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Shit-canned Predictions

bear trap

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Alright everyone, let predict who goes...

I say all the coaching staff and emery. Emery has to go... He obviously missed on his first rd pick on his first draft. He completely over-paid for citlers contract when he could have used the franchise tag ( which has been brought up numerous times). He brought in some complete busts on the defensive side of the ball the last two yrs. He tends to get cute with his draft picks and acts as if he is out smarting everyone when really he's only out smarting himself. Most of all the fact that arians and mccoy are doing decent this yr and they were the two he passed up. Not to mention the ridiculously stupid things he put the coaches through when interviewing them... how can all of this be ignored when he isn't even 4 years in?

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  bear trap said:
Alright everyone, let predict who goes...

I say all the coaching staff and emery. Emery has to go... He obviously missed on his first rd pick on his first draft. He completely over-paid for citlers contract when he could have used the franchise tag ( which has been brought up numerous times). He brought in some complete busts on the defensive side of the ball the last two yrs. He tends to get cute with his draft picks and acts as if he is out smarting everyone when really he's only out smarting himself. Most of all the fact that arians and mccoy are doing decent this yr and they were the two he passed up. Not to mention the ridiculously stupid things he put the coaches through when interviewing them... how can all of this be ignored when he isn't even 4 years in?

I think they clean house on all the coaches, and bring someone in to insert to over see football operations and keep Emery in a lesser power role. I prefer him gone, but probably wont happen. I think to key to all of this is to strike right away an hour after the game is over with. It they pussy foot around like usually the same kind of crap will happen again.

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We all know why the whole thing needs an overhaul, but with that said, and given past history...I think the coaching staff and Emery are gone. All else will remain in place.


It will be a bummer that Sweatty Teddy will still be in place...but it's possible if they hire the right GM out of dumb luck, things could be OK. Becasue only dumb luck will save us as I have zero faith that Georgie-Boy or Sweatty Teddy know what their doing...


Depending on the hires, we may know immdiately that it looks bad or good (obviously on paper alone), but odds are it'll take a bit longer to really tell. Hell, I was excited with the current crop at first. Fool me once...


  bear trap said:
Alright everyone, let predict who goes...

I say all the coaching staff and emery. Emery has to go... He obviously missed on his first rd pick on his first draft. He completely over-paid for citlers contract when he could have used the franchise tag ( which has been brought up numerous times). He brought in some complete busts on the defensive side of the ball the last two yrs. He tends to get cute with his draft picks and acts as if he is out smarting everyone when really he's only out smarting himself. Most of all the fact that arians and mccoy are doing decent this yr and they were the two he passed up. Not to mention the ridiculously stupid things he put the coaches through when interviewing them... how can all of this be ignored when he isn't even 4 years in?


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