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Gase is OC


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Unlike Dr. Death, I am fully confident Fox will not put up with Marshall's crap. I see no reason to get rid of him now.


Peace :dabears


Quite possible that Dr. Death's lack of control and discipline did a lot to open the door and enable some of the stupid things that Marshall can say and do. He has a reputation of becoming a locker room cancer everywhere he's been. But when he got here he was on good behavior and seemed to be turning a corner on his borderline personality disorder. Really hasn't been a distraction till this year that I can recall. And the best word to describe this past year's team and locker room is Chaos. Not the best environment for a guy who has a tendency to do and say dumb things. Not saying the things he did were ok or right, but it's possible they were enabled by Dr Death's lack of discipline and control of his players. A guy like Fox who won't put up with that kinda crap, may just be the right person to restore order here and perhaps that includes Marshall staying in line. I'm 50/50 on keeping or cutting him, I love what he does on the field, but if he negatively impacts the locker room then I question if it's worth it.


Like many other aspects of our roster, etc. remains to be seen.


But back to the main topic I like the hire of Gase (didn't want Weis and breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn't have to root for that turd to be successful).


All in all this staff like others have said is quite possibly one of if not the best staff's we've ever had, at least on paper. So much different than the days where we would have bad coordinators and fire them only to promote one of their underlings who was also bad.


My hats off first of all to George McKaskey who said enough is enough, this team needs a drastic change from top to bottom and we need to burn this thing down and rebuild the structure. He brings in Ernie (a real football guy) to aid in the search for a GM, they brought in a bright young guy who's worked his way up the ranks in a successful organization in Ryan Pace. Pace wastes little time getting on the task of hiring the best HC for the job. I would like thank Elway for being an idiot and a pshyco for blowing up his coaching staff making Fox available at just the right time for us to snag him. Fox brings instant credibility and we are able to attract some of the best coordinators and position coaches available. Gase, Vic, Donatell, etc. There definitely feels like a culture change here and I like what I've seen from the moment they let Phil and Marc go. The Bears have been on a mission to not just make the obvious firings and then hire the next set of stooges. They went out on a mission to hire the best they could get. Really looking forward to this coming draft with renewed optimism. A few good drafts and the Bears could see a return to greatness that we haven't seen in a long time.

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I would like thank Elway for being an idiot and a pshyco for blowing up his coaching staff making Fox available at just the right time for us to snag him.


Me too. And it's exactly why I'm not sure Pace gets 100% of the credit from me on this whole thing, which, admittedly went WAY better than expected. Look, I'll take it, to be sure. But if Elway doesn't lose his mind, I wonder where this would've ended up. I'm glad we'll never know.


Now let's pray for a great FA and draft season and a return to at least respectability in 2015 at Soldier Field.



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Me too. And it's exactly why I'm not sure Pace gets 100% of the credit from me on this whole thing, which, admittedly went WAY better than expected. Look, I'll take it, to be sure. But if Elway doesn't lose his mind, I wonder where this would've ended up. I'm glad we'll never know.


Now let's pray for a great FA and draft season and a return to at least respectability in 2015 at Soldier Field.




Timing is everything. If the Bears gave Trestman another year, we miss out on this entire new staff. Fox+Gase+Fangio+Rodgers are light years ahead of Trestman+Kromer+Tucker+Decam. We had high expectations going into 2014 with the current roster and those coaches. I still believe the talent is there, but the coaching, schemes, adjustments, leadership was not there. With the new group I would expect an immediate improvement before any other offseason acquisitions to improve the team. I think Fox saw the same thing and believed this could be a quick turnaround. Gase must also see something in the offense to take this job knowing he will be dealing with Cutler or an unknown QB. Fangio had numerous interviews and felt good enough about the job to accept the position.


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Me too. And it's exactly why I'm not sure Pace gets 100% of the credit from me on this whole thing, which, admittedly went WAY better than expected. Look, I'll take it, to be sure. But if Elway doesn't lose his mind, I wonder where this would've ended up. I'm glad we'll never know.


Now let's pray for a great FA and draft season and a return to at least respectability in 2015 at Soldier Field.



Well, Emery would have went the other direction. He'd have looked the other way when the best candidate was staring him in the face (Arians).

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Well all I know is that diva blocks the hell out of his guy downfield on running plays. Marshall is the complete player at the position. Unless he raped Virginia's cat or some shit, he belongs on this team next season..


