a strong arm. I don't care about relationships with players. I don't want to hear about quarterback carousels or potential replacements. I want to know where he excels to you.


What are the positive aspects you see in Jay Cutler's play? What, in your eyes, does he do on the field that separates him from average quarterback? What actual parts of his on field play makes you think that he is the guy?


Help me understand where you are coming from. I'm talking along the lines of ball placement, reading defense, making progressions, mechanics, decision making, being clutch and so on.



Can't help you here, because I don't want him back.

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Here are some above average traits Cutler has: arm strength, touch, accuracy, intelligence, work ethic, creativity outside the pocket, toughness, release, red zone production and mobility.


Average traits: none


Below average traits: anticipation, locks on receivers at times, doesn't look off safeties, demeanor, leadership, stubborn, going through progressions, and pocket awareness.


That's the thing about Cutler he's good/bad, heaven/hell. What I really want to know is if he has the confidence and respect of his team mates. That is a scale tipper for me. We may never know the truth on that.

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Some people are ready to see Cutler back next year. That's fine, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I just want to understand how you come to this conclusion. Convince me on why Jay Cutler should be the Chicago Bears QB in 2015.


I don't want stats. I don't want contract details. I don't want physical traits like a strong arm. I don't care about relationships with players. I don't want to hear about quarterback carousels or potential replacements. I want to know where he excels to you.


What are the positive aspects you see in Jay Cutler's play? What, in your eyes, does he do on the field that separates him from average quarterback? What actual parts of his on field play makes you think that he is the guy?


Help me understand where you are coming from. I'm talking along the lines of ball placement, reading defense, making progressions, mechanics, decision making, being clutch and so on.



Can you admit you have seen Cutler play well?? Have a great game?

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Here are some above average traits Cutler has: arm strength, touch, accuracy, intelligence, work ethic, creativity outside the pocket, toughness, release, red zone production and mobility.


Thanks, that was what I was asking for. While I disagree with some to different extents, he has definitely shown creativity outside the pocket, toughness, and mobility.


Can you admit you have seen Cutler play well?? Have a great game?


Most likely I have, he's been playing for 9 years. I'm really just wondering what positive traits people see in him on the field. Mongo said 3 I agree with. The negatives have been pointed out a million times. I've never really seen it discussed what made him stand out without in potential, a strong arm, or skewed stats being envoked.


It seemed like a fitting topic and a good read to me. Maybe, I feel a little better if he is retained.

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Thanks, that was what I was asking for. While I disagree with some to different extents, he has definitely shown creativity outside the pocket, toughness, and mobility.




Most likely I have, he's been playing for 9 years. I'm really just wondering what positive traits people see in him on the field. Mongo said 3 I agree with. The negatives have been pointed out a million times. I've never really seen it discussed what made him stand out without in potential, a strong arm, or skewed stats being envoked.


It seemed like a fitting topic and a good read to me. Maybe, I feel a little better if he is retained.


There are drives were is he perfect, then whole games were he sucks. My big problem with him is the when he's good he is real good and when he is bad he is real bad.


Like Romo I think if you take pressure off of him you can win with him.


It will take :

A well coached team

Offense, run first not pass first , create short 3rd down not long 3rd downs. Cut down on stupid penalties creating long 1st and 2nds and 3rds, better scheme and play calling.




Sp Teams= better field position


Defense= not always playing from behind would eliminate Cutker from always pushing too hard



Cutler has proved that he is not an Aaron Rodgers type QB but I believe you can get him to be more consistent like Romo is this year by doing exactly what Dallas did.


Build the oline up, provide better run blocking, better pass protection and better play calling and Cutler will play well enough to win a bunch of games.



Right now the Bears are poorly coached on all 3 phases of the game. His offense is predictable and undisciplined, the online sucks.there are many problems, it's not just jay cutler.






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Some people are ready to see Cutler back next year. That's fine, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I just want to understand how you come to this conclusion. Convince me on why Jay Cutler should be the Chicago Bears QB in 2015.


I don't want stats. I don't want contract details. I don't want physical traits like a strong arm. I don't care about relationships with players. I don't want to hear about quarterback carousels or potential replacements. I want to know where he excels to you.


What are the positive aspects you see in Jay Cutler's play? What, in your eyes, does he do on the field that separates him from average quarterback? What actual parts of his on field play makes you think that he is the guy?


Help me understand where you are coming from. I'm talking along the lines of ball placement, reading defense, making progressions, mechanics, decision making, being clutch and so on.


Not sure why it doesn't matter who replaces him when you ask how we came to this conclusion. If the discussion is about replacing him or not it does matter what the other options are. You don't want physical traits either. You just want to know where he excels.


I don't think he excels at anything except that he is physically tough. I've seen him take a lot of hard hits, one from Suh in particular comes to mind, and get back in the huddle. Beyond that I think he's good at a lot of things.

