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"Fox is correct, McClellin has the athletic ability to play ILB in defensive coordinator Vic Fangio’s 3-4 system. With the pads on for the first time in camp today, McClellin looked explosive and fast. He wasn’t shying away from contact and was filling gaps with aggression.

In addition, he’s been very effective as an inside blitzer, causing numerous pressures today during team drills."



I'm sure we'll be hearing more about SMC soon as this battle for ILB jobs is wide open and we'll see what develops over the next two weeks. Bostic is back in the mix so seeing who is running with 1's when they head into week 2 of camp will be telling. All this is new on defense so like everyone else I'm sure SMC still has a lot of room to grow in this new role but, if nothing else, at least for the first time it appears he is playing in the right position in the right defense. Hit the link for more info...

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"Fox is correct, McClellin has the athletic ability to play ILB in defensive coordinator Vic Fangio’s 3-4 system. With the pads on for the first time in camp today, McClellin looked explosive and fast. He wasn’t shying away from contact and was filling gaps with aggression.

In addition, he’s been very effective as an inside blitzer, causing numerous pressures today during team drills."



I'm sure we'll be hearing more about SMC soon as this battle for ILB jobs is wide open and we'll see what develops over the next two weeks. Bostic is back in the mix so seeing who is running with 1's when they head into week 2 of camp will be telling. All this is new on defense so like everyone else I'm sure SMC still has a lot of room to grow in this new role but, if nothing else, at least for the first time it appears he is playing in the right position in the right defense. Hit the link for more info...

I hope everyone on the roster excels at there positions,I just think If Shea had the skills , he would have showed more the last few years., I almost think , he may not be on the roster by the time the regular season starts, but hope Im wrong.

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The thing about Shea or anyone on the D the past two years is the scheme and coaching. Who shined on the D during those years? To pick on the McClellins, Houston, Allens, Bostics etc has credibility, but if you look deeper down, it wasn't like those guys lost the ability to play, they were not put in position to succeed. I think we will see guys improve just in the schemes alone. Im always drinking the kool-aid tho.

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The thing about Shea or anyone on the D the past two years is the scheme and coaching. Who shined on the D during those years? To pick on the McClellins, Houston, Allens, Bostics etc has credibility, but if you look deeper down, it wasn't like those guys lost the ability to play, they were not put in position to succeed. I think we will see guys improve just in the schemes alone. Im always drinking the kool-aid tho.


I agree 100% that scheme and coaching will make a big positive impact. I'm not so sure it will translate to improving basic fundamental deficiencies some players have. Bostic consistently over-ran plays and in coverage was often just turning the wrong way. He just never seemed to understand how to keep leverage on plays or players. SMC is in the same boat but with some different things to work on. It's the same with guys like Vereen, Sutton, Ferguson, Carey but they only had 1 season so far and there is more likely upside to their skills if the scheme and coaching is better. Houston is a much better fit at OLB in this scheme than he was at DT last year.

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I agree 100% that scheme and coaching will make a big positive impact. I'm not so sure it will translate to improving basic fundamental deficiencies some players have. Bostic consistently over-ran plays and in coverage was often just turning the wrong way. He just never seemed to understand how to keep leverage on plays or players. SMC is in the same boat but with some different things to work on. It's the same with guys like Vereen, Sutton, Ferguson, Carey but they only had 1 season so far and there is more likely upside to their skills if the scheme and coaching is better. Houston is a much better fit at OLB in this scheme than he was at DT last year.

Here's to Fangio, to putting our guys into position to succeed 🍻. Growing curves are expected. Having a great coach should show dividends. It's make or break year for nearly half the roster.

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A lot of reports that foster has looked really good (as has Jones). I've seen more positives on those two then Shea, but it is training camp so who knows. Fox, Pace and Vangio have no bias on Shea so if they didn't see talent in him, he wouldn't be out their. We will see what happens.

Even Bostic got some positive notes while running with the first string. Right now it is all fluff until game day. I just want the best two.

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Adam Johns was on some show today and he said he'd be shocked if SMC isn't one of the starting ILBs. Guess he's been the one calling plays out there.