Agreed! I also think that the more vulnerable he feels(injuries), the more he is going to act out. He realizes the end is near, why else would he be promoting his workout facility he opened up in this area and the whispers about him being a non-playoff WR as well as he and Cutler together may also be a factor to his behavior.


BTW I meant WR Diva like Steve Smith and TO.Not like he was soft. I have seen him making blocks since he came here and agree he is the total package when it comes to play on the field. When I measure Marshall up against 2 of my all time favorite WRs Drew Pearson and Jerry Rice never needed to mug for the camera or hold press conferences.

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Timing is everything. If the Bears gave Trestman another year, we miss out on this entire new staff. Fox+Gase+Fangio+Rodgers are light years ahead of Trestman+Kromer+Tucker+Decam. We had high expectations going into 2014 with the current roster and those coaches. I still believe the talent is there, but the coaching, schemes, adjustments, leadership was not there. With the new group I would expect an immediate improvement before any other offseason acquisitions to improve the team. I think Fox saw the same thing and believed this could be a quick turnaround. Gase must also see something in the offense to take this job knowing he will be dealing with Cutler or an unknown QB. Fangio had numerous interviews and felt good enough about the job to accept the position.


Agreed 100% and it's just awesome. Half my casual clothes consist of Bear''s garb and I no longer swear when I dress.


What you say about the quick turnaround, I look for us to be major players in free agency. We've already spent big bucks on coaching, yet these guys had other options and didn't sign with the Bears so they could play crap players like SMC just because he was a #1 draft pick.


That being said, assuming we are in "win now" mode, I think these guys all signed on with the assumption that Jay is our quarterback. Not because he has to be, but because he gives us the best chance to win. (teams with an unknown at quarterback frequently go into football hell.)


Either way, it's an exciting time to be a Bear fan.


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I agree that with Fox as coach and the current talent already on the team, we are not rebuilding.


One thing that will 'make or break' my hope/trust in Fox is how he manages Cutler, should he be the one that is chosen as the starter. If in game one or two Jay goes out there and acts like 'good ol' Jay' and throws the requisite 2-3 INTs and pretty much plays like crap and he continues to play in weeks 3, 4, 5... then I'll be questioning the hire. But, with the track record of Fox I trust he'll make the right choice either at the outset or somewhere shortly thereafter. Truthfully though, I hope that this is the combo that Jay needs and it all works out. Nothing but a win/win in that instance.

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Truthfully though, I hope that this is the combo that Jay needs and it all works out. Nothing but a win/win in that instance.


If we're running the ball effectively, controlling the clock a bit and keeping our D off the field, even if it's improved, we'll be far better off. And Jay will benefit.


With that said, our schedule next year suggests to me that even if we aren't rebuilding, it's going to look like it next season as we struggle mightily to just get to 500.

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I virtually don't care about record next year. I just want us to be tough and smart. If we lose close, so be it. But we can't get blown out and be dumb constantly.


We'll get another good pick then! We need as many as we can get!



If we're running the ball effectively, controlling the clock a bit and keeping our D off the field, even if it's improved, we'll be far better off. And Jay will benefit.


With that said, our schedule next year suggests to me that even if we aren't rebuilding, it's going to look like it next season as we struggle mightily to just get to 500.


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I agree that with Fox as coach and the current talent already on the team, we are not rebuilding.


One thing that will 'make or break' my hope/trust in Fox is how he manages Cutler, should he be the one that is chosen as the starter. If in game one or two Jay goes out there and acts like 'good ol' Jay' and throws the requisite 2-3 INTs and pretty much plays like crap and he continues to play in weeks 3, 4, 5... then I'll be questioning the hire. But, with the track record of Fox I trust he'll make the right choice either at the outset or somewhere shortly thereafter. Truthfully though, I hope that this is the combo that Jay needs and it all works out. Nothing but a win/win in that instance.


I truly believe he will let his OC decide. Recent history shows he was the HC that saw Orton benched and Tebow inserted as a starter.

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I truly believe he will let his OC decide. Recent history shows he was the HC that saw Orton benched and Tebow inserted as a starter.


Yes, but Cutler is not going to win games for us. The key is making sure he doesn't lose them. Trestman failed in part because he tried to turn Cutler into Aaron Rogers.


I'm curious to see what Gase's approach will be. I hope like hell it's run first.

