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Bass Standing Out


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This scheme might fit Bass' skills better than the last one so we'll watch for this in training camp. Reportedly Acho has looked good as well but some of that could just be his familiarity with the 3-4 which gives him the advantage up front. I'm not too keen on Willie Young's fit in this scheme, especially coming off that achilles injury. If Fangio wants OLB who can get to the passer that's not Houston's forte but I can't see us cutting Houston this year.


I think Jared Allen can flourish in this new scheme as a backup player focused on the 3rd and long, or obvious passing situations. Last year I felt he should have had less reps to keep his quickness for the pass rush. Allen of course felt he should be on the field all the time.


How many OLB will we keep on the roster? Five? Six if one is a special teams ace? Once you get past McPhee there is nothing guaranteed.

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Remember that about half the time, when we are in nickel etc, that we will still run a four man DL, and in that case, Young will still bring value.


Also I think Houston can play DE in the 3-4, rather than OLB.

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This scheme might fit Bass' skills better than the last one so we'll watch for this in training camp. Reportedly Acho has looked good as well but some of that could just be his familiarity with the 3-4 which gives him the advantage up front. I'm not too keen on Willie Young's fit in this scheme, especially coming off that achilles injury. If Fangio wants OLB who can get to the passer that's not Houston's forte but I can't see us cutting Houston this year.


I think Jared Allen can flourish in this new scheme as a backup player focused on the 3rd and long, or obvious passing situations. Last year I felt he should have had less reps to keep his quickness for the pass rush. Allen of course felt he should be on the field all the time.


How many OLB will we keep on the roster? Five? Six if one is a special teams ace? Once you get past McPhee there is nothing guaranteed.


I know you weren't too keen on Acho before being that he came by way of Arizona but I feel like he's going to do better than advertised. I see him along the lines (influentially) as Rolle in the secondary. Although older has enough intelligence and experience to be a smart player for the role he needs to fill. In fact I wouldn't be surprised to see us lose SMC in favor of Acho (at least that would be my hope).


Not sure how Houston is going to work out for us. I get this feeling he won't make the transition. And as big a fan of Willie Young's as I am I fear you may be right about him not being able to rebound from his injury. Man do I hope we're both wrong.


Allen I think could contribute a lot more than some are giving him credit for. I think between last year's illness and the general disarray of the defense he wasn't really given a fair shake. I know he's in the twilight of his career but if Peppers can make the transition to a stand up LB (or whatever position he's playing in GB) and do well at it, I'm convinced Allen can do it.


As far as Bass goes. I see him very similar to Willie Young in a lot of ways. Very similar builds and playing styles. I'm glad to see he's doing well since he's shown flashes of being a great player.


A player I haven't heard a lot about is Foster. He's supposed to do well in this scheme and be a big pick up for us but so far...nothing. Which might be a moot point with the emergence Jones (knock on wood). And as far as that goes I'm totally fine with as I would much rather have Jones starting for us.

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Remember that about half the time, when we are in nickel etc, that we will still run a four man DL, and in that case, Young will still bring value.


Also I think Houston can play DE in the 3-4, rather than OLB.


I assume we'll keep 9 LBs, 5 OLB and 4 ILB. For OLB I still think Allen will be ahead of Young in those 4-3 situations, so will McPhee. If we're building a roster then as we get toward backup players versatility becomes a factor in who stays. Acho seems to be fitting into the system well so assume he makes it based on his experience. Houston can play OLB in 3-4 and, as stated by others, could probably slide inside to 3-4 DE or stay outside at 4-3 DE in passing situations. That means we can better disguise the D when Houston is on the field. I don't see Willie Young having that versatility so he drops to 5th on the depth chart behind McPhee, Acho, Allen, and Houston. There he competes with a younger and healthier Bass for spot, a role that likely requires a player to be good on special teams. Without an injury to someone it's hard to see where Willie fits on the roster.


ILB: right now starters are SMC and Jones. I expect Foster and Bostic will compete and somewhere among the 4 two get anointed starters.


Whatever happened to Cornelius Washington? I expected him to compete for an OLB role but he's listed as DLine. He played well on special teams last year and flashed some potential a few times mid-season before he got hurt. I was expecting to see him in the mix at OLB.

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