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I'll say this. Of all the 'available' QBs he's the most potentially capable at carrying a team. Can he do it? Unknown. Will he do it? Also, unknown. He sometimes truly exudes that "don't care" attitude he's so infamously tied to. Take the 2009(?) season when we were one game away from going to the SB again and he hurt his knee. I know he was knocked big time by A LOT of folks about his appearance to quit and sit down at one of the most key moments in his career. He just sat on the sidelines and watched Hanie throw the game away. When you have players like Rivers playing with a blown up knee to keep SD alive and Stafford throwing with a dislocated shoulder, its hard not to question his drive.


I think having someone like Shannahan could help in a lot of ways. Shannahan will in fact implement a 'run first' offense. He will also employ a lot of Cutler's stronger skill sets (scrambling and throwing on the run) instead of just saying it. And maybe, just maybe, he'll lure an up and comer in his kid to be the OC and eventually HC should it all work out. Since we are essentially stuck with Cutler for at least one more year, might as well try it.

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Not sure why it doesn't matter who replaces him when you ask how we came to this conclusion. If the discussion is about replacing him or not it does matter what the other options are. You don't want physical traits either. You just want to know where he excels.


I don't think he excels at anything except that he is physically tough. I've seen him take a lot of hard hits, one from Suh in particular comes to mind, and get back in the huddle. Beyond that I think he's good at a lot of things.


We'll have discussions for years whether Cutler is retained or replaced on the other subjects. We've already had them a million times using stats, comparisons to other players, debating on if it's other peoples fault, and potential.


I left out the strong arm, because we all know that. In my mind, it falls under the label of potential. We've seen both positive and negative results due to his arm and dependency on it.


My aim is to streamline the conversation to Cutler's positive qualities seen on the field. Qualities that are tangible like the quick release that Mongo mentions, and others intangibles like making other players better if it applied.


I'm not asking this to criticize peoples opinions or make counterpoints.

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Cutler should be back and fans should want him back also. Right now even with Jay's flaws he is clearly better than any other pending free agent QB available including those in the upcoming draft. Since Cutty is under contract we do not need to hastily make a change just because he had an up and down season.


In my opinion Cutler is a tough, gritty sob who is a fierce competitor and hates losing. My biggest concern is the pounding Jay has taken over the past few seasons may have caused permanent mental damage. Kinda like Rex Grossman when he first came up he was decisive and played well. Then after being repeatedly sacked Rex became permanently shell shocked and never reached his potential. Unfortunately this scenario has played out over several decades pre and post Rex. Musin Mohamed was wrong, Chicago is not where wide receivers come to die but rather where Quarterbacks come to be killed.


This Team / organization has bigger issues than Jay Cutler that need to be resolved. Clearly Jay may never reach his potential but its not in this teams best interest to just dump him for nothing nor with out a viable replacement. I would like to see the Bears bring in experienced and successful football people to rebuild the organizational culture and fill it with men who are good at coaching and developing players. I want the Bears to be managed and operated like the Steelers, Ravens, New England and Green Bay organizations. Not until the Bears have competent management and coaching staff will this organization be capable of providing the stability needed and an environment where players could thrive and conducive to winning.

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If we could get some team to take his contract and we get a pick for him, I say dump him. I would rather move forward with Clausen and whoever else we can get and start over completely. I totally agree we need a rebuild in coaching all the way up to McCaskey.


It will be very unlikely that any team will trade a high enough draft pick to make it worth our while and it's unlikely a team will take his 26 million guaranteed contract anyways. Chicago fans and media, not saying you, have always wanted their QB ousted. Going back to the days after McMahon and Harbaugh, this team has not had stability until they actually committed with Jay. Getting rid of Jay, just to get rid of him would be a huge set back on a team already depleted on talent. Most people see that the bigger issue to fix is the structure of this team from top management, to the GM, and to the HC. If ownership gets serious and invests in those first, let them evaluate and put pieces together.



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I agree with AZ in that you can't have this convo without talking about who replaces him.


I'd also like to ask what you're trying to accomplish next year?


Trying to win? Are we really in a better position with the likes of Mark Sanchez, Brian Hoyer, Mike Vick, Matt Flynn, or Jake Locker? We aren't getting Jameis or Marcus so are we better off with some other rookie?


How are you getting to that point? Trading him? Cutting him?


If you're cutting him and going with one of those fringy guys that's just gonna essentially make the qb position even more over paid because you're paying Jay and one of those guys.


Are you wanting to rebuild? If reports are true where we'd have to give up a high pick to get rid of him wouldnt that kinda be opposite of what you'd wanna do in a rebuild?



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I agree with AZ in that you can't have this convo without talking about who replaces him.


I'd also like to ask what you're trying to accomplish next year?


Trying to win? Are we really in a better position with the likes of Mark Sanchez, Brian Hoyer, Mike Vick, Matt Flynn, or Jake Locker? We aren't getting Jameis or Marcus so are we better off with some other rookie?


