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Leonard Floyd is inconsistent and out of shape, according to Fangio


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Zach Zaidman ‏@ZachZaidman 18m18 minutes ago

#Bears DC Vic Fangio says Leonard Floyd's preseason was "choppy" and "inconsistent."


Zach Zaidman ‏@ZachZaidman 17m17 minutes ago

#Bears DC Vic Fangio on Leonard Floyd: "I don't think he's in the greatest condition right now."


Zach Zaidman ‏@ZachZaidman 17m17 minutes ago

#Bears DC Vic Fangio on Leonard Floyd: "He's playing against men now."


Jeff Dickerson ‏@DickersonESPN 9m9 minutes ago

Fangio stresses he is not mad at Leonard Floyd, but says his lack of availability has stunted his growth as a player. #Bears


This is not good. White has not looked very good in pre-season either. If neither of these 1st round picks work out for Pace, he's not going to last very long here. These aren't the kind of things you want to be hearing about the #9 pick in the draft. I appreciate Fangio's honesty, though. Hopefully it doesn't take him that long to get in shape and he can produce, despite the skepticism.

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Very disappointing about Floyd. But, it's still early.


Not sure the White comparison is valid. He sure looked good game 4... Let's see how both play out. Early returns are nice, but it looks like we'll have to hope for some late profitability.




This is not good. White has not looked very good in pre-season either. If neither of these 1st round picks work out for Pace, he's not going to last very long here. These aren't the kind of things you want to be hearing about the #9 pick in the draft. I appreciate Fangio's honesty, though. Hopefully it doesn't take him that long to get in shape and he can produce, despite the skepticism.


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This is not good. White has not looked very good in pre-season either. If neither of these 1st round picks work out for Pace, he's not going to last very long here. These aren't the kind of things you want to be hearing about the #9 pick in the draft. I appreciate Fangio's honesty, though. Hopefully it doesn't take him that long to get in shape and he can produce, despite the skepticism.



The only thing that has me worried is him being out of shape. I hope there is a reason he couldn't come into camp in shape like an injury that hindered his pre camp training. Coming in out of shape points to laziness which will never work in the NFL. Everything else I will chalk up to him being a rookie. Everything I have heard about White is that he puts the effort in so everything else will work its self out.




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I wonder what "out of shape" is referring to?


If it is stamina and endurance then I am concerned.


If by saying he is out of shape is referring to needing to add more muscle/weight, well that is not something that takes time.


So I guess I am hoping he is referring to, what has been eluded to before, the need to add more muscle and weight.



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I am concerned over that also.


I am actually more excited about Bullard than Floyd at this point.


I am hoping that Floyd will eventually live up to our expectations when drafted.


I am thinking that Bullard might contribute from the get go.



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My expectations from the draft with those 2 guys was that Bullard had a really high floor and Floyd has a high ceiling. So, it's not surprising to Bullard doing well and Floyd currently struggling.


Hopefully, they will compliment each other well in the future!



I am concerned over that also.


I am actually more excited about Bullard than Floyd at this point.


I am hoping that Floyd will eventually live up to our expectations when drafted.


I am thinking that Bullard might contribute from the get go.


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It's very early for both players. It is essentially White's first year.


I'm not worried.


Peace :dabears

Agree. These two need to experience real NFL games to figure the game out. If they stop making progress I'll start worrying. I carry my hope longer than most I'd say as I think back to Shea McClellin. I do like the pressure the coaches put on them though, put it out there and see if they respond.

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This is not good. White has not looked very good in pre-season either. If neither of these 1st round picks work out for Pace, he's not going to last very long here. These aren't the kind of things you want to be hearing about the #9 pick in the draft. I appreciate Fangio's honesty, though. Hopefully it doesn't take him that long to get in shape and he can produce, despite the skepticism.

Drafts take 3 years to evaluate. Houston's Clowney was the first player taken a couple of years ago and how is that working for them. All first round draft picks aren't instant successes. I think if people complain enough about everything then they can say I told you so. If you think every move was bad then you will be right once in awhile. Give it till next year and see how everything turns out.

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Pace made me not have a team to support this year after over 30 years of being a Bears fan. White and Floyd will both be a bust. His player management has been horrible, and over valuing he or Fox had previously had on teams they were with.


The Bears have the prodigy of one of the worst teams in the NFL as their. Slauson, Forte, Mashall, soon to be Jeffery, Bennett, and so on, tore this team up and gave it the Saints with out Brees.


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Last year Eddie Goldman was out of shape too and he went through a learning curve as far as what the NFL is about. Floyd had no idea which team would draft him, for which scheme, and which role in that scheme. He was light for our OLB role when he came and I didn't expect he'd come in and be lights out right away. I think we're asking or expecting a lot for him to make that leap in just 4 months time. It took Cornelius Washington two off-seasons to get his body adjusted for the DE/DT role he's in now. Floyd is not being asked to make as big of a jump but it still takes more than a few months.


As far as stamina I expected Floyd would be good with that, but then again he's now battling against bigger faster and stronger athletes than he's used to. That can wear out a smaller player but I haven't really noticed that much during preseason games. I always thought he was at least a year away from being a top contributor but I also think in the right sub-packages this year he's going to give us abilities in coverage and as an edge rusher that nobody else can do.


