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What I love about the write up for the Henry pick is all the bring up is Miller being a free agent, completely ignoring Bennett still being on the team. I am coming around to letting Bennett go, bringing Miller back, and drafting a TE(because you can't bank on Miller), but I'm not sure I'd grab one this early.


I liked Robinson, but he's another guy who was non existent in the championship game, and his stock should drop. That Bama DL is filled with early round talent and I think they all benefit from each other.


I've said before I'm fine with Cardale in the 3rd but I would prefer they wait till the 4th or 5th to grab a guy, or to simply grab a vet.


I'm fine with Johnstone, let him compete with Leno.

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I avoid Bama defensive players (and RB's) like the plague when it comes to the draft. Saban does such a great job scheming them out of their weaknesses. Masks a lot of their issues (great for Saban) but for teams who draft guys realizing their is a reason you didn't get film on X player doing Y. 1st two picks are awful, but if you want to cut Marty, you pretty much have to go TE early (or spend money on a TE via FA so for those of you who want to cut Bennett, just realize, that means we spend cap money on the position via FA or use a high draft pick on the position). Signing Miller to be the #1 ain't happening (signing him to be a top notch #2 is happening).

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I avoid Bama defensive players (and RB's) like the plague when it comes to the draft. Saban does such a great job scheming them out of their weaknesses. Masks a lot of their issues (great for Saban) but for teams who draft guys realizing their is a reason you didn't get film on X player doing Y. 1st two picks are awful, but if you want to cut Marty, you pretty much have to go TE early (or spend money on a TE via FA so for those of you who want to cut Bennett, just realize, that means we spend cap money on the position via FA or use a high draft pick on the position). Signing Miller to be the #1 ain't happening (signing him to be a top notch #2 is happening).


Why is this different than any other position? All I ever hear is "let so and so compete" for the starting spot on the OL. So many scrubs have passed through those positions that I can't remember. It seems every year there is a 7th rounder or UDFA competing for a spot. But if Bennett is gone, suddenly the Bears have to go high draft pick? Seems to me a mid-round guy could compete with Miller work just fine.


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