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What a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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We get a day off of work (at least most of us), we get to spend time with family & friends, we get wonderful food...and we get to see the Bears defeat the Puckers on national TV while the station and all involved wanted to just have a parade for Favre and all expecting a Pucker blowout. Bear the f&^% down! THAT WAS AWESOME!


Turkey never tasted so good!


...and some whisky didn't hurt either. ;)


Happy Holidays, fellow Bears fans! Happy Holidays!




It wasn't an early gift from Santa, it was straight EARNED. Well done Bears, top to bottom. From management who got us some good players, to the coaches, who have done a great job, to the players, who simply have no quit in them. Kudos! So proud and happy to be a Bears fan!



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