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Making the case for Mark Ross


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I am trying to do my homework on GM candidates since I have today off.


Record since Ross has been involved the drafts


2014- 6-10

2013 7-9

2012 9-7

2011 9-7 won SB

2010 10-6

2009 8-8

2008 12-4 lost division title


It the last 4 years of drafts only 2 players arent in the league anymore

19% are primary starters

40% are primary backups


Notable picks:




Pugh- OT




Pierre Paul-DE

Joesph- DT





Until I compare with other GM candidates, not sure it stands up, but to compare to ours, tons better with his choices.



He is well respect and was with the team in the Super Bowl year. A lot of the Giants success and failure has been tied to Manning as is for most teams, without a great QB. From what I have read he was the main voice in the draft, and has hit 10 of 14 first two rounds of picks. One pick is David Wilson who has started some games. Beckham, Amukamara,Pierre Paul,Joesph,Nicks(until injuries hit), Randle, Richburg are all blue chip type picks.


The point is he has much success over our standards over those same years.









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Runner up a half dozen or so times. I don't know how much it was more on him not having time to prepare for his interviews or what. He's extremely bright and has a great background. The laziness rumors that were out there (Hub was original source I believe), pertained to his preparation for interviews and how focused he was on the next job (not on how he handles his current position). Basically, he's so focused on what he does day to day, that he doesn't spend near the time preparing himself for other opportunities, which I can understand (I worked in a profession for a long time that took 80+ hours a week of work, etc, and when clients needed something you jumped...it was always hard to make time to look at other opportunities because the second you focused a bit on yourself, your performance in your current role could take a hit, etc).


Note: Hub Arkush was on the radio last week and commented that the Ross reports were misinterpreted to mean he was lazy on the job, instead of him not necessarily being very proactive in terms of the interview preparation / interview process. Evidently he is very comfortable in New York.

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