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When you establish the run and then are able to make play action and roll outs effective along with not making Jay the focal point of the offense, he can be serviceable to good. Jay is and never has been a pure pocket passer. His legs have been one of his better assets and he does throw well on the run. He did that a lot in Denver. This past year our offense was so predictable, the line was a mess, and Trestman rarely changed the launch point. Thus trying to use Jay as a pocket passer that is not the kind of QB he is. Defenses knew that 1. they could get to Jay due to poor pass protection, 2. Jay would almost always be in the same spot, 3. Jay doesn't have the best pocket awareness, and 4. Jay tends to hold the ball too long. Its a recipe for disaster. You stick a guy who struggles to feel the pressure till that "oh shit" moment, and even when the protection is there has a tendency to hold on to the ball, and then ask him to stand back there like he's Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady with a deflated ball is asking for trouble.


When jay was at his best here it was when we had the run game going, we didn't ask him to be the focal point of the offense, we ran the ball, and we stopped the run. Year one of Trestman we had a highly effective offense in general, but the D couldn't stop a nose bleed. If you have a team like that you need a QB that can lead you in a shootout. That's not Jay. Last year the D was maybe only marginally better if at all. Trestman's lack of adapting when it was clear the rest of the league had the offense figured out. We were doomed and I don't think it'd have mattered who was under center last year.

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When you establish the run and then are able to make play action and roll outs effective along with not making Jay the focal point of the offense, he can be serviceable to good. Jay is and never has been a pure pocket passer. His legs have been one of his better assets and he does throw well on the run. He did that a lot in Denver. This past year our offense was so predictable, the line was a mess, and Trestman rarely changed the launch point. Thus trying to use Jay as a pocket passer that is not the kind of QB he is. Defenses knew that 1. they could get to Jay due to poor pass protection, 2. Jay would almost always be in the same spot, 3. Jay doesn't have the best pocket awareness, and 4. Jay tends to hold the ball too long. Its a recipe for disaster. You stick a guy who struggles to feel the pressure till that "oh shit" moment, and even when the protection is there has a tendency to hold on to the ball, and then ask him to stand back there like he's Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady with a deflated ball is asking for trouble.


When jay was at his best here it was when we had the run game going, we didn't ask him to be the focal point of the offense, we ran the ball, and we stopped the run. Year one of Trestman we had a highly effective offense in general, but the D couldn't stop a nose bleed. If you have a team like that you need a QB that can lead you in a shootout. That's not Jay. Last year the D was maybe only marginally better if at all. Trestman's lack of adapting when it was clear the rest of the league had the offense figured out. We were doomed and I don't think it'd have mattered who was under center last year.


Agreed. I'm anxious to hear what Gase has planned. I really have seen much about what type of system he wants to run. He was a coach under Josh McDaniels. For the past 3 seasons he's been running the system Peyton Manning brought from Indy. I don't see either system utilizing our team strengths on offense.

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Agreed. I'm anxious to hear what Gase has planned. I really have seen much about what type of system he wants to run. He was a coach under Josh McDaniels. For the past 3 seasons he's been running the system Peyton Manning brought from Indy. I don't see either system utilizing our team strengths on offense.

This will be his first shot at developing his own offense. We will see if Martz was right when he said Gase is one of the top three offensive minds in the nfl. He was considered for head coaching openings, so the rest of the nfl was intrigued enough to run him through interviews. He is young, very strongly opinionated, and fiery. Players like playing for him because he is not just a fired up guy but likes to make it fun. I don't expect the greatest show on sod, but I think he can get the offense on track. Let him draft a qb like Grayson or Mannion day 3 to groom, and we will have Fales ready to step in also if Cutler struggles.

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My only concern is that it is another scheme and OC for Cutler. Fox is known for maximizing player strengths, so it will very interesting to see what they have planned for both sides of the ball.

It doesn't matter. Cutler is a point and shoot guy and is the antithesis of a system guy. That's why you'll never see sustained greatness with him. You can win with him, but not because of him in the long term, because he'll kill you when you least expect it.

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It doesn't matter. Cutler is a point and shoot guy and is the antithesis of a system guy. That's why you'll never see sustained greatness with him. You can win with him, but not because of him in the long term, because he'll kill you when you least expect it.


Agreed completely. It's better if we go back to the Lovie Smith mindset. While Trestman counted on Jay to win games, we need to get back to our defense and special teams winning games for us.


It's no longer a matter of fitting the scheme for Cutler. It's about Cutler working to fit into the scheme given to him.

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