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Fox: Culter's confidence was rattled last year


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“I think maybe he got to the point where he lacked confidence a year ago. To build that back up, it’s going to take time, daily. It takes trust, like any relationship.”


“Playing defense. Playing complementary football is going to be something that helps. I liken it a little bit, not being critical, to Tony Romo. I think there had been different things said. I know Tony personally. He’s a tremendous competitor. I thought he had one of his better seasons a year ago with that same kind of build-up. With success comes confidence.”



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At least we aren't getting spoon fed heaps of praise...

Also, from a football perspective, everything Fox talks about from a "support of Cutler" perspetive makes total sense and is what all of us have preached for the however many years he has been with the franchise. We've just been too stupid to ever actually do it. Hopefully our current regime can do it and it will allow us to get the best out of Jay (what the "best" is can still obviously be up for debate).

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Also, from a football perspective, everything Fox talks about from a "support of Cutler" perspetive makes total sense and is what all of us have preached for the however many years he has been with the franchise. We've just been too stupid to ever actually do it. Hopefully our current regime can do it and it will allow us to get the best out of Jay (what the "best" is can still obviously be up for debate).



The Bears ruined Cutler. His first years here with no oline and supporting cast was terrible. He got his brains beat in. It sucked watching.



Funny, I was talking to my Uncle (a life long Packer fan, grew up across the street from Lambeu Field) said "just think you guys could have drafted A Rodgers...lol". He was just trying to rub it in my nose again. I responded with, The Bears would have ruined him just like Cutler.



Rodgers was drafted and brought along the best way possible. Cutler not so much once he got to CHI.



I'm with you, I hope Fox and Gase and the new QB coach can break him down and build him back up. The talent is there, just need to get his mind right.





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Giving him some protection on the line would go a long way in rebuilding confidence.


When googling "Jermon Bushrod and Jordan Mills pressure" I stumbled upon this tidbit....


Only Jordan Mills and Matt Kalil have allowed more sacks, QB hits, and QB pressures combined than Jermon Bushrod over the last two seasons


So as far as pressure goes, we have 2 of the 3 worst tackles in the league...


I'm sure this is a PFF stat and people will scoff at it though. I on the other hand believe it has at least some merit to it.


After reading that I'm now finding myself wanting an OT in the 1st or 2nd round even more.


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Giving him some protection on the line would go a long way in rebuilding confidence.


When googling "Jermon Bushrod and Jordan Mills pressure" I stumbled upon this tidbit....




So as far as pressure goes, we have 2 of the 3 worst tackles in the league...


I'm sure this is a PFF stat and people will scoff at it though. I on the other hand believe it has at least some merit to it.


After reading that I'm now finding myself wanting an OT in the 1st or 2nd round even more.



Improve the Oline improve the entire O, not only Cutler!!!






I wouldnt be upset with a Oline pick in the first 3 rounds. I could buy into a Draft where they take


Beasley in the first and a OT in the second

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Improve the Oline improve the entire O, not only Cutler!!!






I wouldnt be upset with a Oline pick in the first 3 rounds. I could buy into a Draft where they take


Beasley in the first and a OT in the second


Exactly on that first line.


I'd have to think about going Peat in the first round if I was the Bears....Or if they really think Long can make the transition to LT then maybe wait till the 2R and grab a guy like Laken Tomlinson to take over at guard.

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Giving him some protection on the line would go a long way in rebuilding confidence.


When googling "Jermon Bushrod and Jordan Mills pressure" I stumbled upon this tidbit....




So as far as pressure goes, we have 2 of the 3 worst tackles in the league...


I'm sure this is a PFF stat and people will scoff at it though. I on the other hand believe it has at least some merit to it.


After reading that I'm now finding myself wanting an OT in the 1st or 2nd round even more.


That would certainly make Jason happy. And me. Although it's my understanding that there aren't any true LT's available this year and you don't generally spend a #1 on a RT. But yeah, scheme in the O Line can only go so far, you have to have the players. So I'm all for getting some help in the line during the draft.


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The Bears ruined Cutler. His first years here with no oline and supporting cast was terrible. He got his brains beat in. It sucked watching.

I responded with, The Bears would have ruined him just like Cutler.