I wish he'd have added more to that than the fact SMC is calling plays. I went back and read a bit on Fangio's scheme:






From an athletic standpoint SMC has the edge over Foster and it's likely why they want to see what he can do first. I'm sure Foster is better right now as a run defender. Not sure he is better in coverage than SMC though both need to improve. The only thing I've seen commented on frequently is that SMC has been very disruptive in the backfield either on blitzes or getting into gaps quickly on run fits. This competition won't be over any time soon.

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To elaborate just a bit, he said he's the guy out there putting people into position. That pretty much is covered in calling plays, but just encase it needed to be said, ill throw that out there.


Also Johns (or Jahns) said he thinks Jones has the leg up on the other spot.

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We're going to know a little bit more tomorrow. Days off from practice like today are used by coaches to stop and assess where players are at and if they want to make changes. We'll see if there are reports of Foster getting more time with the 1's. I doubt we'll see much change at this point. The coaches obviously felt SMC the better player coming out of OTAs or they wouldn't have had him out there calling plays with the 1st team to start camp. Assuming he's still improving I'd expect them to continue to give him a chance to succeed. The fact we are hitting in camp is good for SMC who needs that practice and coaching.


I do expect Jones to be one of our starters at ILB. I don't know how much weight he added this offseason but he's bigger than he was last year and apparently has no loss in speed or mobility on coverage. Bostic on the other hand is completely on the outside looking in and players like Lattimore, who is decent on special teams, are trying to take advantage of that opening.

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Guest TerraTor

Ill only chime in here once... but SMC is weak. That's the bottom line. He can try all he wants but u can't polish a turd. He's calling plays in training camp?? Really...

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Jeff Dickerson made a really good point on the radio yesterday....


One of the biggest downfalls SMC has had in his career is getting off blocks...You know who else couldn't get off blocks? That one bald guy who played for the Bears all those years...Brian something...He was pretty damn good I'd say. Also mentioned Junior Seau couldn't get off blocks either.

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He's not going out without a fight...



Yet the defensive play of the day came from McClellin against a counter trey. McCllelin lined up across from RG Kye Long, who pulled left at the snap to serve as the lead blocker. McClellin followed Long across the play and crashed into the gap, knocking Long to his knees before making a play on the ball carrier. It was a highly impressive play by McClellin who, along with Jones, is growing into his new role

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It's kind of funny to think about just last year we were talking up the signings of Jared Allen, Lamar Houston, and Willie Young, and to think a year later all of them are going to be backup LB'ers. Expensive ones at that.


Based on the information available, it certainly sounds like the starting LB'er group is going to be McPhee, McClellin, Jones, and Acho.

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It's kind of funny to think about just last year we were talking up the signings of Jared Allen, Lamar Houston, and Willie Young, and to think a year later all of them are going to be backup LB'ers. Expensive ones at that.


Based on the information available, it certainly sounds like the starting LB'er group is going to be McPhee, McClellin, Jones, and Acho.


It's far from set and, aside from McPhee, who starts might vary game to game depending on matchups.

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It's kind of funny to think about just last year we were talking up the signings of Jared Allen, Lamar Houston, and Willie Young, and to think a year later all of them are going to be backup LB'ers. Expensive ones at that.


Sadly it sounds as though things aren't working out for Young and he could more a casualty of money than anything (and he's still trying to recover from a pretty major injury). Houston could prove to still be a big piece to the puzzle, provided he doesn't act like a ding a ling. And Jared Allen could prove to be a very strong situation player (like AZ said) where if he manages to get back to double digit sacks then he's more than worth the money. And besides I'm still convinced he's going to have a renaissance (ala Peppers) after going from three to two point stances.

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It's kind of funny to think about just last year we were talking up the signings of Jared Allen, Lamar Houston, and Willie Young, and to think a year later all of them are going to be backup LB'ers. Expensive ones at that.


Based on the information available, it certainly sounds like the starting LB'er group is going to be McPhee, McClellin, Jones, and Acho.


Something I've mentioned more than one time. The move to the 3-4 could be a costly one.

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Something I've mentioned more than one time. The move to the 3-4 could be a costly one.


There is a very low standard here: Last season we were 30th in yards given up and 31st in points given up per game.


We all realize there are some players on the roster that don't fit a 3-4 scheme but those players didn't do much of anything last year in a 4-3. If they continue doing nothing this year they'll be gone in year 2 of the overhaul.



....and welcome back, Jordan Mills needs your help.


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