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Superbowlers over Probowlers


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I agree with and like the plan. I have said many times over I like the guys who are B+ players who bust their ass for the betterment of the team. Those guys don't always look like pro-bowlers. They'd rather have five or six on the defense who each have 8 sacks and a ring than having two DEs who have 15 sacks each, yet they get beaten by intermediate passing.

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I get the point of the concept, but it is sort of misleading. Just because the guy was on a Super Bowl team doesn't really make him a good player or someone you should covet solely based on his SB pedigree.


Also, over 100 players are "Super Bowl players" every year, so there is probably a good chance that most teams have guys with Super Bowl experience. There is also a trend in the league to "poach" players from Super Bowl teams (when those players try to cash in), and if you look at the players listed, 5 are ex-Broncos (ties with Fox) and 1 is a Saint (ties with Pace) so there is a strong correlation to guys we are familiar with and that have experience in our system.


Lastly, how many players have we signed that didn't have Super Bowl experience? Just for comparison sake.


To me, at the end of the day, it is finding the right guy, regardless of his experience. If he has SB experience, great, if not, I don't think it would be a discriminator.


Now Jason's plan is sound, look for the 2nd and 3rd Tier guys who are hungry and can produce. Maybe not at a Pro Bowl level, but if we run 11 B+'s out on the field, we will have no weaknesses and will be a hard team to beat.

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I get the point of the concept, but it is sort of misleading. Just because the guy was on a Super Bowl team doesn't really make him a good player or someone you should covet solely based on his SB pedigree.


Also, over 100 players are "Super Bowl players" every year, so there is probably a good chance that most teams have guys with Super Bowl experience. There is also a trend in the league to "poach" players from Super Bowl teams (when those players try to cash in), and if you look at the players listed, 5 are ex-Broncos (ties with Fox) and 1 is a Saint (ties with Pace) so there is a strong correlation to guys we are familiar with and that have experience in our system.


Lastly, how many players have we signed that didn't have Super Bowl experience? Just for comparison sake.


To me, at the end of the day, it is finding the right guy, regardless of his experience. If he has SB experience, great, if not, I don't think it would be a discriminator.


Now Jason's plan is sound, look for the 2nd and 3rd Tier guys who are hungry and can produce. Maybe not at a Pro Bowl level, but if we run 11 B+'s out on the field, we will have no weaknesses and will be a hard team to beat.

Unless I misread this, his point was not to go out and get (people that were in SBs) but to get enough players willing to make the commitment that it takes to get to a SB. Every team will have a couple of stars on the team in the NFL but to get to a SB you have to have a collection of players that will contribute and do what work is necessary to get to it.. The team thing apply s to most any team in the NFL that made it to the SB. Last year the star was Von Miller on D in the SB but players like Jackson and Wolfe made contributions that helped them win the game. There not pro bowlers but just very good players. We added Trvathian who was in a SB but players like Hicks and Freeman are the ones that will help us be successful .

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Unless I misread this, his point was not to go out and get (people that were in SBs) but to get enough players willing to make the commitment that it takes to get to a SB. Every team will have a couple of stars on the team in the NFL but to get to a SB you have to have a collection of players that will contribute and do what work is necessary to get to it.. The team thing apply s to most any team in the NFL that made it to the SB. Last year the star was Von Miller on D in the SB but players like Jackson and Wolfe made contributions that helped them win the game. There not pro bowlers but just very good players. We added Trvathian who was in a SB but players like Hicks and Freeman are the ones that will help us be successful .

I know that is the plan and it makes sense but that is not what the article says. That is why he listed players that played for SB teams, regardless of their contributions. The article doesn't make sense but the plan does. Get guys who are going to do whatever it takes to win regardless of individual stats or accomplishments.



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