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Extra Point Options


Extra Point Options  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Extra Point Option do you prefer

    • No changes, keep it the way it is
    • Patriots plan 14: 15yd kick for 1 point or 2yd run/pass for 2 points, defense cannot score
    • Comp Cmte plan 14a: 15yd kick for 1 point or 2yd run/pass for 2 points, defense can return turnover or missed kick for 2 points, safety = 1 point
    • Eagles plan 14b: 15yd kick for 1 point or 1yd run/pass for 2 points, defense can return turnover or missed kick for 2 points, safety = 2 points

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As the owner's meetings get underway in San Francisco it seems clear we're going to get a change to the extra point rules. I'm curious which option folks prefer.


I like the Competition Committee plan 14b the best. If it's a competitive play IMO the defense should be equally allowed to score as the offense does.


I think the Eagles plan 14b, 2 point conversion to the 1yd line, is making the 2 point conversion too easy and sort of defeats the purpose of making this a more competitive aspect of the game. I do agree that a safety, even on an extra point (try), should be 2 points as it always is. However, getting a safety on any try is extremely unlikely so it's sort of a mute point.

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They should leave it the hell alone! I sure don't want a W/L decided by some idiot kicker missing an extra point because they shifted the rule around from what it's been throughout the history of the damn game. The extra point is supposed to be easy, that's the whole point! It makes going for two all that much more risky.


A single W/L due to this stupid change could put an overall inferior team in the playoffs simply because they played in a dome (where it isn't as windy, for example) or whatnot.


This is like baseball trying to make the All Star Game worth something. Stupid assholes.

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How about one last option...?


No extra point. Make TD's 7 points and call it a day.




They should leave it the hell alone! I sure don't want a W/L decided by some idiot kicker missing an extra point because they shifted the rule around from what it's been throughout the history of the damn game. The extra point is supposed to be easy, that's the whole point! It makes going for two all that much more risky.


A single W/L due to this stupid change could put an overall inferior team in the playoffs simply because they played in a dome (where it isn't as windy, for example) or whatnot.


This is like baseball trying to make the All Star Game worth something. Stupid assholes.


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How about one last option...?


No extra point. Make TD's 7 points and call it a day.


Yeah, 7 pts for a TD, unless you elect for 2 where a successful try gives you 8 and a failed try gives you 6. Basically the 2pt conversion really becomes +1 or -1. There were only 8 missed XPA in 2014 out of 1230 kicks. So less than one percent of the kicks potentially had an impact on the score and game. Why not just award the point, and speed up the game?

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I just think take out the "extra" bit all together. The 2 pt conversion I think we added in the late 80's or early 90's. Just score...get your points and if you need more, kick it onsides.


Yeah, 7 pts for a TD, unless you elect for 2 where a successful try gives you 8 and a failed try gives you 6. Basically the 2pt conversion really becomes +1 or -1. There were only 8 missed XPA in 2014 out of 1230 kicks. So less than one percent of the kicks potentially had an impact on the score and game. Why not just award the point, and speed up the game?


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Well they went with the kick at 15 and live ball for 2 pt conversion. It is gonna suck for teams to make a game tying drive only to have the Kicker miss the 33 yard XP and lose by one. Kickers just became a lot more important.

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On the fence about this on one hand I would rather it just stay, it's been that way for a long long time. Are we changing things just to change something? Sure it's a virtually automatic thing but it's just normal tradition. I do like the idea of awarding 7 points for a TD and making it optional to go for 2 to make it an 8 point score with the risk of losing a point by failing the conversion. This to me would add strategy without making a major change TD's now are basically 7 with the gimme extra point and the option to go for 2. It would also make things more interesting as some scores would end with the TD where a team ops not to go for 2. Right now the extra point is basically an extra couple min of break to grab more snacks or beverage, or restroom break.


On the other hand your kicker should be able to knock down 33 yard kicks at a fairly high percentage. What this might actually do is reverse the balance of how often teams go for 2 vs 1. Where the 2 point conversion may become more of the norm since you only need 2 yards for 2 vs kicking a 33 yard fg for 1. Either way I guess we'll find out.

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