There's only so much truth to this... Cutler and Rodgers have both had their fair share of lousy line play. And despite it, Rodgers is great and Cutler is Cutler. Now you can point at lots of other factors like Aaron always having McCarthy up there calling the plays and yadda yadda yadda Jay not. But when Jay was brought in here, he was already supposed to be seasoned. And he's being paid to be Rodgers.


I'm not sure it's completely fair to say we ruined him. We certainly didn't help him develop further like a great organization should have. That's a fair statement. But I sure hope he's still capable of being what we brought him in here to be for the next few years. Otherwise it's going to take a lot longer than anyone wants to get Fox his Superbowl Trophy.

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There's only so much truth to this... Cutler and Rodgers have both had their fair share of lousy line play. And despite it, Rodgers is great and Cutler is Cutler. Now you can point at lots of other factors like Aaron always having McCarthy up there calling the plays and yadda yadda yadda Jay not. But when Jay was brought in here, he was already supposed to be seasoned. And he's being paid to be Rodgers.


I'm not sure it's completely fair to say we ruined him. We certainly didn't help him develop further like a great organization should have. That's a fair statement. But I sure hope he's still capable of being what we brought him in here to be for the next few years. Otherwise it's going to take a lot longer than anyone wants to get Fox his Superbowl Trophy.


Absolutely right. I'll agree 100% with most of this. Despite the fact of being "ruined" he was handsomely compensated for it last year although last year's production wasn't worthy of that payout. And as Cracker pointed out, Rodgers has had similar circumstances with better results. For that matter so too has Eli Manning. The below article is essentially the same as what Cracker posted save the first half. That section addresses the potential 'QB competition' going into next season. John Fox repeated some of what he said earlier this season right after re-signing Clausen to his contract and more or less confirming they were going to continue on with Cutler.



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There's only so much truth to this... Cutler and Rodgers have both had their fair share of lousy line play. And despite it, Rodgers is great and Cutler is Cutler. Now you can point at lots of other factors like Aaron always having McCarthy up there calling the plays and yadda yadda yadda Jay not. But when Jay was brought in here, he was already supposed to be seasoned. And he's being paid to be Rodgers.


I'm not sure it's completely fair to say we ruined him. We certainly didn't help him develop further like a great organization should have. That's a fair statement. But I sure hope he's still capable of being what we brought him in here to be for the next few years. Otherwise it's going to take a lot longer than anyone wants to get Fox his Superbowl Trophy.


First let me say Rodgers is clearly a better QB than Cutler, but Rodgers would never have become Rodgers had he been drafted by Lovie and JA. Is my Ruined comment harsh, I guess but JA and Lovie never did anything to give him in chance to succeed until they hired Emery. He tired adding weapons and hiring Trestman. Trestman failed as a HC and a OC.



Rodgers Drafted in 2005, sits on the bench behind the one of the best QB's ever to play for 3 seasons.

Mike McCarthy was hired to be the head coach for the 2006 season.

Aaron Rodgers has played in the same system since 2006. He has had the same coach calling the plays the entire time in the NFL.

I get that Rodgers has played behind some bad Oline's, running for your life is a whole lot different when you have played in the same system year in and year out. Teams add new plays every week but they also use the same plays year in and year out. Rodgers gets chased out of the pocket on a play he has run thousands of times he knows exactly what to do because he has seen it before. WR's know what to do when a play breaks down because they have seen what Rodgers will do. Also McCarthy knows what Rodgers likes to do and what works best for him, in every game situation.



If you guys cant see a difference in how Rodgers and Cutler has been brought along then you are choosing to deny something that is pretty clear. Maybe you don't see how important playing in the same system really is.


Cutler was brought in and suppose to be a seasoned vet, but there is a reason one of the ESPN experts stated that Cutler would have had multiple Pro Bowl years had Shanny stayed in Denver and maybe even a SB. Not that what any ESPN guys says in 100% correct but I get where someone would say it.



As for what Cutler is paid to do, yeah he is being paid a kings ransom. Emery bought in to Trestman and Cutler being something they were not. Emery felt from all the tape of practice and game film he had a HC that was going to take Cutler the Bears to the promised land. This really has nothing to do with what I posted tho.




Can Fox and Co fix Cutler, yes I think so. Like I have said many times all they need to do is get his INT total down and I will be happy.






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You expect a 32 year old QB to be fixed?


