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Fangio more upbeat


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I respect Fangio and the work he did putting a respectable defense on the field last year despite all the injuries and lack of talent especially for his scheme, was IMO, one of best coaching jobs we've seen in a long time with the Bears. I remember last year his comments about players were usually we'll see, or "we have one good Dlineman and the rest we'll see". This year he's clearly more upbeat about the players while still acknowledging the amount of work that needs to be done to get them up to speed. It's way too early to have any idea what this defense can become but it is safe to say that Fangio feels much better about the players he has to work with this year than last.


Also interesting is that he's not worried at all about how lean Floyd is. Floyd visited the Bears for two days before the draft. We've all debated the combine numbers (myself included) but in those two days the Bears had to have a good idea what he can do coming off the edge, as well as his coverage skills. Clearly Vic has his ideas on how he can use Floyd and isn't so worried that he gets pushed out of a couple running plays. He values having a player who can cover or rush off the edge. It will be interesting to see this play out and if it leads to more zone blitzing schemes on 3rd and long because you won't know who is coming and who is covering: Floyd or Freeman, or (to a lesser extent) Trevathan who reportedly isn't as good at blitzing.






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I've always believed the key to a great 3-4 was having at least 3 very versatile LBs. Ideally 4. This way the blitz packages are more and more complex, unpredictable, and effective.

Fangio was in on the pick, so he is smarter than I am, I am sure he will do well by him.

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I've always believed the key to a great 3-4 was having at least 3 very versatile LBs. Ideally 4. This way the blitz packages are more and more complex, unpredictable, and effective.


Agree, speed and versetility has been a high priority with the guys we've brought in through FA/Draft especially this offseason. The less one dimensional your players are especially in the front 7 the better. Like you said it gives Vic more options to be creative with blitzes, stunts, coverages, and being able to disguise and confuse offenses. It should be interesting to see what he does now that he has a better feel for the guys who are still there from last year and the new guys coming in.

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