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Jeffery unhappy in Chicago


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TD, I can't tell if you are being serious or funny. Marshall is on his 4th team. And all of the previous three, there was rumored problems. I'll concede two were pre-diagnosis. He is being a good boy this year. Let's remember he is in the city where his show is taped. Tell me another active player that is on a weekly show in another state. It doesn't matter if trestman allowed it. Be a good teammate.

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The whole Marshall interjection to Jeffrey is complete horse apples. One: if Jeffery is that weak and impressionable, he's not man enough to handle the load long term. Two: Marshall is already a proven three time team cancer. Lastly, this is not fantasy football. Marshall will get his stats. Team sports require their stars to be team players. Marshall is on some levels but not on others and that makes him more dangerous than the guy that's one way or the other. He both brings credibility and destroys it. Not what you want on any team, let alone one that needs rebuilt.

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Alshon changed his tune this week and said he loved Chicago, so I believe this is all posturing.


On BM, remember that his shtick grows old. He was actually a model citizen in the first year or two with the team, but then things started to deteriorate. With their Week 17 implosion, and Fitzpatrick's propensity to implode, their first extended losing streak next year will bring out the bad-Marshall.

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I would love to know 10 of the 50. Amos will probably never start again within, 3 years, when they have time to get the talent on the team they want, probably even next year. Marshall was busy dominating.


I can name a few. Gould who sucks now. he was the catalyst for the whole the locker room doesn't like him thing.He's just sour because he was called just a kicker when Marshall was busy trying to get the team fired up and start winning. Briggs who was gone and retired, that was too done with football to pay attention to marshall. Forte acted like he could careless about him. Jay Cutler, who Marshall spent years taking his side and getting his back, then he finally called him out on needing to step up and he really needed to.


I also think it's funny when PPL talk about how Marshall hasn't been in the playoffs, yet he was straddled with Cutler that has been there what, like once, a Miami team that hasn't been there forever, and a Jets team that over achieved this year and should have been.

I was on the BM bandwagon. Follow him on twitter and instagram etc. I also see the teams side of it. He needs attention, likes the microphone, and says what he wants. The Bears ownership did not want that and I believe most of the players did not like him speaking on their behalf. My biggest regret is not getting enough value on dumping him, but that is what value turns into when a guy has a reputation.

Amos will start next year and more than likely through his rookie deal. The coaches got a player they wanted by drafting him.

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The whole Marshall interjection to Jeffrey is complete horse apples. One: if Jeffery is that weak and impressionable, he's not man enough to handle the load long term. Two: Marshall is already a proven three time team cancer. Lastly, this is not fantasy football. Marshall will get his stats. Team sports require their stars to be team players. Marshall is on some levels but not on others and that makes him more dangerous than the guy that's one way or the other. He both brings credibility and destroys it. Not what you want on any team, let alone one that needs rebuilt.


This 100%


Peace :dabears


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I would love to know 10 of the 50. Amos will probably never start again within 3 years, when they have time to get the talent on the team they want, probably even next year. Marshall was busy dominating.


I can name a few. Gould who sucks now. he was the catalyst for the whole the locker room doesn't like him thing.He's just sour because he was called just a kicker when Marshall was busy trying to get the team fired up and start winning. Briggs who was gone and retired, that was too done with football to pay attention to marshall. Forte acted like he could careless about him. Jay Cutler, who Marshall spent years taking his side and getting his back, then he finally called him out on needing to step up and he really needed to.


I also think it's funny when PPL talk about how Marshall hasn't been in the playoffs, yet he was straddled with Cutler that has been there what, like once, a Miami team that hasn't been there forever, and a Jets team that over achieved this year and should have been.

Marshall is one of the top 5 WRs over the last 5 years, but he has lots of baggage. He wears his welcome out everywhere he goes. Teams rarely let great players go, but he is on his 4 th team. That in itself suggests many problems. If you have ever been around his personality type, he talks big but it is always about himself. It just doesnt fit well with team chemistry. You will see this new season, there will start to be problems because that is his history. We have moved forward and life is much better going forward without him. How long was he here? We didnt win anything, point made.

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I don't care to get into this argument because I won't pretend I know what went on with B like others are, but saying Amos probably won't start again within 3 years is just silly. Amos probably won't sit within 3 years barring injury. He was one of the best defensive rookies in the league.


Also, that Jets team didn't overachieve. They were loaded. I won't put that all on B though.

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I don't care to get into this argument because I won't pretend I know what went on with B like others are, but saying Amos probably won't start again within 3 years is just silly. Amos probably won't sit within 3 years barring injury. He was one of the best defensive rookies in the league.


Also, that Jets team didn't overachieve. They were loaded. I won't put that all on B though.



If White turns out to be a game changer the Bears will be in a better situation moving fwd. With BM on the Bears team it would have been hard to resign Alshon and address all the other area of need. Alshon will in essence take the Cap space BM was allocated if he resigns.Now they have a younger WR at a huge discount in White. White just needs to perform on the field! Everything I have read says the Bears are really impressed by White so far.

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I said it over at the injury thread, I still feel that he is very immature and is easily swayed, BM had a huge impact on him, and I think he is posturing for release. But being he is talent that you dont see often, a Franchise tag maybe a waste on the type character this guy has shown. I am not a shrink by any means But I have Led men into battle and know when a man is not into it he dont give his all. It maybe a season of soft tissue injuries or concussed or just flat no effort in catching passes. either way a Frachise tag would be waste on guy that truly dont want to be a Bear,

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Anyone know much about transition tag? I've heard Jim Miller use the term a lot. Is it where he can shop his abilities and we have the right to match...and if he signs elsewhere we get some type of compensation?





From David Haugh's article.


Not surprising. This stuff came from Dan Bernstein about a month ago. Jeffery doesn't have many friends in Chicago because he's so shy, and he wasn't very happy when Marshall got traded.


This injury stuff sure looks like it's derived from a lack of focus and work ethic. It's his way of pouting to get what he wants. My question is, do you now franchise him in order to trade him? Or do you still want to keep him around?


Isn't there a transition tag or something where you can get two 1st's if a team bids on a player who is tagged? I would take two firsts for Jeffery if it came down to it. I really don't want to lose homegrown talent, because those are the types you are suppose to keep around, but if he's going to be a baby about everything, I would rather get something for him and let Pace use a couple extra high picks to rebuild the team.


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Anyone know much about transition tag? I've heard Jim Miller use the term a lot. Is it where he can shop his abilities and we have the right to match...and if he signs elsewhere we get some type of compensation?


The transition tag only gives you the right to match a contract offer and retain the player. It sort of went away because teams are able to structure "poison pill" deals like we did with John Tait. It is available, but if the Bears really want to keep AJ, start working on a long term deal. If that falls through, the use the Franchise tag.






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Thanks for clarifying!



The transition tag only gives you the right to match a contract offer and retain the player. It sort of went away because teams are able to structure "poison pill" deals like we did with John Tait. It is available, but if the Bears really want to keep AJ, start working on a long term deal. If that falls through, the use the Franchise tag.


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