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Cutty out for a while...


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If you think about it Cubs style, we might be in the lottery this year for a top pick QB next year.


I see flashes from this team. Ive seen 8-8 teams that were solid but predictably mediocre. I dont see this team like that. I think this team flashes and regresses. I prefer that kind of bad team, because I think some players are in place, and we are still going somewhere. We might have to look really bad in the standings this year as a building but incomplete team.

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If you think about it Cubs style, we might be in the lottery this year for a top pick QB next year.


I see flashes from this team. Ive seen 8-8 teams that were solid but predictably mediocre. I dont see this team like that. I think this team flashes and regresses. I prefer that kind of bad team, because I think some players are in place, and we are still going somewhere. We might have to look really bad in the standings this year as a building but incomplete team.


Completely agree. And I'm fine giving tons of looks to various non-starters in order to see what they have. This team needs to get a very, very high draft pick, and nail it, or trade it for a bounty and pick multiple good players.

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Ironically for years you've supported Cutler. Not sure your credibility is valid.

Yes - I supported Cutler. I've long said you can win with him and I believe that to this day. I don't think we will have the talent needed to win with him until he is really old. Please note, I'm not saying we will win because of Jay, but that we can/could win with him.

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Yes - I supported Cutler. I've long said you can win with him and I believe that to this day. I don't think we will have the talent needed to win with him until he is really old. Please note, I'm not saying we will win because of Jay, but that we can/could win with him.

I am also in that camp with you. Which is why I support letting him go after the year

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I am also in that camp with you. Which is why I support letting him go after the year

I still think we should be able to trade him for something (as long as he plays reasonably well). Now if he really regresses, then nope, we won't get anything for him (and in that case, well, we'll just cut him anyway). Totally time to move on. I was fine moving on from him this year (in fact I was one of the biggest proponents on this site to trade him this off-season because I feel we need to remove the bandaid and rebuild and that means we need to get that QB. I do like Jimmy G too though and am perfectly fine moving a high pick for him.

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1. Don't want Jimmy G. That's a Patriots trap. They could put Uncle Rico in there and he'd look good.

2. Cutler is a mid-tier QB with whom games can be won. But not when the OL doesn't block, the RBs are questionable, and the defense never causes the other team concern.

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No. But bad decision making and lack of keeping care of the ball are on him...


Look, it's been 7 years. He's played behind better lines of ours and with better WR's...and he still makes mistakes, turns the ball over and can't be consistent.


He's had every opportunity to be better. He has not. He did better last year...but we still didn't move the ball all that well and lost more games than won. Given his age, and the lack of salary cap penalty...it's simply time to move on after this season barring the extremely improbable...


Because clearly all that is wrong is Cutler's fault...




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Because clearly all that is wrong is Cutler's fault...




In that case yes it was. Kevin White was single covered and wide open, while Jeffery and Royal were blanketed by 5 defenders. Good QB's see that quickly. It was a coverage sack that should have been a 30 yard gain.

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Because clearly all that is wrong is Cutler's fault...




Yet again there's excuses being offered for Cutlers poor play. I stopped reading the article but did they explain why when in the grasp Cutler decided to try and chuck it ahead of him but instead lost control of the ball? That's not a play you usually see a 10 year vet do. That's more indicative of someone who is a rookie and panics.

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Ironically for years you've supported Cutler. Not sure your credibility is valid.



Saying Cutler would and could win if you put together a good team around doesn't mean you blindly support him. No one has said he is a Top QB. If anything myself or someone else may have said he COULD be a top QB (not sure if I ever said it), based on his talents. If you dont see that Cutler never had a chance in Chicago I would question your credibility. Good D on the decline still won games without any talent around him. By the time they actually get some talent around him the D was gone, not sure on stats but last in the League bad. Then there is the Trestman and Emery shit fest, not to mention the 18 different OC's during his time here. If you watched the first two games this season Cutler has been under fire, no protection. He threw a pick and now Grizzley thinks he was right. How the Bears have handled the Oline is a perfect example of how they screw everything up. If you are going to fix the oline, fix it like Dallas did, not like the Bears.....oh shit our Oline sucks and a OG came on the market the week before the season started. How bad would the Oline be if the Packers didnt cut him??????? In Grizzley's eyes it would be Cutlers fault.





