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Broncos Game Thoughts


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Coming into this game it seemed clear Fox was more focused on being healthy against Green Bay. The most surprising inactive, or the one I wasn't expecting, was Antrel Rolle and I think he was missed a lot. Why was Prosinski out there instead of Jones-Quartey? We'll never know but I'm pretty sure I saw JQ out there on special teams. I trust these coaches to put the best players out there but I also recognize that they are not afraid to develop new talent keeping an eye toward the future. Overall the D held up but it wasn't pretty. Yes it was the Broncos with a backup QB but they gave up 17pts and that should give your team a fighting chance.


There were a lot of breakdowns that I'm not accustomed to seeing in the last few games. Some of this might have been because we blitzed like I haven't seen Fangio blitz before. Correct me if I'm wrong on that but how often have we seen Amos blitz? Blitzing like that with Prosinski back there was asking for trouble. It was effective at times but more often seemed to give up big plays. It's all speculation but I can't shake the feeling that we used this game somewhat to learn some of these blitzes in preparation for Thur.


Dline: They were dominated by the Broncos up front and that caused most of the issues behind them. We got free runs at the QB on occasion but it seemed that if we didn't blitz we'd never get there. Too often the players on the edge gave up the edge. The hit and miss type of game confirms for me that a dominate DT is a key to making the rest of the D effective. Put someone like that on the inside and it makes it harder for Oline to run out and hit the ILBs.


Safety: Prosinski was mostly lost out there on the field but improved as the game went along. Amos was his usual steady self with a few good plays throughout the game.


CB: I think overall we regressed quite a bit in coverage this week and it was across the board.


LBs: I think we regressed in run support this week and pass coverage. Both players often got moved around and were late getting to the ball.



Once I saw Royal and Jeffrey were out it was game over against this defense. Despite that we did move the ball enough to get into the red zone but without real threats nothing was going to happen inside the 10yd line.


QB: The first INT by Cutler was nothing but a bad pass. There's no other way to see that because even if that route was run incorrectly, unless it was a come-back route, then any type of cut Wilson made would have left the ball behind him and open for an INT. The second INT was just what will happen from time to time in a season. For the most part Cutler kept his wits about him as he navigated a turbulent o...d


WRs: It was surprising that guys got wide open in spots deep down field throughout the game but other than that there wasn't anything consistent we could execute. Among the backup WRs nobody's performance said "you must to keep me around next year".


TEs: It was an ok day but with Jeffrey and Royal out there was an easy focus on these two guys.


Oline: Run blocking largely went nowhere. Pass blocking was good in spots but Cutler had to move around on almost every play to keep it alive. We expected a challenge going against the best defense in football and we got it.


Despite all this had we kicked a FG with 10min left in the game we could have won it. One day when this coaching staff gets talent on the roster and some depth we''ll be tough to play against.

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Coming into this game it seemed clear Fox was more focused on being healthy against Green Bay. The most surprising inactive, or the one I wasn't expecting, was Antrel Rolle and I think he was missed a lot. Why was Prosinski out there instead of Jones-Quartey? We'll never know but I'm pretty sure I saw JQ out there on special teams. I trust these coaches to put the best players out there but I also recognize that they are not afraid to develop new talent keeping an eye toward the future. Overall the D held up but it wasn't pretty. Yes it was the Broncos with a backup QB but they gave up 17pts and that should give your team a fighting chance.


There were a lot of breakdowns that I'm not accustomed to seeing in the last few games. Some of this might have been because we blitzed like I haven't seen Fangio blitz before. Correct me if I'm wrong on that but how often have we seen Amos blitz? Blitzing like that with Prosinski back there was asking for trouble. It was effective at times but more often seemed to give up big plays. It's all speculation but I can't shake the feeling that we used this game somewhat to learn some of these blitzes in preparation for Thur.


Dline: They were dominated by the Broncos up front and that caused most of the issues behind them. We got free runs at the QB on occasion but it seemed that if we didn't blitz we'd never get there. Too often the players on the edge gave up the edge. The hit and miss type of game confirms for me that a dominate DT is a key to making the rest of the D effective. Put someone like that on the inside and it makes it harder for Oline to run out and hit the ILBs.


Safety: Prosinski was mostly lost out there on the field but improved as the game went along. Amos was his usual steady self with a few good plays throughout the game.


CB: I think overall we regressed quite a bit in coverage this week and it was across the board.


LBs: I think we regressed in run support this week and pass coverage. Both players often got moved around and were late getting to the ball.



Once I saw Royal and Jeffrey were out it was game over against this defense. Despite that we did move the ball enough to get into the red zone but without real threats nothing was going to happen inside the 10yd line.


QB: The first INT by Cutler was nothing but a bad pass. There's no other way to see that because even if that route was run incorrectly, unless it was a come-back route, then any type of cut Wilson made would have left the ball behind him and open for an INT. The second INT was just what will happen from time to time in a season. For the most part Cutler kept his wits about him as he navigated a turbulent o...d


WRs: It was surprising that guys got wide open in spots deep down field throughout the game but other than that there wasn't anything consistent we could execute. Among the backup WRs nobody's performance said "you must to keep me around next year".


TEs: It was an ok day but with Jeffrey and Royal out there was an easy focus on these two guys.


Oline: Run blocking largely went nowhere. Pass blocking was good in spots but Cutler had to move around on almost every play to keep it alive. We expected a challenge going against the best defense in football and we got it.


Despite all this had we kicked a FG with 10min left in the game we could have won it. One day when this coaching staff gets talent on the roster and some depth we''ll be tough to play against.



Denver has the the highest ranked defense in the NFL. The Bears clearly lacking talent on the D and injury plagued on the O should have won that game. I said it when he went for it on 4th that it was too early but I like being aggressive, I cant hold that against Fox. The Bears were a little off, its happens just look at GB the last 3 weeks.


Cutler called a draw on the 2pt, from the picture Adam posted had Benett blocked Ward Langford had a chance to get in to tie it up.



This team fights till there is double 0's on the clock, very different from last year. Even after getting a little more excited about possibly making the playoffs after last week I am still happy with the Bears.



The Bears were without their two best Offensive weapons with Forte and Alshon out, not to mention Royal was out as well. Those three guys play and its a different game. Hopefully they can suit up this thursday!



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Denver has the the highest ranked defense in the NFL. The Bears clearly lacking talent on the D and injury plagued on the O should have won that game. I said it when he went for it on 4th that it was too early but I like being aggressive, I cant hold that against Fox. The Bears were a little off, its happens just look at GB the last 3 weeks.


Cutler called a draw on the 2pt, from the picture Adam posted had Benett blocked Ward Langford had a chance to get in to tie it up.



This team fights till there is double 0's on the clock, very different from last year. Even after getting a little more excited about possibly making the playoffs after last week I am still happy with the Bears.



The Bears were without their two best Offensive weapons with Forte and Alshon out, not to mention Royal was out as well. Those three guys play and its a different game. Hopefully they can suit up this thursday!


I'm with you on the Thur night game. For once I'd like to see what Cutler can do with most of the weapons we have on offense. There is no indication White is doing anything other than watching games so I think he's done for the year.

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I'm with you on the Thur night game. For once I'd like to see what Cutler can do with most of the weapons we have on offense. There is no indication White is doing anything other than watching games so I think he's done for the year.



Yeah, since there literally has been little to no info on White I don't see him suiting up this year. We will know tomorrow.I was really hoping to get a glimpse of him this year. Didn't expect much from him even if he did play with missing so much time.



It would be nice to see a full strength offensive unit on Thursday. It would make my season to see Cutler light up GB and win up in their country.

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