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Mrs Cutler

Alaskan Grizzly

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Nah...he made his bed, he can sleep in it...with all the millions he isn't "earning".


Don't get me wrong, my pity only goes so far. As a person I don't think Jay is all that bad a guy. His football skills leave something to be desired. But I get the feeling he's more a relatively down home small town type of guy. I mean wasn't he from Santa Claus Indiana and grew up a Bears fan? Then he married this ass clown and now, as you say, sleeping in the bed for which he made.

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Don't get me wrong, my pity only goes so far. As a person I don't think Jay is all that bad a guy. His football skills leave something to be desired. But I get the feeling he's more a relatively down home small town type of guy. I mean wasn't he from Santa Claus Indiana and grew up a Bears fan? Then he married this ass clown and now, as you say, sleeping in the bed for which he made.

Agreed. I really Like Jay Cutler the guy. I just hate Jay Cutler the QB. He seems like someone I would get along with great, if I was in his tax bracket.

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Agreed. I really Like Jay Cutler the guy. I just hate Jay Cutler the QB. He seems like someone I would get along with great, if I was in his tax bracket.



My buddy lived in the same building as Cutler when he first was traded. Says he met Jay Cutler numerous times and he was always a dick.



Who knows maybe he is alright, but I have heard many times he is a dick.

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My buddy lived in the same building as Cutler when he first was traded. Says he met Jay Cutler numerous times and he was always a dick.



Who knows maybe he is alright, but I have heard many times he is a dick.

I picture him as a guy that simply hates the public and media circus. Probably great with family and friends, but wants nothing to do with people outside his interests. Larry Bird is from the same region and is pretty much the same way. In today's media, he would be portrayed the same. Individuality and privacy were much more respected back then.

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What do you expect from a trophy wife? I don't even know how she is famous or why they continue to interview her.


Cause she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, good looks, and has been pampered all her life and bathed in wealth. She has no other redeeming qualities she's one of those idiots who tell everyone they should not vaccinate their kids (which that mentality will only lead to revisiting some the nasty plague type diseases that had been pretty much eradicated). Some people in this world get non stop media attention who the rest of the world could care less about and have no reason to care about. It's hard to know what these people are like when the cameras are off, but pretty sure she's a B in real life. Jay may be cool to family and friends, and a jerk to everyone else, he may just be a total jerk, he may be completely missunderstood. After this season he's likely gone and then my ability to care anything about him will be completely gone. For now he's our QB so that's as far as I care and want to see the Bears do well.

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Not sure anyone else has ever summed up the situation better...


Cause she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, good looks, and has been pampered all her life and bathed in wealth. She has no other redeeming qualities she's one of those idiots who tell everyone they should not vaccinate their kids (which that mentality will only lead to revisiting some the nasty plague type diseases that had been pretty much eradicated). Some people in this world get non stop media attention who the rest of the world could care less about and have no reason to care about. It's hard to know what these people are like when the cameras are off, but pretty sure she's a B in real life. Jay may be cool to family and friends, and a jerk to everyone else, he may just be a total jerk, he may be completely missunderstood. After this season he's likely gone and then my ability to care anything about him will be completely gone. For now he's our QB so that's as far as I care and want to see the Bears do well.


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Cause she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, good looks, and has been pampered all her life and bathed in wealth. She has no other redeeming qualities she's one of those idiots who tell everyone they should not vaccinate their kids (which that mentality will only lead to revisiting some the nasty plague type diseases that had been pretty much eradicated). Some people in this world get non stop media attention who the rest of the world could care less about and have no reason to care about. It's hard to know what these people are like when the cameras are off, but pretty sure she's a B in real life. Jay may be cool to family and friends, and a jerk to everyone else, he may just be a total jerk, he may be completely missunderstood. After this season he's likely gone and then my ability to care anything about him will be completely gone. For now he's our QB so that's as far as I care and want to see the Bears do well.

I think it is difficult to judge people thru the media. I see him as a hard working, flawed NFL player that avoids the publicity. I would probably be similar to that is I was a public figure.The only think that matters to me is his desire to win and keep his mistakes to a minimum. As long as he is a Bear I will root for him. He wife is as you stated, and remember everybody has different paths that make them happy. If there happy ,good for them. It about family, happiness and having a good life, I think he probably has to this point and wish everybody happiness. His wife may not be my cup of tea, but then she doesnt have to be.

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My buddy lived in the same building as Cutler when he first was traded. Says he met Jay Cutler numerous times and he was always a dick.



Who knows maybe he is alright, but I have heard many times he is a dick.

I think jay hates the attention he gets and just wants to live his life in private. He seems like he's a pretty normal parent and guy and other then his wife's stupid stance against vacinnes she by all accounts is a really good and involved mom (especially when you consider she's a celebrity).

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I think it is difficult to judge people thru the media. I see him as a hard working, flawed NFL player that avoids the publicity. I would probably be similar to that is I was a public figure.The only think that matters to me is his desire to win and keep his mistakes to a minimum. As long as he is a Bear I will root for him. He wife is as you stated, and remember everybody has different paths that make them happy. If there happy ,good for them. It about family, happiness and having a good life, I think he probably has to this point and wish everybody happiness. His wife may not be my cup of tea, but then she doesnt have to be.

Good post and I agree with you that I'd probably be a lot like Jay if I played in the league. He's loyal to his friends but given what he's gone through you can see why he's going to be a very reserved person.

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She was being honest. I couldn't care less where they want to live.


Peace :dabears


Yup, a lot of Hollywood is fake, and I can't really knock her for being real.


From all I've read she's far from a B and Jay is far from a D.


City life isn't for everyone. I worked out in Chicago for awhile, love Chicago sports, love visiting, think downtown is beautiful, but Id never wanna live there. Does that make me a bad fan? Absolutely not. So why should it make Kirsten a bad person?

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Yup, a lot of Hollywood is fake, and I can't really knock her for being real.


From all I've read she's far from a B and Jay is far from a D.


City life isn't for everyone. I worked out in Chicago for awhile, love Chicago sports, love visiting, think downtown is beautiful, but Id never wanna live there. Does that make me a bad fan? Absolutely not. So why should it make Kirsten a bad person?

Love what Chicago has to offer, but we dont have to live there or blow smoke up there ass. Everybody is different and Im ok with that.

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Yup, a lot of Hollywood is fake, and I can't really knock her for being real.


From all I've read she's far from a B and Jay is far from a D.


City life isn't for everyone. I worked out in Chicago for awhile, love Chicago sports, love visiting, think downtown is beautiful, but Id never wanna live there. Does that make me a bad fan? Absolutely not. So why should it make Kirsten a bad person?


It's not like she's living in the rough part of town. Nor probably having to deal with the traffic or much public. She's more than likely living it up somewhere secluded from all that is "real". The question we should be asking is 'why say anything at all?'



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