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Saying Cutler would and could win if you put together a good team around doesn't mean you blindly support him. No one has said he is a Top QB. If anything myself or someone else may have said he COULD be a top QB (not sure if I ever said it), based on his talents. If you dont see that Cutler never had a chance in Chicago I would question your credibility. Good D on the decline still won games without any talent around him. By the time they actually get some talent around him the D was gone, not sure on stats but last in the League bad. Then there is the Trestman and Emery shit fest, not to mention the 18 different OC's during his time here. If you watched the first two games this season Cutler has been under fire, no protection. He threw a pick and now Grizzley thinks he was right. How the Bears have handled the Oline is a perfect example of how they screw everything up. If you are going to fix the oline, fix it like Dallas did, not like the Bears.....oh shit our Oline sucks and a OG came on the market the week before the season started. How bad would the Oline be if the Packers didnt cut him??????? In Grizzley's eyes it would be Cutlers fault.


Most of what you wrote is absolutely ridiculous and desperate. Try watching the games in their entirety rather than focusing on one or two plays ..and repeating it over and over.


Cutler is mediocre on his best day. Plain and simple. The stats support it, his career supports it and his lack of winning anything significant supports it . He's had 10 years to prove it despite all the various excuses you or anyone else offers. And still he's average..if that

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Yes - I supported Cutler. I've long said you can win with him and I believe that to this day. I don't think we will have the talent needed to win with him until he is really old. Please note, I'm not saying we will win because of Jay, but that we can/could win with him.



Clearly I was and still in that camp. Can anyone say the Bears are really good at ____________________?

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Most of what you wrote is absolutely ridiculous and desperate. Cutler is mediocre on his best day. Plain and simple. The stats support it, his career supports it and his lack of winning anything significant supports it . He's had 10 years to prove it despite all the various excuses you or anyone else offers. And still he's average..if that



I give zero fucks what you think is ridiculous and desperate. Eveything I wrote happened. Sorry it wasnt 18 OC, maybe 6 or 7.

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Hey Alaska....


Curious thought here. If you think Cutler sucks so bad, can you answer the following questions?


Which years have the Bears had a good OL while Cutler has been in town?

What's the max number of OCs you would consider acceptable during Cutler's tenure, before that number started to hinder success?

Which years have the Bears had a good D while Cutler has been in town?

Which years have the Bears had 2 of the following three good at the same time: OL, D, WRs?


I know you don't like him, but you're fooling yourself if you think the results would be any better when, as shown in the link with the play breakdown, there are literally four guys screwing up around Cutler. As I've said many times before, the Bears often present Cutler with a "make the first read and throw it on a 3-step drop or you're going to get sacked, get hit, or have to run." Meanwhile, the upper echelon QBs of the league seemingly have all day to throw, game after game, season after season. You may not like it, but there is a definite correlation.

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Yet again there's excuses being offered for Cutlers poor play. I stopped reading the article but did they explain why when in the grasp Cutler decided to try and chuck it ahead of him but instead lost control of the ball? That's not a play you usually see a 10 year vet do. That's more indicative of someone who is a rookie and panics.



Sorry but once again you are the one blaming everything on Cutler, and you are right no veteran QB should ever attempt a pass when a defender is about to tackle him.


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Sorry but once again you are the one blaming everything on Cutler, and you are right no veteran QB should ever attempt a pass when a defender is about to tackle him.



Oh brother. I use the Rodgers comparison and its 'how dare you'. Then told that Rodgers is in a totally different class. So I guess you proved that point. In fact it's that very comparison how Rodgers is able to produce despite a bad Oline. Problem is when Cutler does this type of play it turns into turnovers a higher percentage of the time.

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