Hey dude, I'm 50 and I change and learn and grow every day. So, yes, it's possible. If Jay wants to have a legit legacy he'll buy in and work hard. But the question is will he be mature enough to make yet another change and commit like will be necessary. And that's why we'll be watching the games...

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You expect a 32 year old QB to be fixed?



This is what I would do:


Fix the online= provide better pass blocking allowing Cutler to get comfortable giving him a better chance to use proper mechanics and go through his progressions. Also better yards per carry with the run game which will put the O in better down and distances.


Scheme= run the ball more, not so predictable (Trestmans 2nd year), try to max out cutlers talents ie Roll him the freak out



Better coached Team= less penalities, less 2nd and Longs and 3rd and Longs

















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Hey dude, I'm 50 and I change and learn and grow every day. So, yes, it's possible. If Jay wants to have a legit legacy he'll buy in and work hard. But the question is will he be mature enough to make yet another change and commit like will be necessary. And that's why we'll be watching the games...



Judging by the fact that Cutler bought into Trestman I have to believe he will buy in. It was reported that cutler has wanted to work with Dowell Loggains for some time now. Gase and Cutler have been working on the play book for awhile now.


Fox and Pace have been said to be Fanboys of Cutler after some meeting without Cutlers agent.








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Hey dude, I'm 50 and I change and learn and grow every day. So, yes, it's possible. If Jay wants to have a legit legacy he'll buy in and work hard. But the question is will he be mature enough to make yet another change and commit like will be necessary. And that's why we'll be watching the games...


I'm sorry, but the changes you have in life do not apply here. You may be able to work on your golf swing, but you'll never reach an elite level that only the top players of the world can reach in an offseason or 2, even if you had all the tools.


You're talking about changing a persons mechanics, mindset, vision, and decision making to from seriously flawed to top in the world in little time. It's just impossible, imho.


There has been ways to mask this as in McCown and Gannon with Trestman. He had a system that did all the work if followed and it covered up many of their problems. That was just a mask and one that Cutler didn't want to wear.


Cutler has never been considered lazy or a poor student in the offseason. From every report, he has worked hard each year and even looked like a different player in practice than you see on the field every Sunday.


IMHO, he is just so fundamentally flawed at his core, that his instincts take over in the heat of the moment, and it can never be fixed. I don't understand the reasoning of why Gase and Fox would be able to change what many before him have tried and never been to accomplish, especially at this stage of his career.



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Can Fox and Co fix Cutler, yes I think so. Like I have said many times all they need to do is get his INT total down and I will be happy.


If fixed means being able to handoff left and handoff right then I say... yes he can! While I say that somewhat jokingly I believe it is correct. I think the key to Cutler being successful is that he must know he isn't "the man". He's not built for that. He just doesn't respond to pressure well because he always wants to prove himself. But I'm not talking about 4th quarter come from behind pressure, rather it's the media/fan/GM "he's a franchise QB" pressure that he can't handle. I don't really have data on this so it's subjective but why is Cutler so prone to early poor play in games, yet in the 4th quarter he's on his game? Just seems like he's always pressing early on, and if the previous game was bad then he struggles even more to get in the flow mentally. Get late in the game and it's as if he says I have nothing more to lose now. Yes, he's overpaid considering that limitation but that doesn't mean we can't win with him.


Put the weight on someone else's shoulders, be it the OC, HC, RBs, WRs, and I think Cutler can play more than well enough for the team to win. That's the challenge for Fox and Co. Make Cutler a JAG (for those Parcells fans out there), both in his mind and in the offensive scheme.



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Just give the man some actual protection, and roll him out from time to time and he'll be fine. Jay just simply isn't that good under pressure, and he's almost constantly been under pressure in his time here.


We haven't got the Jay we traded for because the Jay we traded for had a good line in front of him and his coach knew how to keep the pressure off of him.

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If fixed means being able to handoff left and handoff right then I say... yes he can! While I say that somewhat jokingly I believe it is correct. I think the key to Cutler being successful is that he must know he isn't "the man". He's not built for that. He just doesn't respond to pressure well because he always wants to prove himself. But I'm not talking about 4th quarter come from behind pressure, rather it's the media/fan/GM "he's a franchise QB" pressure that he can't handle. I don't really have data on this so it's subjective but why is Cutler so prone to early poor play in games, yet in the 4th quarter he's on his game? Just seems like he's always pressing early on, and if the previous game was bad then he struggles even more to get in the flow mentally. Get late in the game and it's as if he says I have nothing more to lose now. Yes, he's overpaid considering that limitation but that doesn't mean we can't win with him.