If he falls behind Christian Jones on the OLB depth chart then I'll be worried. Could be worse: We could have Bosa with his leg wrapped up on the bench after 1 practice. Or Goff on the inactive roster as the 3rd QB behind players nobody knows.



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Pace made me not have a team to support this year after over 30 years of being a Bears fan. White and Floyd will both be a bust. His player management has been horrible, and over valuing he or Fox had previously had on teams they were with.


The Bears have the prodigy of one of the worst teams in the NFL as their. Slauson, Forte, Mashall, soon to be Jeffery, Bennett, and so on, tore this team up and gave it the Saints with out Brees.

Pace has made you feel that way, but Emery and Trestman didn't? Pace has turned around one of the oldest and slowest rosters in the league in less than 2 years.


White got injured and Floyd hasn't even played a down yet and you are calling them both busts? Let's pump the brakes a little.


Slauson, Forte, and Marshall were all over 30, so no harm in letting those guys go. Bennett and Marshall were head cases and huge distractions.



The way I see it, the O-Line and Front-7 are significantly better, so if our skill players and DB's play near their potential, we will have a solid team. We are also in a much better cap situation than we have been in a long time.

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Pace made me not have a team to support this year after over 30 years of being a Bears fan. White and Floyd will both be a bust. His player management has been horrible, and over valuing he or Fox had previously had on teams they were with.


The Bears have the prodigy of one of the worst teams in the NFL as their. Slauson, Forte, Mashall, soon to be Jeffery, Bennett, and so on, tore this team up and gave it the Saints with out Brees.


Every year, year after year, at least one poster on the forum will say they give up on the Bears.


I disagree with you on Pace, I think he has done a heck of a job in the short time he has had to try and correct

over a decade of piss poor management by his predcessors.


However, that being said, even if I agreed with you on your evaluation of Pace, I would still be a Bears fanatic.


I guess you could say I am a "LIFER". LOL

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Fangio's comments are taking way out of context...read the actual interview and it is much different than the snippets.


After believing in Trestman, I have to doubt myself. But regardless, I bleed blue and orange. I will follow the Bears no matter what. I am still hopeful they will kick butt this year and do us proud, and in a few years we are a real SB contender.

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Drafts take 3 years to evaluate. Houston's Clowney was the first player taken a couple of years ago and how is that working for them. All first round draft picks aren't instant successes. I think if people complain enough about everything then they can say I told you so. If you think every move was bad then you will be right once in awhile. Give it till next year and see how everything turns out.

Clowney has supposed looked really really good this preseason so we might be regretting this statement.

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Wow is all I can say. We've seen 4 preseason games and some already think every rookie sucks swamp water and the GM sucks well. I bleed blue and orange. Ask the girlfriend. She is a packers fan(I know questionable thinking). She's tried hard along with my entire family of packer fans and yet I'm still here. Call me a gluten for punishment if you will

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Pace has made you feel that way, but Emery and Trestman didn't? Pace has turned around one of the oldest and slowest rosters in the league in less than 2 years.

Emery was horrible. Angelo was horrible. Trestman was ok. He gave us the second best offense in the league one year, so I can't say he was totally bad.


Pace turned it over, but did he turn it over in a good way? I guess we will have to wait and see, but given the Saints and what he has done here so far, I don't think so.


BTW, Slauson just turned 30 which is prime for a guard. Marshall was one of the top WR's in the league last year and will be this year and probably next. Forte may have a year or two left. Bennett is one of the best all around TE's in the league.

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Wow is all I can say. We've seen 4 preseason games and some already think every rookie sucks swamp water and the GM sucks well. I bleed blue and orange. Ask the girlfriend. She is a packers fan(I know questionable thinking). She's tried hard along with my entire family of packer fans and yet I'm still here. Call me a gluten for punishment if you will

I agree with you. I'm not judging to any permanent conclusions based upon the preseason.

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A "lifer" here too, though thankfully not living in packer country but have plenty of packer fans in my circle of friends.


I think it's way too early to pass judgement on White and Floyd and still too early to completely judge Pace/Fox. In 20/20 hindsight sure they've made some mistakes and so has every GM/coaching staff. I think part of the emotion behind our approval/disapproval is we as long time Bear fans are starved for a winner, starved for a dominant team. We will always remember the dominant Bears teams of the 80's that should have won more than one super bowl, or the 2006 season where we should have won it all and came up short. We so badly want our team to be a winner that it's hard to be patient and let the process of rebuilding happen when we've had seemingly more bad years than good in the past few decades or so. It's hard when you watch other teams at the bottom work their way up while our team seems to stay stuck in the mud. But I personally will give Pace and Fox the chance to prove they can right the ship, we have to remember what a dumpster fire this team was when Management had no choice but to can Trestman and Emery and the damage they did to our roster would not be fixed in one offseason, and not even in two. I feel like to this point they have done a good job retooling the roster. When they took over this was a lifeless shell of a team, full of turmoil, bad blood, and distractions. That doesn't get fixed overnight. We have to be patient.


Fangio's comments were taken out of context and just another example of journalists attempting to misslead to generate ratings, clicks, hits, etc. Controversy and negativity gets people riled up.

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