How are you getting to that point? Trading him? Cutting him?


If you're cutting him and going with one of those fringy guys that's just gonna essentially make the qb position even more over paid because you're paying Jay and one of those guys.


Are you wanting to rebuild? If reports are true where we'd have to give up a high pick to get rid of him wouldnt that kinda be opposite of what you'd wanna do in a rebuild?

I should have titled this different. I was wanting to know what positive aspects Cutler has that warrants keeping him, not debate all the other things. I was trying to keep it specific. The replacement is irrelevant to what Cutler does on the field.


A comparison is not just would not just be the team with Cutler v. Jake Locker(or whatever QB). It's Cutler v. Locker (or whatever QB.) + the rookie QB that needs brought in + the money left over that could be spent on a young safety like Devin McCourty or someone to shore up another spot.


If Cutler comes back, there will be 10 million guaranteed for 2016, and he will be a lot harder to unload after one more year. Basically, if Cutler is here this year, he is here 2 years. I think the Bears can trade Cutler and be free of his contract with out a draft pick. That whole concept of giving up a high pick is ridiculous. Either a team will want him or not, and someone will. The Bears may not get a high pick, they may have to eat some of the money, but they won't have to give up a higher pick than they get.


In this thread, I just wanted to know specifically what Cutler brings to the field on Sundays. All the rest is so broad, and will be covered in a million other threads each time something new is leaked.


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Well in the situation where they can indeed trade him without giving anything up then I would be fine trading him. But only in that situation, and that's being said by Jays biggest supporter.


Mongo already aludded to his pros and I really think those can be amplified behind a better OL and in a more balanced rushing attack.

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Well in the situation where they can indeed trade him without giving anything up then I would be fine trading him. But only in that situation, and that's being said by Jays biggest supporter.


Mongo already aludded to his pros and I really think those can be amplified behind a better OL and in a more balanced rushing attack.

Honestly, I can't see a team willing to be on the hook for 20+ million dollars over 2 years, unless they really wanted him. It's not the NBA. I don't think the Bears will haul in a first rounder or anything, but I don't think they will need to give anything up either. The reports have to be wrong, but then again I've been wrong many times.


Another pro is that he has a short term memory. While at times his TO happen in bunches, I think it's just his play that day. It's not that he lets the bad plays get to him the way Cousins did this year.



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With the salary going up I can certainly see some team taking a chance on him. Again his salary is really not THAT bad when you get past the front loaded portion. 20 mill guaranteed in this day in age is not bad at all IMO.


And to put some numbers on that(now that I'm finally at a computer), next year he's going to be the 11th highest paid QB, the following 2 years he's gonna be the 9th....And that's not including the guys still on rookie deals and I'm sure there's one or 2 guys on the list whose contracts are up.

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I know you didn't want stats but I thought these comparisons were interesting:


Name - Y/G / Comp / Y/A / TD% / INT% / QB Rat

Jay - 234 / 61.7% / 7.2 / 4.8% / 3.4% / 85.3

Eli - 234 / 59.0% / 7.1 / 4.6% / 3.3% / 82.5

Joe - 227 / 60.5% / 7.0 / 4.0% / 2.5% / 84.6

Andy - 230 / 61.4% / 7.0 / 4.7% / 3.1% / 85.2


Besides Flacco's lower TD and INT pcts, all 4 QBs are almost indistinguishable stats-wise. I will have to look into this but I believe that all QBs have had above average to great defenses for most of their careers and some have had very little turnover at OC and HC.


I think Cutler is in this category, he can be better in the right system and situation but will always be inconsistent. This puts him as a top 15 QB with a ceiling of top 8 or so. He will never be Brady, Rodgers, Manning, Brees, and probably will never be Romo or Rivers, or Luck but I think he can be in the third tier. I just don't know if he can do it in Chicago.

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Some people are ready to see Cutler back next year. That's fine, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I just want to understand how you come to this conclusion. Convince me on why Jay Cutler should be the Chicago Bears QB in 2015.


I don't want stats. I don't want contract details. I don't want physical traits like a strong arm. I don't care about relationships with players. I don't want to hear about quarterback carousels or potential replacements. I want to know where he excels to you.


What are the positive aspects you see in Jay Cutler's play? What, in your eyes, does he do on the field that separates him from average quarterback? What actual parts of his on field play makes you think that he is the guy?


Help me understand where you are coming from. I'm talking along the lines of ball placement, reading defense, making progressions, mechanics, decision making, being clutch and so on.

I simply want someone running the football aspect of the Bears to make that decision, has to be new voices. There is not any options that could be better than Cutler, if the new football czar chooses to keep him around for one more year while we completely change the dynamic of this once proud franchise. Im all in on completely redoing everything, but that may not be the best way to do ala the new czsars decision to make not mine.

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