Put the weight on someone else's shoulders, be it the OC, HC, RBs, WRs, and I think Cutler can play more than well enough for the team to win. That's the challenge for Fox and Co. Make Cutler a JAG (for those Parcells fans out there), both in his mind and in the offensive scheme.



Maybe the Bears should bring in DR Phil to get inside his head to get those bad decision plays erased. lol




Actually I have read some athletes do go to a sports psy to get their heads right. Maybe Cutler needs one of these.




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Just give the man some actual protection, and roll him out from time to time and he'll be fine. Jay just simply isn't that good under pressure, and he's almost constantly been under pressure in his time here.


We haven't got the Jay we traded for because the Jay we traded for had a good line in front of him and his coach knew how to keep the pressure off of him.



That cant be true, it makes too much sense.



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I'm sorry, but the changes you have in life do not apply here.


Yes they do! Because Jay has all those skills IMO and it's been mostly mental. So if you build a system he's comfortable with, call plays that control his jitters, particularly early in the games, give him guys who run clean routes and don't freelance, keep his jersey clean, run the damn ball better, don't fall behind 14-0 in the first 5 minutes of the game, get better starting field position because your ST's don't blow... It can all add up to him being much better than we've seen recently. The guy has done some amazing things in a Bears uniform and he's just plain sucked donkey balls at other times. Ironing out those inconsistencies is what a good coaching staff ought to be able to do.


Notice I said can and not will. I don't have the same confidence in Jay I did a few years ago. He's got to get it done or he's gone in a season or two and he'll be thought of as a guy who had the tools and wasted his talents. If he can make the next few seasons count, he'll retire with achievements he'll be proud of and the team will have benefited.


No, I wasn't saying I was capable of stepping up to Jay's level but that he, with the talents he possesses, is capable of continuing to learn and grow just like anyone his age or older. And with good mentoring from his coaches I still hope he can do something for the Bears that we haven't had happen here in 30 years.

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Yes they do! Because Jay has all those skills IMO and it's been mostly mental. So if you build a system he's comfortable with, call plays that control his jitters, particularly early in the games, give him guys who run clean routes and don't freelance, keep his jersey clean, run the damn ball better, don't fall behind 14-0 in the first 5 minutes of the game, get better starting field position because your ST's don't blow... It can all add up to him being much better than we've seen recently. The guy has done some amazing things in a Bears uniform and he's just plain sucked donkey balls at other times. Ironing out those inconsistencies is what a good coaching staff ought to be able to do.


Notice I said can and not will. I don't have the same confidence in Jay I did a few years ago. He's got to get it done or he's gone in a season or two and he'll be thought of as a guy who had the tools and wasted his talents. If he can make the next few seasons count, he'll retire with achievements he'll be proud of and the team will have benefited.


No, I wasn't saying I was capable of stepping up to Jay's level but that he, with the talents he possesses, is capable of continuing to learn and grow just like anyone his age or older. And with good mentoring from his coaches I still hope he can do something for the Bears that we haven't had happen here in 30 years.



This I agree with. I am with you on having faith with Cutler a few years ago, not so much now.



I hope they can get it figured out, if they do we could see the Bears in the playoffs a lot sooner than I had thought.

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If fixed means being able to handoff left and handoff right then I say... yes he can! While I say that somewhat jokingly I believe it is correct. I think the key to Cutler being successful is that he must know he isn't "the man". He's not built for that. He just doesn't respond to pressure well because he always wants to prove himself. But I'm not talking about 4th quarter come from behind pressure, rather it's the media/fan/GM "he's a franchise QB" pressure that he can't handle.


I think the answer to your speculation is that he has a tendency to freelance to much. Martz said it, Kromer said it and it was obvious he could care less what Tice had to say. If all you need is a QB to "hand off right and left" then all you need is a game manager and you have a very capable (and less expensive) backup in Clausen. Which so far seems to be touted more than does Cutler. Considering Cutlers history with Gase's aspirations it's a smart move to have plan B in place.

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Yes they do! Because Jay has all those skills IMO and it's been mostly mental.

I'd equate it to making Devon Hester a number one WR at this point of his career. He has all the talent to be a top WR in the league and we have seen him use those skills at times.

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