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Scouting some late Rd QBs


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Seems clear we're taking a QB in this draft, we just don't know how early. I'd say 3rd Rd is a possibility and 4th Rd is most likely. I took a look at some film on a few of the prospects that are off the beaten path (i.e. not named Hogan or Prescott):


Brandon Allen... I've seen a few people praise him as a solid backup QB candidate with a long career ahead of him. I see good pocket awareness and ability move around to avoid pressure. He's mobile enough to bootleg and can throw well enough on the run. I'd like to see him throw with more anticipation as he usually is waiting for guys to make their break and then be open. He's accurate and arm strength is good enough to work the intermediate part of the field. I don't see much on deep passes and at times on out-routes he's waiting too long which will lead to INTs in the NFL. I don't usually like comparisons to existing NFL players but this kid reminds me of Kirk Cousins. He gets dinged because his hands are smaller than mine.


Brandon Doughty... Against LSU he looked lost for much of the game. Not surprising given the huge jump in game speed. He's just too static in the pocket. Step it back down to La Tech and he's back in his spread offense comfort zone. At times there is very good accuracy but under pressure he's behind his WR too often. He has enough tools to be worth developing but the lack of pocket awareness concerns me. I think he'll need more time to fit into an NFL offense than Allen.


Jeff Driskel... Statue in the pocket doesn't have a good feel for what's going on around him and where to step up to buy time. All the physical tools are there but something is missing. At times he'll make throws you love to see, then, especially when under pressure, the ball can be anywhere. He's not that good throwing on the run but he's athletic enough to bootleg out of the pocket.


Nate Sudfeld... As day 3 prospects go I like this kid a lot. He's got the size at 6'6" and the live arm to make all the throws. Quite often he shows rare accuracy on deep balls dropping it in over the shoulder of the WR in stride. I think if he wasn't working from a spread offense he'd be getting a lot more talk as a mid-rd pick. With that, he's got some things to learn from under center. plus at times his decisions and accuracy are not what you'd expect. Those issues occur far enough apart that I think good coaching can fix them. He's not going to run away from anyone in the NFL, except perhaps Terrance Knighton, but he's mobile enough to move out of the pocket at times. In the pocket he has a good feel for pressure and moves around well enough to buy time.


Of the four I watched film of tonight I'd say Allen is best prepared to play early, and perhaps that holds for the first couple years, but I'd take Sudfeld because he has better upside and IMO could develop into a solid starter. Sudfeld probably needs 2 years of work before he's ready but we have that time behind Cutler, and more if we want it. After those two I'd take Doughty and then my last choice would be Driskel who I don't think will ever be a decent backup QB.


Overall I'd put Sudfeld on par with Hogan or Prescott (I put Allen in there too) but I think he has more upside than either. Although I've seen improvement from him, I'm not convinced Prescott will ever cure his inaccuracy enough to be a starter. Hogan's occasional WTFWTT throws still bother me. Sudfeld is listed a 7th Rd or UDFA prospect on CBSSports, then in their writeup they state that he has enough potential that he could be drafted in the middle rounds.

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I'll add in Vernon Adams to the list. If not for his height, people would be salivating over him. He has put up massive numbers in college, shown good touch, and just gets the job done.


He may not have the perfect size, the perfect delivery, the perfect anything, but he's a serious gamer. He's a winner. He's a guy that does the right things at the right times, but gets critiqued to the Nth degree.


If the Bears wait on QB, I'd love to see him in the 6th.

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I'll add in Vernon Adams to the list. If not for his height, people would be salivating over him. He has put up massive numbers in college, shown good touch, and just gets the job done.


He may not have the perfect size, the perfect delivery, the perfect anything, but he's a serious gamer. He's a winner. He's a guy that does the right things at the right times, but gets critiqued to the Nth degree.


If the Bears wait on QB, I'd love to see him in the 6th.


I don't think he has enough arm strength to be a viable backup QB in the NFL.

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I'll add in Vernon Adams to the list. If not for his height, people would be salivating over him. He has put up massive numbers in college, shown good touch, and just gets the job done.


He may not have the perfect size, the perfect delivery, the perfect anything, but he's a serious gamer. He's a winner. He's a guy that does the right things at the right times, but gets critiqued to the Nth degree.


If the Bears wait on QB, I'd love to see him in the 6th.


I don't think he has enough arm strength to be a viable backup QB in the NFL.

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