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Holy Shit Batman!!!!!


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George's performance since the last game of the season has been the best Ive seen from Bears brass.


1.Didn't mess around with firing assistant coaches and giving Trestman another year

2.Didn't let Emery off the hook= smoked his ass too

3.Hired Ernie, a guy outside the Bears to help get this right

4.Hired Pace someone outside the Bears tree when everyone thought it would be Ballard

5.Hired a HC with actual HC experience first time ever in Bears history




Ill give George an A+, he gets the A+ because he is trying something different. Will it work, who knows, there are a lot of factors that go into things panning out, some out of the control of Pace and Fox but I do like where things are pointed.




Now like DaBomb said lets give Pace and Pox a couple of years to put their stamp on things!!!!



GO BEARS!!!!!!





Forgot to add


6. Gave Pace the control everyone wanted to see= already got rid of someone....lets hope Pace can recruit some of the best football minds to the Bears staff

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They also "publicly" fired Kromer and fired Kevin Turks.


Also, they have moved quickly:


Dec 29th - Emery/Trestman fired

January 8th - Ryan Pace hired (10 days later)

January 16th - Fox hired (8 days later)


So in 18 days (which included New Year's holiday), this franchise has done an internal 180 in terms of vision and leadership, and something we haven't seen in a long time if ever.


Now we are on to the next step of Coordinators/Assistants, Roster and draft prospect evaluations.

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Is is getting chilly in hell?


George's performance since the last game of the season has been the best Ive seen from Bears brass.


1.Didn't mess around with firing assistant coaches and giving Trestman another year

2.Didn't let Emery off the hook= smoked his ass too

3.Hired Ernie, a guy outside the Bears to help get this right

4.Hired Pace someone outside the Bears tree when everyone thought it would be Ballard

5.Hired a HC with actual HC experience first time ever in Bears history




Ill give George an A+, he gets the A+ because he is trying something different. Will it work, who knows, there are a lot of factors that go into things panning out, some out of the control of Pace and Fox but I do like where things are pointed.




Now like DaBomb said lets give Pace and Pox a couple of years to put their stamp on things!!!!



GO BEARS!!!!!!





Forgot to add


6. Gave Pace the control everyone wanted to see= already got rid of someone....lets hope Pace can recruit some of the best football minds to the Bears staff


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Look at you waxing Theologically. But you know, it does seem divine in its intervention doesn't it?


That's what makes this all so hard to fully grasp just how big this shift has been and how decisive George has been taking the bull by the horns and leading the charge. And the sheer timing of it all not long after our new GM is in place and coaching vacancies star getting filled in the annual game of coaching musical chairs. A proven guy becomes available in time to interview and hire. Could this be our turn to catch some breaks and see this team returned it's place of honor? Time will tell, but this is the most hopeful I've been in years. I was impressed to hear that Pace flew out to Denver to get more time to talk and do a second interview with Fox. Pace has been reported as a go getter and we're seeing that play out.

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